Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20211202
P. 31
sports Diahuebs 2 December 2021
Suns win 17th straight by beating Warriors 104-96
(AP) — Mikal Bridges and fourth quarter. The game
Deandre Ayton were all stayed tight, and neither
smiles at the postgame po- team led by double digits un-
dium, reminiscing about a til Landry Shamet knocked
four-year turnaround for down a 3-pointer — on an
the Phoenix Suns that’s assist by Paul — with 54.4
in some ways still hard to seconds left.
“To me, this was just will and
The Suns won just 19 games toughness,” Williams said.
during their rookie seasons.
Now, they’ve tied a franchise The win was another mile-
record with 17 wins — in a stone for the Suns, who have
row. thrived with the young core
of Ayton, Bridges and Book-
Ayton scored 24 points, Chris er. The final key piece came
Paul added 15 points and 11 when they added Paul — an
assists, and the Suns won 11-time All-Star — before
their 17th straight by beating last season. Phoenix made
the Golden State Warriors the NBA Finals in July be-
104-96 on Tuesday night in fore losing to the Milwaukee
an early showdown between Bucks, and now they’re on a
the NBA’s top teams. winning streak that’s lasted
more than month.
“It’s just a lot of work, a lot
of mental toughness, stay- The two teams play again
ing with it,” Bridges said. Friday night at Golden State.
“We knew when we first got Barnes hit a game-winning ered by back spasms earlier
here that we wanted to turn Tuesday’s game was a highly “With all of the mistakes we 3 at the buzzer for the Sacra- Tuesday but played. He fin-
it around.” anticipated showdown, as did have and how terrible I mento Kings. ished with 10 points in 33:18
the Suns and Warriors have shot the ball, it was a close minutes. ... The Warriors lost
The Suns won despite losing NBA’s best records. It was game down the stretch,” TOUGH T despite a 51-35 rebounding
star guard Devin Booker to a also the first time in league Curry said. “I know Booker Williams got a technical foul advantage and leading 40-14
left hamstring injury in the history that two teams from got hurt, but yes, it was a in the fourth quarter when he on points in the paint.
second quarter. He had 10 the same division played each good learning lesson for us. ran onto the court following
points and two rebounds in other with winning percent- Understanding the intensity a 3-pointer by Jae Crowder. Suns: F/C Frank Kaminsky
15 minutes. The 25-year-old ages of .850 or higher after and the focus we need to beat The triple had extended the (right knee), F Abdel Nader
appeared to get hurt when at least 20 regular-season a team like that.” Phoenix lead to 99-91 with (right knee) and F Dario Sar-
driving to the basket for a la- games, according to Elias only a few minutes remain- ic (right knee) didn’t play. ...
yup, grabbing at the back of Sports Bureau. The Suns limited the War- ing, so it was understandable Booker hasn’t missed a game
his left leg before walking to riors to just 42 points in the why the coach would cel- this season. He was averag-
the locker room a few min- The game mostly lived up second half. The Warriors ebrate during the timeout. ing nearly 24 points per game
utes before halftime. to the hype — at least until also had 22 turnovers. before Tuesday. ... Cam John-
the Warriors, who had their The problem was Golden son started the second half
Suns coach Monty Williams seven-game winning streak The Suns and Warriors are State coach Steve Kerr never for Booker and finished with
said postgame that he didn’t snapped, went cold in the now both 18-3. The only called a time out. 14 points. ... Ayton finished
have an immediate update on fourth quarter. other time Phoenix has won 11 of 19 from the field and
Booker. The two-time All- 17 straight games was during TIP-INS also had 11 rebounds.
Star came back to the bench Jordan Poole led Golden the 2006-07 season. They’ll Warriors: F Andre Iguadola
for the second half, cheering State with 28 points. Stephen go for their franchise record (right knee), G Damion Lee UP NEXT
on his teammates. Curry — who came into the 18th win against the Pistons (personal), G Klay Thomp- Warriors: Host the Suns on
game averaging 28.6 points on Thursday. son (right Achilles recovery) Saturday.
Even without Booker, the per game — had 12 points on and C James Wiseman (right
Suns led 56-54 at halftime 4 of 21 shooting, including 3 The Suns haven’t lost since knee recovery) didn’t play. ... Suns: Host the Pistons on
and 80-78 going into the of 14 from 3-point range. Oct. 27 when Harrison F Andrew Wiggins was both- Thursday night.
Texans cancel practice with players not feeling well
(AP) — The Houston Tex- medical team just felt like
ans canceled practice and that it’d be best for us for “We’ve had so much practice
all other in-person ac- precautionary reasons just to at this, that whether you’re
tivities Wednesday on the keep them home, and then virtual or doing in-person
advice of their medical we’ll be back to business as meetings, that doesn’t really
team because some play- usual (Thursday),” Culley matter,” he said. “Guys that
ers weren’t feeling well. said. have played the COVID sea-
Coach David Culley said son last year, we have a pretty
they have not had any pos- Players were told to stay good understanding of what
itive COVID-19 tests. home Wednesday and all needs to be done in terms of
team meetings were to be routine on Wednesdays and
Culley, speaking to reporters held virtually. things like that, which would
via Zoom, said that the team typically be a full-padded day
would resume normal opera- Houston defensive end Jacob for us.”
tions Thursday. Martin said going through
virtual work in the early part The Texans (2-9) host India-
“We’ve got a few players that of the pandemic made deal- napolis (6-6) on Sunday.
are under the weather right ing with a situation like this
now, a little sick, and our easier.