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                  Monday 26 october 2020
            Health experts question Pence campaigning as essential work

            By  MARILYNN  MARCHIONE  early Sunday that Short was  workers.  The  Department        that stands to come into fo-  least 6 feet from others and
            AP Chief Medical Writer      quarantining.                of Homeland Security spells   cus Monday.                 wear  a  mask  "at  all  times
            Health  policy  specialists  That usually means isolating  out  16 categories  of criti-  The  Senate  was  expected  while in the workplace."
            questioned  White  House  oneself for 14 days after ex-   cal  infrastructure  workers,   to vote Monday evening to  Lawrence  Gostin,  a  public
            officials' claim that federal  posure in case an infection  including  those  at  military   confirm  Trump's  Supreme  health  expert  at  George-
            rules  on  essential  workers  is  developing,  to  prevent  bases, nuclear power sites,   Court  nominee  Amy  Co-  town  University  school  of
            allow  Vice  President  Mike  spreading  the  virus  to  oth-  courthouses  and  public   ney  Barrett.  Pence's  vote  law,  said  Pence's  intention
            Pence to continue to cam-    ers.                         works  facilities  like  dams   is  unlikely  to  be  needed  to  continue  campaigning
            paign  and  not  quarantine  Pence  was  holding  a  rally  and water plants.          to break a tie, but his pres-  flouts the spirit of the CDC
            himself  after  being  ex-   Sunday  in  North  Carolina,  "I  don't  see  campaigning   ence was expected for the  guidelines.
            posed to the coronavirus.    events  in  Minnesota  and  on the list," said Dr. Joshua   vote.                      Sharfstein   said   Pence
            Campaigning is not an offi-  Pennsylvania  on  Monday  Sharfstein,  vice  dean  for    If  Pence's  official  work  as  "could  be  putting  people
            cial duty that might fall un-  and  more  events  in  North  public  health  practice  at   vice  president  was  con-  at risk" because he's at high
            der  the  guidelines  meant  Carolina  and  South  Caro-  Johns  Hopkins  University   sidered essential, the CDC  risk of becoming infected.
            to  ensure  that  police,  first  lina  on  Tuesday.  The  most  and former Maryland state   guidelines say he should be  "He  should  quarantine  in
            responders  and  key  trans-  recent  numbers  show  CO-  health  department  chief.   closely  monitored  for  CO-  order to protect other peo-
            portation and food workers  VID-19  cases  are  rising  in  "Anything  that  does  not   VID-19  symptoms,  stay  at  ple," Sharfstein said.q
            can  still  perform  jobs  that  75% of the country.      have to be done in person
                                         rity  Advisor  Robert  O'Brien  to his job as vice president  Fire set in Boston ballot
            cannot be done remotely,  On Sunday, National Secu-       and  anything  not  related
            the health experts said.
            A  Pence  aide  said  Sun-   told reporters that Pence "is  would  not  be  considered
            day  that  the  vice  presi-  following all the rules" from  essential."                 drop box; FBI asked to
            dent  would  continue  to  federal  health  officials.  He  Dr.  Thomas  Tsai,  a  health
            work  and  travel,  including  called Pence "an essential  policy specialist at Harvard   probe fire
            for  campaigning,  after  his  worker"  and  said,  "essen-  University, agreed.
            chief  of  staff  and  some  tial  workers  going  out  and  Helping  to  maintain  the   By ALANNA DURKIN RICHER Associated Press
            other  close  contacts  test-  campaigning  and  voting  function  of  the  executive    A fire was set Sunday in a Boston ballot drop box hold-
            ed  positive.  Pence  tested  are  about  as  essential  as  branch   of   government    ing  more  than  120  ballots  in  what  appears  to  have
            negative  on  Sunday  and  things we can do as Ameri-     could  be  considered  criti-  been  a  "deliberate  attack,"  Massachusetts  election
            decided  to  keep  travel-   cans."                       cal work, but "we've always    officials said.
            ing  after  consulting  White  However,  the  guidelines  historically separated cam-    The state has asked the FBI to investigate the fire that
            House  medical  personnel,  on  essential  workers  from  paigning  from  official  du-  was set around 4 a.m. in a ballot drop box outside the
            his aides said.              the U.S. Centers for Disease  ties," he said.               Boston Public Library downtown, Massachusetts Sec-
            Pence's chief of staff, Marc  Control and Prevention are  Pence also serves as presi-    retary  of  the  Commonwealth  William  Galvin's  office
            Short,  was  among  those  aimed  at  folks  like  police,  dent of the Senate, a large-  said.  In a joint statement, Galvin and Boston Mayor
            who  tested  positive.  Presi-  first  responders  and  key  ly ceremonial role outlined   Marty  Walsh  called  it  a  "disgrace  to  democracy,  a
            dent  Donald  Trump,  said  transportation  and  food  in the Constitution but one       disrespect to the voters fulfilling their civic duty, and
                                                                                                     a crime."
                                                                                                     "Our first and foremost priority is maintaining the integ-
                                                                                                     rity of our elections process and ensuring transparency
                                                                                                     and trust with our voters, and any effort to undermine
                                                                                                     or tamper with that process must be prosecuted to
                                                                                                     the fullest extent of the law," they said in the emailed
                                                                                                     statement.  "We  ask  voters  not  to  be  intimidated  by
                                                                                                     this bad act, and remain committed to making their
                                                                                                     voices heard in this and every election."
                                                                                                     Boston Police said an arson investigation is underway
                                                                                                     and  released  surveillance  images  of  a  person  near
                                                                                                     the ballot box at that time, urging the public to help
                                                                                                     identify the individual.
                                                                                                     Officers called to the scene saw smoke coming out of
                                                                                                     the box before firefighters managed to extinguish the
                                                                                                     fire by filling the box with water, police said.
                                                                                                     There  were  122  ballots  inside  the  box  when  it  was
                                                                                                     emptied  Sunday  morning,  and  87  of  them  were  still
                                                                                                     legible and able to be processed, Galvin's office said.
                                                                                                     The box had last been emptied around 2:30 p.m. on
                                                                                                     Voters can go online  to see whether their ballot was
                                                                                                     processed.  Those  who  used  that  dropbox  between
                                                                                                     Saturday  afternoon  and  4  a.m.  Sunday  and  can't
                                                                                                     confirm the status of their ballot online should contact
                                                                                                     the  Boston  Elections  Department  immediately,  offi-
                                                                                                     cials said.
                                                                                                     Voters whose ballots were affected can either vote in
                                                                                                     person or by a replacement ballot that will be mailed
                                                                                                     to them, officials said. If those voters don't submit a
                                                                                                     new ballot, "their original ballot will be hand-counted
                                                                                                     to the extent possible," Galvin's office said.
                                                                                                     An email seeking comment on whether the FBI is in-
                                                                                                     vestigating was sent to an agency spokesperson.q
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