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                  Monday 26 october 2020
            US sets coronavirus infection record; deaths near 224,000

            By  REBECCA  BOONE  and                                                                                             week.
            DAVID  CRARY  Associated                                                                                            El  Paso  County  reported
            Press                                                                                                               3,750  new  coronavirus  in-
            BOISE,  Idaho  (AP)  —  The                                                                                         fections  this  week,  includ-
            U.S.  coronavirus  caseload                                                                                         ing 1,161 on Thursday. That
            has reached record heights                                                                                          number accounts for 17.5%
            with  more  than  83,000  in-                                                                                       of the 21,321 cases report-
            fections  reported  in  a  sin-                                                                                     ed this week by the state's
            gle day, the latest ominous                                                                                         254 counties.
            sign of the disease's grip on                                                                                       ___
            the  nation,  as  states  from                                                                                      IDAHO
            Connecticut  to  the  Rocky                                                                                         Even  as  the  health-care
            Mountain  West  reel  under                                                                                         situation worsened in north-
            the surge.                                                                                                          ern Idaho, a regional health
            The  U.S.  death  toll,  mean-                                                                                      board voted to repeal a lo-
            while, has grown to 223,995,                                                                                        cal  mask  mandate.  It  act-
            according to the COVID-19                                                                                           ed  moments  after  hearing
            Dashboard  published  by                                                                                            how  the  Kootenai  Health
            Johns  Hopkins  University.                                                                                         hospital  in  Coeur  d'Alene
            The  total  U.S.  caseload  re-                                                                                     had  reached  99%  capac-
            ported  on  the  site  Friday                                                                                       ity.
            was  83,757,  topping  the                                                                                          Kootenai  is  the  third-most
            77,362  cases  reported  on                                                                                         populous county in conser-
            July 16.                     In this Oct. 18, 2020, file photo, people walk by outdoor plastic dining bubbles on Fulton Market   vative Idaho.
            The  impact  is  being  felt  in   in Chicago.                                                                      The  state  is  experienc-
            every section of the coun-                                                                        Associated Press.  ing  its  largest  coronavirus
            try  —  a  lockdown  starting  Utah's  Gov.  Gary  Herbert  of  the  pandemic.  French  9,000  active  coronavirus  spike  since  the  pandemic
            Friday  at  the  Oglala  Sioux  proclaimed Friday to be "a  authorities said the country  cases on Thursday and re-  began,  with  new  cases
            Tribe's  reservation  in  South  record day for Utah — but  had  recorded  over  1  mil-  ported  an  all-time  high  of  increasing  statewide  by
            Dakota, a plea by a Florida  not  a  good  one"  as  COV-  lion  confirmed  coronavirus  973 new cases in one day.  46.5% percent over the past
            health official for a halt to  ID-19 cases reached an all-  cases since the start of the  ___                       two weeks. Gov. Brad Little,
            children's  birthday  parties,  time high for the state.  pandemic,  becoming  the  FLORIDA                         a Republican, has declined
            dire  warnings  from  Utah's  "Up until now, our hospitals  second country in Western  The  top  health  official  in  to take steps such as requir-
            governor,  and  an  increas-  have been able to provide  Europe after Spain to reach  one of Florida's most popu-   ing masks statewide to slow
            ingly  desperate  situation  good  care  to  all  COVID  that number.                  lous  counties  discouraged  the virus' spread.
            at  a  hospital  in  northern  and  non-COVID  patients  The  head  of  the  World  parents  from  hosting  birth-  Dr. Joshua Kern, vice presi-
            Idaho, which is running out  who need it," he said. "But  Health        Organization  day  parties  for  their  chil-  dent  of  St.  Luke's  in  the
            of  space  for  patients  and  today  we  stand  on  the  warned  that  countries  in  dren, no matter the size.    Magic  Valley  region  that
            considering  airlifts  to  Seat-  brink.  If  Utahans  do  not  the  Northern  Hemisphere  Dr. Raul Pino, a state health  includes  Twin  Falls  and  Je-
            tle or Portland, Oregon.     take  serious  steps  to  limit  are  at  a  "critical  juncture"  officer  in  Orange  County,  rome, said Thursday during
            "We've    essentially   shut  group gatherings and wear  as  cases  and  deaths  con-  said  half  of  the  30  attend-  a  virtual  press  conference
            down an entire floor of our  masks, our healthcare pro-   tinue to rise.               ees  at  a  recent  Sweet  16  that he and other medical
            hospital. We've had to dou-  viders will not have the abil-  "The  next  few  months  are  party  in  the  Orlando  area  professionals are scared.
            ble  rooms.  We've  bought  ity  to  provide  quality  care  going  to  be  very  tough  came down with the virus.  "The  purpose  of  any  inter-
            more  hospital  beds,"  said  for everyone who needs it."  and  some  countries  are  Last  month,  an  Orange  vention  around  coronavi-
            Dr. Robert Scoggins, a pul-  By  public  health  order,  on  a  dangerous  track,"  County high school closed  rus has been to prevent the
            monologist at the Kootenai  masks  are  required  in  21  said  WHO  director-general  for  two  weeks  after  stu-  hospitals  from  being  over-
            Health  hospital  in  Coeur  counties, said Herbert, urg-  Tedros   Adhanom    Ghe-    dents who had attended a  whelmed,  and  here  I  am
            d'Alene. "Our hospital is not  ing  Utah  residents  to  wear  breyesus at a press briefing  birthday  party  tested  posi-  today  saying  the  hospital
            built for a pandemic."       one  whenever  they  are  on Friday.                      tive.                        is being overwhelmed," he
            In  the  southern  Idaho  city  around  someone  outside  Some of the latest develop-  "Those  parties  will  not  only  said.
            of Twin Falls, St. Luke's Mag-  their immediate household.  ments in the United States:  affect  those  people  par-  A  day  later  on  Friday,  his
            ic  Valley  Medical  Center  The  seven-day  rolling  av-  SOUTH DAKOTA                ticipating  in  that  activity,  hospital  announced  the
            said it would no longer ac-  erage  for  new  daily  CO-  In South Dakota, the Ogla-   but also everyone else they  move to send younger pa-
            cept children because it is  VID-19  cases  in  the  U.S.  la  Sioux  Tribe  ordered  a  come  into  contact  with  tients to Boise.
            overwhelmed  with  coro-     surpassed  61,140  Thursday,  one-week lockdown of the  when they leave," said Pino.  __
            navirus patients. Except for  compared with 44,647 two  Pine Ridge Indian Reserva-     "We  will  continue  to  see  NEW  JERSEY  and  CON-
            newborns, all under age 18  weeks ago. The record was  tion in response to a surging  consequences  if  we  don't  NECTICUT
            will be sent 128 miles (206 ki-  reached  July  22  when  the  number of COVID-19 cases  act super-responsibly."    For  a  while,  as  new  CO-
            lometers) away in Boise.     rolling average was 67,293  in  the  state.  Through  the  ___                         VID-19 cases surged in the
            Among  those  in  northern  in  the  midst  of  a  summer  morning of Oct. 30, all non-  TEXAS                      Midwest  and  elsewhere,
            Idaho  joining  Scoggins  at  outbreak  driven  largely  by  essential  travel  is  banned  In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott  the  level  of  new  cases  re-
            a  meeting  of  Idaho's  Pan-  surges of the virus in Florida,  and non-essential business-  is sending more medical re-  mained  low  in  the  North-
            handle  Health  District  was  Texas, Arizona and Califor-  es must close.             inforcements to the El Paso  east,  which  had  been  hit
            board member Walk Kirby.     nia.The U.S. surge mirrors a  The tribe posted on its Twit-  area in response to a surge  hard earlier in the pandem-
            "People  are  dying,  they're  similarly  widespread  spike  ter  page  that  there  were  of  coronavirus  infections.  ic.  Several  states,  includ-
            going  to  keep  dying  and  in  Europe,  where  Rome,  391 active COVID-19 cases  The  Texas  Department  of  ing  New  Jersey  and  Con-
            catching  this  stuff,"  Kirby  Paris  and  other  major  cit-  as  of  Thursday  on  the  res-  State  Health  Services  and  necticut,  imposed  14-day
            said.  "How  many  people  ies  are  reining  in  nightlife  ervation,  which  has  about  the  Texas  Division  of  Emer-  quarantine   requirements
            won't  wear  a  mask?  The  as  part  of  the  increasingly  20,000 residents.         gency  Management  will  for  travelers  arriving  from
            same  people  that  won't  drastic  measures  under-      The  lockdown  comes  as  provide more medical per-       dozens of states with higher
            get vaccinated for it."      taken  to  slow  the  spread  South  Dakota  surpassed  sonnel and equipment this  rates of positive tests.q
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