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                                                                                         condolencia Diasabra 6 Januari 2018

              Mi Dios, Mi Señor,                              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n                     THE Lord is my shep-
              Mi Salbador                                     tin falta di nada                               herd: I shall not want. He
              Cu Bo amor infinito                             Den cunucu di yerba berde                       maketh me to lie down in
              tenemi den Bo braza                             e ta ponemi sosega.                             green pastures: he leadeth
              Ya no tin scuridad                              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                     me beside the still waters.
              Unicamente Bo Luz                               Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                        He restoreth my soul: he
              briyando                                        Salmo: 23                                       leadeth me in the paths
                                                                                                              of righteousness for his
              Cu dolor na nos                                 Cu hopi tristesa pero                           name’s sake. Yea, though I
              curason pero                                    conforme cu boluntad di                         walk through the valley of
              conforme cu                                     Dios nos ta anuncia cu a bay                    the shadow of death, I will
              bolubtad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento   laga nos den brasa di Señor                     fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and
              inesperadamente di nos ruman y tanta stima:                                                     thy staff they comfort me
                                                               Sra. Sonia Broadbelt – Delice                  Psalm 23: 1-4
                                                                      Mihor conoci como “ MAMA “              With great sadness we announce the sud-
               Francisca Maria Faro                                *02 Augustus 1952 - †01 January 2018       den death of our brother, uncle, nephew, and
                                                                                                              friend who touched our lives and hearts.
                  Cariñosamente jama: Fransje of Chim                                                         You might be gone, but you will never be
                       *19-03-1947 - †31-12-2017                                                              forgotten.
                                                              Na number di su:                                As you’ve shared your wisdom, we will con-
              Na nomber di su Mayornan                                                                        tinue to share the lessons you’ve taught us
                                                              Yiunan:  Edwige Pierre                          with others.
              Tata:         †Venancio Victor Faro                            Mylene Pierre y yuinan
                                                                             Joseph Broadbelt                  Donald Ricaldo Gumbs
              Mama:         †Catharina Faro-Giel
                                                              Mescos cu yiu :                                          Better known as “Donny”
              Rumannan:     Eladio y Emerita Faro             Geraldine Geerman, Leila de Palm, Egimar                *24-02-1947 - †31-12- 2017
                            Roland y Frans Videler-Faro       Lampe, Regina Simon, Revin Brooks, Otto
                            Greta y Ricardo Geerman           Vos, Ludwig Rincones, Nico Connor, Candred      Left to mourn:
                            †Maiky y Mena Faro                Lanoy, Dani Geerman, Leandro, Sammy
                            Ronny Faro                        Cornelio, Sra Rudmila                           Brothers & Sisters:
                                                                                                                     Francisca v/d Ploeg & fam. (NL)
              Mescos cu Ruman:                                Ruman, primo (a) nan :                                 Norma Gumbs & fam.
                            Emilio “Horse” y Ina Maduro       Kettly Oray, Murielle Bien-Aime, Odette                Antonio Gumbs & fam.
                                                              Delice, Ronni Delice                                   Oneal Flanders & fam.
              Subrino y Subrinananstima manera jui:                                                                  Joseph Romney
              Sergio Faro                                     Madrina y Padrino : Sra. Greta y Sr. Hasseth           Carlos Romney & fam.
              Sergerick Faro                                  Riley                                                  Mario Luidens & fam.
              Dito Geerman                                                                                           Patricio Marlin & fam. (SXM)
              Marvin Faro y yuinan, Marleena y yui Raiden-    Grupo di Orashon Misioneronan di Hesus                 Selma Marlin & fam.
              Marvelly, Marviella Faro                        Grupo di Orashon Senjor de los Milagros                Victor Romney & fam. (SMX)
              Mightel Faro.                                   Ministerio God’s inspired Group                        Marcia Romney Rijsen & fam. (NL)
                                                                                                                     Angelica Marlin Dana & fam. (NL)
              Subrinanan:                                     Tur su yuinan di Aruba Global Logistics :              Clifford Spanner
                     Vannessa Faro y yui Oszinho Faro         Artuur, Leila, Michael, Omira
                     Jessie Geerman                           Derrick, Anwar, Giovanni, Jonathan              Uncles:
                     Kathy Faro                                                                                      Bijo Gumbs &fam.
                                                              Famia Simon, Hassell , Amigo y conocirnan,             Dennis Jeoffrey & fam. (SXM)
              Stima mescos cu un subrina:   Laura Ramirez     bisiñanan y demas famia                                Leroy Jeoffery & fam. (UK)
                                                                                                                     Son Jeoffrey & fam. (UK)
              Tanta: Salome Stamper y famia
                                                              Ta invita pa Acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar   Aunts:
              Ex-Cuña:      Nancy Guacaneme-Gonzalez          diasabra 6 di january 2018 na                          Laura Rouse & fam.
                                                              Misa Fatima Dakota for di 9or pa 11or di               Susan Labega & fam. (USA)
              Su hefe di trabao:   Danny Abady                mainta y despues ta Sali pa                            Jane Jeoffrey & fam. (UK)
                                                              Santana Sabana Basora                                  Delita Gario & fam. (NL)
              Tur su Ihanan, Primo y Primanan, su bon
              Bisiñanan, Coleganan di Little Holland y Royal   Ta deseo di defunto pa bin bisti cu colornan   Nieces and Nephews:
              Plaza, Ex-Coleganan di New Amsterdam Store.     alegre.                                                Too numerous to mention

              Ta invita tur famia, conocirnan y amiganan pa   Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero no ta      The Transcendental meditation group: Too
              asisti na e acto di entierro cual lo tuma lugar   ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.         numerous to mention
              dialuna 8 januari 2018 for di 2’or pa 4’or di
              atardi na Misa Sta. Anna. Despues lo sali pa    Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida   Families:    Gumbs, Romney, Lui dens,
              Santana catholiko na Noord.                     cualkier persona.                               Rouse, Jeoffrey, Hazel, Ruan, Labega, Herts,
                                                                                                              v/d Ploeg, Rijsen, Dana, Cremony, Gario, Ar-
              Oportunidad pa condolencia ta diasabra 6                                                        rindell, Flanders, John, Pieternella, Spanner,
              januari 2018 for di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi na                                                   Perez, Monsanto, Pomon, Richardson, and
              Aurora Funeral Home.                                                                            Herts.

              Disculpa nos pero nos no ta ricibi bishita di                                                   Cremation service will take place at Aurora
              condolencia na cas despues di entiero.                                                          Funeral Home on sunday january 7th
                                                                                                              2018 from 12.30 to 16.00.
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