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SPORTSThursday 17 September
British Cycling aims for podium at road world championships
DAVE SKRETTA In this May 20, 2015, file photo, cyclist Mark Cavendish, of Britain, makes his way up Libby Hill ment funding. Most of our
AP Sports Writer during his test ride of the 2015 UCI Road World Championships Road Course. competitors do,” said Der-
From Bradley Wiggins cele- ek Bouchard-Hall, who was
brating his groundbreaking Associated Press chosen earlier this year to
Tour de France triumph on be the new CEO of USA Cy-
the Champs-Elysses, to Brit- marginal gains, where the cling and now works for the nology. cling. “We’re dependent
ain’s record-setting medal team would seek out even BMC Racing Team. “Some “The world of cycling is a on membership activities
haul at the London Olym- the smallest edges, such things we did had less than bit of an arms race right and corporate sponsor-
pics, the rest of the world as ways to optimize sleep a 1 percent benefit, but it now just in the amount of ship, and donors. That’s a
has been trying to play schedules. The idea was all adds up.” money teams spend on real hurdle to overcome.”
catch-up to British Cycling that all those tiny advan- Of course, marginal gains scientific training, research, The evidence is in the hard-
the past few years. tages would add up to sig- are easier to unearth if nutritionists, stuff that didn’t ware.
Now, with the road world nificant gains on the rest of there is plenty of cash avail- happen years ago,” said In 2011, Cavendish de-
championships beginning the competition. able. Since the late 1990s, Jonathan Vaughters, who livered Britain’s first road
this weekend in Richmond, “Often the process of train- lottery funding has helped runs the U.S.-based Can- world title since the star-
Virginia, Britain once again ing and preparing athletes to fill British Cycling’s cof- nondale-Garmin team. crossed Tom Simpson in
has aspirations of landing was getting overlooked,” fers, allowing it to hire the That goes for trade teams 1965 — nobody else had
several riders on the top said David Bailey, who was best coaches and trainers and national teams alike. even finished on the podi-
step of a podium. a physiologist for British Cy- and develop the best tech- “We don’t receive govern- um. Nicole Cooke won the
“I think we’re pretty good women’s race in 2008, the
on most of our age groups same year she captured
across the board there,” gold at the Beijing Olym-
said Ian Dyer, Britain’s pics.
coach coordinator. While the British were shut
The team announced last out of medals at the BMX
week is highlighted on the world championships this
men’s side by former world year, they made up for it
champion Mark Cav- with two gold, three silver
endish and the versatile and two bronze medals at
Geraint Thomas, and the the mountain bike worlds.
women’s side by Lizzie Ar- Now comes the road
mitstead, who last month worlds, where Cavendish
was crowned the overall and Thomas are joined by
World Cup champion after a young, talented roster
a dominant season. that includes Luke Rowe
But there are also some fa- and Alex Dowsett, and
miliar names missing from where Armitstead will be
the roster. accompanied in the wom-
Start with Wiggins, the en’s race by Alice Barnes
reigning Olympic and and British national time
world time trial cham- trial champ Hayley Sim-
pion, who has all but re- monds.
tired from road racing as “We have high hopes for
he returns to track cycling a number of riders in terms
for the Rio Olympics. Then of medal prospects,” Dyer
there’s Chris Froome, this said, “but it will also be a
year’s Tour champion, who fantastic opportunity for
would have been among some of the younger and
the time trial favorites in less experienced members
Richmond had a crash at of the team to compete at
the Vuelta a Espana not an international event for
ended his season. the first time.”q
“Both for the road race and
time trial, Froome would Hayne helps ESPN to record Australian TV figures for NFL
have been a pretty good
bet, I think,” Dyer said. “But SYDNEY (AP) — They’re mi- Bowl. Associated Press. scoring Venezuela 12-4.
the main thing is he heals nuscule viewership num- ESPN is only available on U.S. beats Venezuela to The U.S. improved to 6-0
up and has a good winter bers compared with the pay television in Australia. stay unbeaten at volleyball for 18 points, one ahead
now.” U.S., but Jarryd Hayne’s NFL The figures do not include World Cup of world champion Poland,
There are many reasons regular-season debut with those from a station which which was also unbeaten
Britain — once an after- the San Francisco 49ers acquired the 49ers’ free-to- OSAKA, Japan (AP) — The but conceded more sets.
thought in the sport — has drew a higher television au- air rights this season. United States overpowered Poland rallied from a set
climbed pedal stroke by dience in Australia than the The ex-rugby league star’s Venezuela 25-18, 25-16, 25- down to beat Canada 23-
pedal stroke onto the level Super Bowl. first touch of the ball was 20 to stay unbeaten and 25, 25-15, 25-19, 25-19. Bar-
of traditional heavyweights Mumbrella, an Australian a fumble and turnover to remain in first place at the tosz Kurek scored 21 points.
such as Italy and France. entertainment website, on the Minnesota Vikings. But volleyball World Cup on Italy was third with a 5-1 re-
Start with the vision of long- Wednesday said Hayne’s he had four rushes for 13 Wednesday. cord after beating Iran 25-
time boss Dave Brailsford, debut drew a television au- yards with a 9-yard gain as Matt Anderson scored 14 19, 25-23, 25-21.
who stepped aside last dience on ESPN of 116,000, his longest run, while also points and Taylor Sander Also, Argentina defeated
year to focus on his role topping the record mark of catching a 7-yard pass, in 12, as the U.S. continued winless Egypt 25-18, 25-19,
leading Team Sky. He in- 107,100 for this year’s Super San Francisco’s 20-3 win.q to dominate on serve, out- 25-21 to lie fifth.q
troduced the concept of