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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 2 December 2021

                          US reports 1st case of omicron variant in returning traveler

            (AP) - The U.S. recorded its first  as  some  scientists  are  beginning  to
            confirmed  case  of  the  omicron  suspect?  Does  it  make  people  more  South African first researchers alerted
            variant Wednesday — a person in  seriously ill? And can it evade the vac-  the WHO to omicron last week. It is
            California who had been to South  cine?                                 not known where or when the vari-
            Africa — as scientists around the                                       ant first emerged, though it is clear it
            world raced to establish whether  “Any declaration of what will or will  was circulating in Europe several days
            the  new,  mutant  version  of  the  not happen with this variant, I think  before that alert.
            coronavirus  is  more  dangerous  it is too early to say,” Fauci said.
            than previous ones.                                                     European Union Commission Presi-
                                                He  said  Americans  should  contin-  dent Ursula von der Leyen said it will
            Dr.  Anthony  Fauci,  the  United  ue to follow public health advice to  take two to three weeks before it be-
            States’  top  infectious  disease  expert,  get  vaccinated  and  get  their  booster  comes fully clear what omicron can
            made the announcement at the White  shots. “If you look at the things we  do to the world.
            House.                              have  been  recommending,  they’re
                                                just the same,” Fauci said.         “This is, in normal times, a short pe-  that  blanket  travel  bans  are  compli-
            “We knew it was just a matter of time                                   riod. In pandemic times, it’s an eter-  cating the sharing of lab samples from
            before the first case of omicron would  Genomic sequencing on the patient’s  nity,” she lamented.           South Africa that could help scientists
            be detected in the United States,” he  virus  was  conducted  at  the  Univer-                              understand the new variant.
            said.                               sity of California, San Francisco, and  At  the  same  time  the  omicron  is
                                                the Centers for Disease Control and  spreading  new  fear  and  uncertainty,  World  leaders  continued  to  empha-
            The  infected  person  was  identified  Prevention confirmed it as consistent  the  dominant  delta  variant  is  still  size that the best way to contain the
            as a traveler who had returned from  with the omicron variant.          creating havoc, especially in Europe,  pandemic remains vaccinations.
            South Africa on Nov. 22. The person,                                    where  many  countries  are  dealing
            who was fully vaccinated but had not  “We will likely see this scenario play  with a surge in infections and hospi-  For the first time, von der Leyen said
            had a booster shot, tested positive on  out multiple times across the coun-  talizations and some are considering  EU nations should consider making
            Monday and had mild symptoms that  try in the coming days or weeks,” said  making vaccinations mandatory.   vaccinations  mandatory,  as  several
            are improving, officials said. The per-  Scott Becker, CEO of the Association                               have  done  for  certain  sectors,  or  as
            son agreed to remain in quarantine,  of Public Health Laboratories.     Many  countries  have  barred  travel-  Austria has done overall. Altogether,
            and all the individual’s close contacts                                 ers  from  southern  Africa,  and  some  67%  of  the  EU’s  population  is  vac-
            have  been  reached  and  have  tested  “This particular case shows the sys-  have gone further. Japan has banned  cinated,  but  that  relatively  high  rate
            negative.                           tem  working  as  it  was  designed  to  foreign  visitors  and  asked  interna-  hasn’t stopped several countries from
                                                work  —  an  individual  with  travel  tional airlines to stop taking new res-  seeing surges.
            At  least  23  other  countries  have  re-  history from South Africa, an astute  ervations for all flights arriving in the
            ported omicron infections, according  laboratory  and  quick  prioritization  country until the end of December.  Greece plans to impose fines of 100
            to  the  World  Health  Organization,  of the specimen for sequencing, and                                  euros  ($113)  per  month  on  people
            and governments have rushed to im-  close coordination with public health  The U.S. is working toward requir-  over  60  who  don’t  get  vaccinated.
            pose travel bans and other restrictions  officials.”                    ing that all air travelers to the country  Slovakia is considering giving that age
            in hopes of containing it.                                              be tested for COVID-19 within a day  group  500  euros  ($565)  if  they  step
                                                Nigeria and Saudi Arabia also report-  before boarding their flights, up from  forward for the shot. German Chan-
            But the variant is still surrounded by  ed  omicron  infections  Wednesday,  the current three days.        cellor-designate  Olaf  Scholz,  mean-
            many unknowns, among them: Is it  marking the first known cases in West                                     while, said he will back a proposal to
            more contagious than other versions,  Africa and the Persian Gulf region.  On  Wednesday,  the  WHO  warned  mandate vaccinations for everybody.

                         Heat, no food, deadly weather: Climate change kills seabirds

            (AP)  —  The  warming  build  nests  and  raise  young  birds  roost  and  increasingly  how  much  is  attributable  to
            of  the  planet  is  taking  a  as  sea  levels  rise,  while  oth-  frequent hurricanes that wipe  climate  change.  But  one  es-  Warming  seas,  coupled  with
            deadly  toll  on  seabirds  ers are unable to find fish to  away  nests,  many  seabirds  timate  by  researchers  from  die-off events that kill thou-
            that  are  suffering  popu-  eat as the ocean heats up, re-  have  been  producing  fewer  University of British Colum-  sands  of  birds  by  starvation,
            lation  declines  from  star-  searchers have found.      chicks, researchers say.     bia stated that seabird popu-  are making it harder for some
            vation, inability to repro-                                                            lations have fallen 70% since  species  to  maintain  stable
            duce,  heat  waves  and  ex-  Common  murres  and  Cas-   And tern species that live off  the mid-20th century.     populations,  said  P.  Dee
            treme weather.               sin’s auklets that live off the  New England have died dur-                            Boersma,  a  University  of
                                         West Coast have also died in  ing increasing rain and hail-  Researchers  from  the  Uni-  Washington  biology  profes-
            Climate-related  losses  have  large  numbers  from  condi-  storms  scientists  link  to  cli-  versity  of  Washington  and  sor and an author of the Sci-
            hit albatrosses off the Hawai-  tions  scientists  directly  tied  mate  change.  Some  species,  other  institutions  who  stud-  ence study.
            ian islands, northern gannets  to global warming.         including endangered roseate  ied  dozens  of  worldwide
            near  the  British  Isles  and                            terns, also can’t fledge chicks  seabird  species  found  some  “These  ecosystem  sentinels
            puffins  off  the  Maine  coast.  With less food, rising seas that  because more frequent severe  were  having  success  breed-  are important because they’re
            Some  birds  are  less  able  to  encroach  on  islands  where  weather  kills  their  young,  ing at only 10% of historical  not only enjoyable for us to
                                                                      said Linda Welch, a biologist  levels.  They  also  found  that  be  able  to  see  them,  but
                                                                      with the U.S. Fish and Wild-  in the southern hemisphere,  they’re important as a signal
                                                                      life Service.                difficulty  finding  fish  has  that we’ve gone too far,” she
                                                                                                   prevented  species  such  as  said.
                                                                      The  warming  world  is  in-  the Magellanic penguin from
                                                                      creasingly  inhospitable  to  successfully feeding chicks.  One  of  the  most  serious
                                                                      many  seabirds,  Welch  said.                             threats to seabirds is a reduc-
                                                                      “In  the  last  couple  years,  Worldwide,  seabirds  are  in  tion  of  plankton  and  small
                                                                      they’ve  experienced  wide-  jeopardy  largely  because  of  fish in cold northern waters.
                                                                      spread   nesting   failure,”  warming  ocean  tempera-    Forage  fish  and  plankton
                                                                      she  said.  “I  definitely  think  tures, scientists say. Over the  loss has led to mass die-offs
                                                                      there’s large ramifications of  past five decades, more than  of birds such as the Cassin’s
                                                                      what we’re seeing.”          90% of the extra heat on the  auklets that washed up by the
                                                                                                   planet  from  global  warm-  tens of thousands on the Pa-
                                                                      It’s  difficult  to  precisely  de-  ing has been absorbed by the  cific Coast in recent years.
                                                                      termine  the  population  loss  ocean, according to U.S. gov-
                                                                      to wide-ranging seabirds and  ernment scientists.
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