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                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday 16 July 2015

Hilton Hotels & Resorts Expands Caribbean Portfolio with
the Opening of Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino!

--New Beachfront Hilton in    Caribbean Resort & Ca-         cent addition to our Ca-      cierge service and rooms      memorable dining experi-
Palm Beach, Aruba Wel-        sino welcomes guests to a      ribbean portfolio with its    featuring custom artwork.     ence with award-winning
comes Travelers to One        premier resort experience.     remarkable connection to      Meet:                         options offering everything
Happy Island                  Featuring glamorous ar-        the island’s past and ex-     An ideal choice for wed-      from casual fare to fresh
                              chitecture (the hotel was      ceptional team members        dings, corporate events,      seafood. La Playa Torch-
ORANJESTAD, Aruba and         designed by Morris Lapi-       who bring traditional Aru-    intimate parties and ga-      light Dinner offers a roman-
MCLEAN, Va. – July 15, 2015
– Hilton Hotels & Resorts,    dus, renowned architect of     ban hospitality to life. We   las, the property provides    tic beachfront exclusive
the flagship brand of Hilton  some of Miami’s most fa-       are grateful for the oppor-   nearly 40,000 square feet of  dining experience with a
Worldwide (NYSE: HLT), an-    mous hotels, as well as the    tunity to be a part of this   indoor and outdoor event      personal server and four-
nounced today the open-       The Condado Plaza Hilton       hospitable community,         space for any occasion. In-   course dinner, Gilligan’s
ing of the 355-room Hilton    and DoubleTree by Hilton       and extend Hilton’s warm      doors, the hotel offers more  Beach Bar & Grill is open for
Aruba Caribbean Resort &      Hotel Metropolitan – New       welcome to the island’s       than 15,000 square feet       breakfast, lunch and din-
Casino, a 15-acre beach-      York City), unmatched          residents and visitors.”      of flexible function space    ner offering comfort food
front oasis in Palm Beach,    beaches, enchanting gar-       Stay The upscale Hilton       including eight meeting       favorites in a friendly casual
Aruba. With a privileged      dens, an expansive pool        Aruba Caribbean Resort &      rooms with total capacity     environment, Laguna Res-
location on picturesque       complex, kids club, wa-        Casino features 355 charm-    for more than 900 guests,     taurant welcomes guests to
white sand beaches, this      tersports and dive center,     ing guest rooms, including    five private intimate meet-   indoor and outdoor dining
upscale resort in Aruba       world-class spa, on-site ca-   executive floor rooms and     ing rooms for smaller gath-   featuring Caribbean fare
welcomes travelers to one     sino and culinary choices      suites, outfitted with com-   erings, a Grand Caribbean     and health-inspired cuisine,
of the Caribbean’s most       for the most discerning pal-   fortable and luxurious bed-   Ballroom accommodat-          Mira Solo, meaning “look
desired destinations.         ate, this resort offers some-  ding, flat screen TVs, wire-  ing more than 900 guests      at the sun” in Papiamento,
“Aruba is the quintessen-     thing for everyone.            less Internet access, coffee  and two business centers.     is the first and only martini
tial Caribbean island with    “The opening of Hilton         maker and more. Rooms         Outdoors, approximately       and wine bar in Aruba and
its strong European influ-    Aruba Caribbean Resort &       offer a tropical décor,       24,000 square feet of lush    Sunset Grille is the resort’s
ence, long stretches of       Casino is celebrated with      views of the gardens, pools   tropical landscape can        award-winning signature
white beach and eclectic      pride,” said Tom Potter,       or sea, and spacious balco-   accommodate up to 2,000       restaurant serving interna-
culinary scene,” said Rob     senior vice president, Ca-     nies for outdoor relaxation.  guests.                       tional specialties including
Palleschi, global head,       ribbean, Mexico and Latin      Executive floor guests enjoy  Eat:                          steak and seafood dishes.
full service brands, Hilton   America, Hilton Worldwide.     special access to an exec-    Hilton Aruba Caribbean
Worldwide. “As one of the     “This project is a magnifi-    utive lounge, private con-    Resort & Casino offers a           Continued on Page 16
most revisited destinations
in the region, this opening
marks an important mile-
stone as we continue to ex-
pand our global presence
and deliver on our commit-
ment to providing diverse
experiences for our guests.”
Located on the largest
beachfront stretch of Palm
Beach and less than 10
miles from the capital city
of Oranjestad, Hilton Aruba
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