Page 19 - MIN TTC JULY 16
P. 19
LOCALThursday 16 July 2015
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort &Casino
Continued from Page 13
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Aruba Growth Fund (rep- partners, and managed by
Resort & Casino partici- resenting the main pension Hilton Worldwide.
pates in Hilton HHonors®, funds in Aruba, and their For more information and
the award-winning guest- 10,000+ members) and its reservations, visit hilton.
loyalty program for Hilton
Worldwide’s twelve dis- tion by developing prod- The Aruba Growth Fund is a
tinct hotel brands. Hilton ucts and services to meet private equity fund estab-
HHonors Members always the needs of savvy global lished in 2012, and focuses
get our lowest price with travelers at more than 550 on investments in well-es-
our Best Price Guarantee, hotels across six continents. tablished Aruban compa-
along with HHonors Points, Hilton is the stylish, forward- nies.
free Wi-Fi, digital check-in thinking global leader in The fund has a range of in-
and no booking fees only hospitality with Team Mem- vestors, including the larg-
when they book directly bers shaping experiences est pension funds in the
through Hilton. in which every guest feels country, as well as several
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Re- cared for, valued and re- respectable private com-
sort & Casino is owned by spected. Access the latest panies and bank. Manage-
news at ment of the fund is in the
com or call 1-800-HILTONS. and begin your journey at hands of BKM Manage-
To access high-resolution or www. ment, an investment man-
images, you can down- for the agement company run
load via the WeTransfer link: latest hotel specials. Hilton by Rene Kan, Milton Berlin- Hotels & Resorts is one of Hil- ski and Justus Martens. Visit
About Hilton Hotels & Re- ton Worldwide’s 12 brands. for
sorts: About Aruba Growth Fund: more information.q
Founded in 1919 as the
flagship brand of Hilton
Worldwide, Hilton Hotels &
Resorts continues to build
upon its legacy of innova-