Page 18 - MIN TTC JULY 16
P. 18


LOCALThursday 16 July 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently of honoring a group of nix Beach Resort as Distin- symbolic honorary titles are        a token of appreciation to
the Aruba Tourism Author- loyal and friendly visitors guished Visitors and Am- presented in the name of      guests who visit Aruba for
ity had the great pleasure of Aruba at the Divi Phoe- bassadors of Goodwill. The the Minister of Tourism as  10-to -19 and 20-to-34 con-
                                                                                                             secutive years.
                                                                                                             The honorees were Mr. Mi-
                                                                                                             chael and Mrs. Dawn Zinc-
                                                                                                             kgraf and their children
                                                                                                             Nicole and Jessica, from
                                                                                                             Morris Plains, New Jersey,
                                                                                                             Ms. Christa and her broth-
                                                                                                             er Dan Zambardino from
                                                                                                             Spring Lake and Jersey
                                                                                                             City, New Jersey, and Mrs.
                                                                                                             Lisa Bell Matthews and her
                                                                                                             daughter Hope Matthews
                                                                                                             from West Hempstead,
                                                                                                             New York. All the honor-
                                                                                                             ees are loyal members of
                                                                                                             the Divi Phoenix Beach Re-
                                                                                                             sort and they love Aruba
                                                                                                             very much because of the
                                                                                                             friendly people, the weath-
                                                                                                             er, the beaches, the res-
                                                                                                             taurants and the Casinos.
                                                                                                             Aruba feels like a second
                                                                                                             home to these guests and
                                                                                                             the people are like family
                                                                                                             to them.
                                                                                                             The certificates were pre-
                                                                                                             sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
                                                                                                             representing the Aruba
                                                                                                             Tourism Authority together
                                                                                                             with Mrs. Avril Culley and
                                                                                                             Ms.Vicsaira Tevreden rep-
                                                                                                             resenting the Divi Phoenix
                                                                                                             Beach Resort.q
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