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BUSINESSThursday 17 September
Wall Street advances ahead of Fed decision FedEx Q1 results are mixed,
KEN SWEET year bull market in stocks percent in London after the lowering fiscal 2016 outlook
AP Business Writer by making bonds, CDs company said it received
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks and other interest-bearing a takeover offer from An- DAVID KOENIG
posted solid gains Wednes- investments less attrac- heuser-Busch InBev of Bel- AP Business Writer
day ahead of a closely tive, driving investors to put gium. A combination of the DALLAS (AP) — FedEx reported disappointing results
watched decision by the money into the stock mar- two would create a mas- for its latest quarter, and the delivery giant cut its full-
Federal Reserve on wheth- ket. sive conglomerate worth year profit forecast on weaker demand for freight
er or not to raise interest “If they raise tomorrow, it’s $275 billion. Any potential services and higher costs in its ground division.
rates. going to be nasty for the deal would be heavily scru- The company also said it plans to hire more than
Beer companies gained stock market. Much of the tinized by regulators. 55,000 seasonal workers for the holidays, an increase
on word of a possible deal rally back has had much U.S.-traded shares of AB of at least 5,000 over last year’s plan.
between two giant brew- to do with investors believ- InBev rose $7.39, or 7 per- Its shares fell almost 4 percent in afternoon trading.
ers, and energy stocks ing the Fed isn’t going to cent, to $115.43. Other FedEx Corp. said that it expects to earn between
rose sharply following a big move,” said Tom di Galo- beer makers also rose. Mol- $10.40 and $10.90 for the fiscal year that ends next
jump in the price of oil. ma, head of fixed income son Coors jumped $10.34, May, down 20 cents from an earlier prediction. Ana-
The Dow Jones industrial rates trading at ED&F Man or 14 percent, to $82.98. lysts expected $10.84, according to a survey by Fact-
average rose 140.10 points, Capital. Energy stocks also rose af- Set.
or 0.8 percent, to 16,739.95. Investors’ opinions are ter a steeper-than-expect- The reduced outlook comes despite cost-cutting
The Standard & Poor’s 500 mixed on the chance of a ed drop in crude invento- moves, growth in online commerce, and upcom-
index rose 17.22 points, or rate increase. Two months ries sent oil prices sharply ing price hikes. Rates for express, ground and freight
0.9 percent, to 1,995.31 ago, it seemed almost cer- higher. shipments will rise by average 4.9 percent on Jan. 4,
and the Nasdaq compos- tain that the Fed was going U.S. benchmark crude and surcharges for oversized packages will go up in
ite added 28.72 points, or to raise rates in Septem- jumped $2.56, or 5.7 per- November, before the peak holiday season.
0.6 percent, to 4,889.24. ber. Now, after the turmoil cent, to $47.15 a barrel on Chairman and CEO Fred Smith said the Memphis,
Investors have been specu- in financial markets in Au- the New York Mercantile Tennessee-based company was “performing solidly
lating about when the Fed- gust over concerns about Exchange. Brent crude, a given weaker-than-expected economic conditions,
especially in manufacturing and global trade.”
A visitor to the financial district walks past the New York Stock Exchange, Wednesday, Sept. 16, Smith blamed the earnings miss and the lower profit
2015. Stocks posted solid gains Wednesday ahead of a closely watched decision by the Federal forecast on FedEx raising its set-aside for self-insur-
Reserve on whether or not to raise interest rates. ance.
“The whole thing about the quarter is one issue; it’s a
(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) self-insurance reserve,” he said on a conference call
with analysts. “All the rest of the stuff is just noise and
eral Reserve will raise inter- China’s economy, investors benchmark for many inter- various issues inside the operating company.”
est rates for months. The are far less certain. national types of oil import- Analysts pointed out that the self-insurance reserve
Fed started its two-day pol- “I just don’t think the econ- ed into the U.S., gained $2, has hurt results two straight quarters. FedEx did not
icy meeting Wednesday omy is strong enough and or 4.2 percent, to $49.75 a provide a figure for the higher insurance reserve, but
and will announce its de- inflation remains too low to barrel in London. a spokesman said it was included in a line for “other”
cision Thursday afternoon, justify a rate increase,” di The Energy Information costs that totaled $453 million in the quarter, an in-
which will be followed by Galoma said. Administration said U.S. oil crease of $201 million from a year earlier.
a press conference by Fed Stocks have been rising supplies fell last week by a Smith also complained that FedEx didn’t set earnings
Chair Janet Yellen. steadily ahead of the Fed’s steeper-than-expected 2.2 targets; analysts did. The company could be paying
Interest rates have been meeting. Investors have million barrels. Analysts sur- the price for being a longtime Wall Street favorite.
near zero since 2008, when said that stocks recovered veyed by Platts expected “When you become beloved by the Street, the
the Fed cut rates sharply in partly because the chanc- a decline of 200,000 bar- downside is it’s harder and harder to meet those el-
response to the financial es of an interest rate hike rels. The plunge follows evated expectations,” said Logan Purk, an analyst
crisis and Great Recession. diminished. news that oil drillers in the with Edward Jones. “That’s part of the reason that
The Fed’s low interest rate In company news, SAB- U.S. are cutting production FedEx has missed (earnings forecasts) the last couple
policy was designed to Miller, a major beer maker in the face of low oil prices. quarters.”
encourage lending, but it whose brands include Mill- Oil company stocks fol- Purk said in an interview that the company must
also helped drive a seven- er and Foster’s, jumped 20 lowed crude oil higher. q boost margins in its ground business, which have
been hurt by a low-margin acquisition, and would be
helped by any improvement in the global economy
and trade.
The holiday-hiring plans were announced a day after
rival UPS said that that it plans to hire 90,000 to 95,000
extra workers, about the same that it hired last year.
FedEx executives said they expect a record holiday
season and have been talking to retailers to smooth
out peak delivery days. In recent years, free-shipping
promotions right up to Christmas have encouraged
consumers to shop online later and make it harder
for FedEx and UPS to predict and plan for the busi-
est days.
In the quarter that ended Aug. 31, FedEx earned
$692 million, up 6 percent from a year earlier. Earn-
ings per share amounted to $2.42, short of the $2.44
per share average forecast of 12 analysts surveyed
by Zacks Investment Research.
Revenue rose 5 percent, to $12.3 billion. Six analysts
surveyed by Zacks expected $12.23 billion.q