Page 54 - MIN TTC JULY 16
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6 DONDERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AMIGOE
       16 JULI 2015

                            Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
                            Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.

                                More than Words

  vents                     Sindey Faneyte

NIGHTLIFE                   By Francis Koolman                                 one or have an in depth conversation with
                                                                               someone to completely understand where
Kachaka Thursday            “Communication leads to community, that            the person is coming from. Whatever Sindey
July 16, 10 PM              is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual          is thinking and/or experiencing emotionally is
The Alley                   valuing.” Sindey Faneyte creates art that          expressed in the strokes of her paint brush
Red Cup Karaoke Night       communicates what she can’t say with mere          or the color she uses. Whether you know or
July 16, 9 PM               words. Having spent her childhood in Ven-          not what she is trying to convey is also part
TMF Cafe                    ezuela, and later growing up in Curaçao,           of the whole process for her. She expresses
Omundo Thursday             she experienced a collection of culture, tra-      what and how she feels at the time and if
July 16, 10.30 PM           dition, and languages. All of those aspects        the viewer can identify what Sindey is trying
Omundo                      influenced the way she approaches her art.         put across, great, if not, that’s fine as well.
Dance Classics              Sindey revels in the process of taking an          It’s a classic example of an artist creating
July 17, 8.30 PM            idea or artistic spark and creating something      something with a specific intention and the
Cabana Beach                visual out of it. For her, it’s not about telling  audience extracting something completely
Rainbow Lounge “Spoil me”   someone something using a certain vocab-           different from what was initially intended.
Happy Hour                  ulary. Sindey takes her ideas, beliefs, and        Regarding the audience, Sindey wants them
July 17, 6 PM               emotions, puts them through her creative           to “feel something,” maybe not exactly what
Floris Suite                process and produces her art.                      she was feeling when she was creating it.
27 Live Raven
July 17, 10 PM              The beginning for Sindey can be traced             Sindey summed it up well when she stated,
Bar 27                      back to reading books as a child. As she           “I don’t see myself doing anything that’s not
H.I.P.                      read, more and more images would pop               art.” The aspect of self-discovery plays a big
July 17, 11 PM              into her head. The words in the stories she        role in why she Sindey has such a strong
Spoonz                      read would spark visual images and Sindey          connection to the art world and life. Even
Groove Lounge               worked to bring those mental pictures to life.     though painting is her strongest area, other
July 18, 7 PM               One of the first ways in which her creative        expressions of art such as sculptures and
Downtown Diving, Baya       juices would flow was with matches; yes, she       art installations (art installation is an artistic
Beach                       played with matches. She would create pic-         genre of three-dimensional works that are
Tipiko Pasa Bon             tures and houses with those matches. Her           often site-specific and designed to transform
July 18, 8.30 PM            mother saw her passion for art and creativ-        the perception of a space) stretch her artistic
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei  ity, and enrolled her in art classes to develop    horizons. Trying a new artistic genre requires
Rhydd’m                     her obvious talent. Sindey figured she would       research and experimenting. By “trying new
July 18, 5 PM               use her talent and skill to become a fashion       things,” the artist expresses themselves in
Zanzibar                    designer, but the art world had a much stron-      different ways and sometimes the results are
27 Live Classic Rock Night  ger pull than the fashion world.                   interesting and other times it’s just weird. In
July 18, 10 PM                                                                 the end, for Sindey it’s about creating art that
Bar 27                      “I communicate what I feel and think through       inspires her and expresses what she feels; “I
JPB #Iamballing             my art.” It’s not enough to chat with some-        explain myself through art.”
July 18, 10 PM
Club Elevate                                                                                                                                                              IN tShPeOT LIGHT
Invitation to Dance
July 18, 11 PM               (AP) — Deepak Jaya-                              Strong sales, but
Spoonz                      simha’s fitness tracker                          high abandonment
Jill Frans                   is now with his father-                        for fitness trackers
July 22, 7.30 PM             in-law in India, where
Zanzibar                    it sits unused. Annabel                         The statement didn’t address Fitbit owners                                                    Being a teacher is much more
Noche española                Kelly foisted hers off                        who’ve stopped using the device.                                                              than just teaching
July 22, 8.30 PM
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei    on the kids. Virginia                         If people aren’t using their trackers, they     She likened her Fitbit Flex to gyms people    Since she was a little girl she played school with   Gisela
Ced Ride & Folklor           Atkinson took hers off                         won’t recommend them to friends and             join as part of New Year’s resolutions, but   her friends and family, she explained home-
July 23, 8.30 PM             to charge the battery                          family or upgrade when a new model              drop out of by February or March. Except      work to her classmates, and helped out wher-         Haynes-
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei  and hasn’t picked it up                         comes out, said Dan Ledger, who tracks          in her case, she still goes to the gym.       ever she could. Yet, Gisela Haynes-Koenraad          Koenraad
Rockstarz                                                                   wearable devices at Endeavour Partners.                                                       never thought of becoming a teacher. “I knew I
July 24, 11 PM                   since February.                            They also won’t pay for premium subscrip-       Kelly, a researcher in New Canaan, Con-       wanted to help children, but the realization that
Spoonz                                                                      tion packages, a potential growth area for      necticut, won two Activite Pops from With-    I wanted to become a teacher took me years.”
Entrenous                   Although sales of Fitbit and other fitness      Fitbit.                                         ings at a conference. She wore it for a day   Gisela (44) is now head of the Alablanca School
Black & Gold edition        trackers are strong, many of their owners                                                       and got frustrated that she wasn’t credited   in Barber and has been a teacher for twenty
July 25, 10 PM              lose enthusiasm for them once the novelty       Jayasimha, a New Yorker who walks three         for cross-training at the gym. She made       years.
District 1850               of knowing how many steps they’ve taken         to four miles a day, said his Jawbone Up        her 5- and 7-year-old daughters wear
Dolce band                  wears off. One research firm, Endeavour         stopped giving him information he didn’t        them to make sure they were getting ex-       By Elisa Koek                                        have students who’re able to pursue at normal
July 25, 5 PM               Partners, estimates that about a third of       already know. After it stopped working          ercise. (Unlike Kelly, the kids didn’t have                                                        secondary education. This is a beautiful mo-
Zanzibar                    these trackers get abandoned after six          one day, he didn’t bother getting it fixed      a choice.)                                    At first Gisela aimed her arrows at becoming a       ment for parents, us and of course the children
Hot 25 Marathon             months. A health care investment fund,          for months. Even then, he never used it                                                       nurse, but she noticed how attached she be-          themselves. These moments are the reason we
July 25                     Rock Health, says Fitbit’s regulatory filings   again. His wife used it for two weeks be-       Withings CEO Cedric Hutchings said the        came to the people she helped. “I’m a really         do this.”
Spoonz                      suggest that only half of Fitbit’s nearly 20    fore sending it off overseas to her dad,        company tried to design a device that         an empathetic person and nurses don’t have
Leo Martis & Friends        million registered users were still active as   who has yet to use it.                          was primarily a watch, so people will want    the time and task to attach to people like I do.     Gisela explains it’s sometimes difficult for par-
July 29, 7.30 PM            of the first quarter of 2015.                                                                   to wear it regardless of its tracking capa-   Above that, children always had my interest so I     ents and children to accept a child needs special
Zanzibar                                                                    “I was just carrying through with the mo-       bilities. Withings is also gradually adding   decided I wanted to be a teacher.”                   care. Parents are mostly concerned about the
Full Moon                   “The question for investors is how long the     tion,” Jayasimha said. “For someone who         functionality, such as swimming though a                                                           future of their child and think normal education
July 31, 10 PM              market will continue to grow at this rate,      is not physically active, I think it will be    software update this week.                    Gisela became a teacher and since last year          is the best answer. Children feel they’re stupid,
Kokomo Beach                and whether Fitbit can execute on grow-         useful. But once you get to a state where                                                     she’s head of the Alablanca School, a school         because they need to go to a special school.
                            ing engagement before ... the number of         you are happy with the activities you do, it    Simply selling hardware would be a fail-      for children with learning difficulties. The school  “The opposite is true. These children benefit by
ART & CULTURE               devices sold per year reaches saturation,”      loses its efficacy.”                            ure, Hutchings said, if people don’t use it.  consists of three departments: LOM, ZMLK and         another type of education and once they start
                            Malay Gandhi, a managing director at            With smartphones, tablets and game con-                                                       MLK. Especially at the ZMLK- department the          getting the proper curriculum, they blossom. We
Paint Your Own Chichi       Rock Health, wrote on a blog.                   soles, IDC analyst Ramon Llamas said,           In a statement, Jawbone didn’t directly       curriculum contains a lot of practical subjects      stimulate them in everything and they find out
Walk-in Workshop                                                            you can download a new app or game to           address product abandonment, but              like cooking, art and cleaning. “We focus on         they’re not stupid and explore their talents.”
July 17, 9 AM - 12 AM       Abandonment affects all manufacturers of        give them new life.                             said it sees “high levels of user engage-     self-reliance. Most of these children think they
Serena’s Art Factory        fitness trackers, which are relatively cheap                                                    ment,” given that the more time one           can’t do anything, but we teach them that they’re    Gisela proudly shows all the paintings the chil-
Hotel La Tentashon          at about $100 and are commonly given            That’s not to say all of these trackers get     spends with it, the more data Jawbone         capable of much more than they know.”                dren made this last year. Some even won com-
July 18, 5 PM               as gifts. Fitbit gets the spotlight because it  abandoned.                                      has to offer personalized coaching and                                                             petitions on the island. “Our children are totally
Sentro di Bario Montaña     started trading publicly last month and has                                                     guidance.                                      It’s not a coincidence Gisela is working with       free to be creative and every time they surprise
Festival Di Integrashon     76 percent of the U.S. market share by          — Eric Leverett, 52, a production man-                                                        ‘special’ children. She explains that teaching       me with their talent. Some might not shine in
Musikal Kòrsou              revenue, up from 64 percent a year earlier,     ager in Birmingham, Alabama, got a Fitbit       Makers of fitness trackers are already        these kids new things goes step by step and          mathematics, but they definitely do in painting,
July, 18, 22, 23 and 25     according to the NPD Group.                     Charge as a gift and engages in a friendly      thinking ahead with higher-end models at      seeing little improvements along the way is what     cooking and many other areas.” For Gisela her
Brakkeput Mei Mei                                                           competition with his 82-year-old dad on         double the price.                             makes her job so beautiful. “It takes a little more  work is not just being the head of a school or
Landhuis Ascencion tour     The company’s market valuation of $8.6          who walks more. Though the initial ex-          The Fitbit Surge with GPS tracking and        time, a bit more effort and some extra patience,     a teacher, it’s much more. “Being a teacher is
Thursdays at 8.30 AM        billion is high compared with earnings so       citement has worn off, he said, wearing         message notification costs $250 and Jaw-      but you can reach a lot with these children.”        not just teaching. It’s being a parent, nurse and
Landhuis Ascencion          far, which could point to enormous growth       the Fitbit encourages him to walk the dog       bone’s Up 4 with mobile payments costs        Gisele’s job can be hard, but the beautiful mo-      best friend. You’re raising a child and your heart
Snip exhibition             potential — or simply overvaluation.            more often and shun the golf cart while         $200.                                         ments make up for everything. “Every year we         needs to be in it.”
Tuesday - Friday,                                                           playing a round.                                But Android smartwatches cost about as
10 AM - 4PM                 Fitbit now has competition from Apple                                                           much, and Apple Watch just a bit more,
Postmuseum                  Watch and other smartwatches that do            — Shari Winston, a high school counselor        starting at $350.
Nochi Chiste                what fitness trackers do and more, such         in Falls Church, Virginia, credits her Fitbit
Wednesdays at 7 PM          as showing news updates and boarding            Flex with getting her to exercise regularly.
Teatro Luna Blou            passes for flights.                             She considered devices that do more, but
Local handcraft market                                                      she’s sticking with the Fitbit for now for its
‘Marshe di Artesania’       In a statement, Fitbit said it intends to re-   simplicity.
Every 2nd Saturday of the   main a market leader through new features       It comes down to expectations.Atkinson, a
month, 10 AM - 2 PM         and services to boost user engagement           writer inAdrian, Michigan, was expecting a
Gallery Alma Blou           and revenue. The company said it keeps          cheerleader but found monotony.
                            users motivated by offering ways to com-
                            pete with friends and family and awarding
                            virtual badges for hitting fitness milestones.
                            Fitbit added that people who regularly use
                            their devices make healthier choices.
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