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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Monday, February 1, 2016

             CHILD’S PLAY

Aruba celebrates the Grand Children’s
     Carnaval Parade in Oranjestad

                                                                                                                             See more on Page 14 & 15

Turnout is key factor in Monday’s leadoff Iowa caucuses

The Associated Press            even private homes in the       and on to  New  Hampshire     Kelsey Johnson of Greensburg, Ind., cheers as Democratic
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa           first in a series of state-by-  — than the voters.            presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during
(AP) — Democratic and           state nominating contests.      In the last major preference  a campaign rally at Grand View University, on Sunday, Jan. 31,
Republican presidential         Iowa offers only a small con-   poll before the caucuses,     2016, in Des Moines, Iowa.
candidates scrambled            tingent of the delegates        Trump, the billionaire real
across Iowa on Sunday to        who will determine the          estate mogul, had the sup-                                                                        Associated Press
close the deal with the first   nominees at each party’s        port of 28 percent of likely
voters to have a say in the     national nominating con-        caucus-goers, with Texas      as a “consistent conserva-     boost turnout among non-
2016 race for the White         vention in July. But those      Sen. Ted Cruz at 23 percent   tive,” is relying on a strong  traditional caucus partici-
House, urging their sup-        candidates exceeding ex-        and Florida Sen. Marco        get-out-the-vote operation     pants.
porters to take part in Mon-    pectations will gain a burst    Rubio at 15 percent. The      to overtake Trump, who is
day’s caucuses in which         of momentum heading             Iowa Poll, published by The   hoping his star power will            Continued on Page 2
outsiders Bernie Sanders        into  New  Hampshire with       Des Moines Register and
and Donald Trump are pin-       its Feb. 9 primary and oth-     Bloomberg, also found Hill-
ning their hopes on a large     er early voting states. The     ary Clinton with 45 percent
turnout.                        caucus results should also      support to Sanders’ 42 per-
The caucuses will provide a     help winnow the crowded         cent. The poll of 602 likely
big test of whether the large   Republican field of nearly a    Republican caucus-goers
enthusiastic crowds turning     dozen candidates.               and 602 likely Democratic
out at rallies for Trump and    A snowfall forecast to start    caucus-goers was taken
Sanders will turn into actual   Monday night appeared           Tuesday to Friday and has
votes when Iowans gather        more likely to hinder the       a margin of error of plus or
on a wintry night for meet-     presidential contenders         minus 4 percentage points.
ings at schools, libraries and  in their rush out of Iowa —     Cruz, who describes himself
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