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UP FRONTMonday 1 February 2016
Visitors wait in line outside a rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Abra- Continued from front in the non-denomination-
al First Christian Orchard
ham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016. “I don’t have to win” in Campus in Council Bluffs
Iowa, Trump said, before with his wife, Melania, and
Associated Press adding that he believes he two staffers. The billionaire
has “a good chance” of took communion when it
victory. was passed, but initially he
Rubio pitched himself as mistook the silver plates be-
the pragmatic choice for ing circulated around the
Republicans who want to auditorium, and dug sev-
win the November elec- eral bills out of his pocket.
tion. “I thought it was for offer-
On the Democratic side, ing,” he said with a laugh
Sanders, an independent to his staff.
senator from Vermont who Cruz said on “Fox News Sun-
caucuses with the Demo- day” that he’s attracting
crats, is depending on en- “the old Reagan coalition”
thusiastic young voters to ranging from anti-estab-
turn up in greater numbers lishment conservatives to
at the caucuses. Clinton working-class Democrats.
has more support among The Texas senator directed
older voters who regularly most of his final advertising
show up for the caucuses. against Rubio as the sena-
“People are really enthusi- tors’ feud intensified at the
astic, and if people come Iowa finish line.
out to vote, I think you’re Cruz took to the airwaves
going to look at one of the to challenge the conser-
biggest political upsets in vative credentials of Rubio.
the modern history of our One ad said of Rubio: “Tax
country,” Sanders, a self- hikes. Amnesty. The Repub-
described democratic so- lican Obama.”
cialist, told CNN’s “State of Rubio countered on CNN
the Union.” that Cruz is “always looking
Sanders’ campaign sought to take whatever position it
to claim financial momen- takes to win votes or raise
tum, saying it has raised money.”
$20 million in January, Later, campaigning in
largely from small donors, Cedar Falls, Rubio down-
suggesting he will continue played differences among
to match front-runner Clin- the Republican hopefuls,
ton’s vast resources. casting himself as the par-
Clinton, the former Sec- ty’s best hope against the
retary of State, said she Democrats.
had been subjected to “It’s not just about who you
“years of scrutiny, and I’m like the most. It’s about who
still standing.” On ABC’s gives us the best chance
“This Week,” she said, “I of winning. That matters,”
feel vetted. I feel ready. I Rubio said at the University
feel strong, and I think I’m of Northern Iowa.
the best person to be the Rubio is hoping to finish
nominee and to defeat at least a strong third in
whoever they nominate in Iowa, giving him an edge
November.” in the battle to emerge
Several Republican can- as the favorite of the par-
didates attended church ty establishment head-
services Sunday — in part, ing into New Hampshire,
a testament to the influ- where he will faces com-
ence that evangelical petition from former Florida
Christians wield in the Re- Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jer-
publican contest. sey Gov. Chris Christie and
Trump attended services Ohio Gov. John Kasich.q