Page 26 - ARUBA BANK
P. 26

a26     condolencia
                 Diasabra 6 Januari 2018

              The LORD is my shepherd; I                     “Señor ta mi wardador,                          “Señor ta mi wardador,
              shall not want. He maketh me                   mi n’tin falta di nada;                         mi n’tin falta di nada;
              to lie down in green pastures;                 Den cunucu di yerba berde,                      Den cunucu di yerba berde,
              he leadeth me beside the still
              waters. He restoreth my soul:                  E ta ponemi sosega.                             E ta ponemi sosega.
              he leadeth me in the paths of                  E ta hibami na awa tranquil,                    E ta hibami na Fuente di
              righteousness for his name’s                   pa mi bolbe hanja forsa.                        awa fresco
              sake.  Psalm 23                                Salmo 23:1,2,3.                                 pa mi bolbe hanja forsa.
                                                                                                             Salmo 23:1,2,3.
              With great sorrow but greatful for everything he did for   Cu inmenso dolor na nos
              us, we announce the passing of our loving father and Dr.   curason, nos ta anuncia             Cu inmenso tristesa na nos
                  Dr. Roberto B.  Bryson                     fayecimento di:                                 curason, pero agradecido
                     widower of Mrs.Christa Bryson                                                           na Dios, pa tur locual cu el a nifica pa nos nos
                                                                                                             ta participa fayecimento di nos Mama, ruman y
              Left to mourn are:     Brooks, Brown, Bryson,           Trinidad Ras                           wela stima:
              Daughter:              Brison, Carty, Davis, Every,      Cariñosamente yama: “Jo”
              Charlene Bryson & Gregory   Flanders, Gomez, Has-
              Rasmijn                sell, Hazel, Milton, Nedd,       * 21-10-1944   † 26-12-2017            Irena Regina Evertsz-Kock
              Sisters:   †Eunice Bryson  Romney, Peters, Sommer-
                     †Josita Lake    ville, Mathew, Chittick and   Na nomber di su:                                Mihor conoci como: ”Ina di Paíto”
              Bryson                 Rasmijn.                                                                         * 28-06-1935  † 02-01-2018
              Nephews & Nieces:                              Yiunan: Sorayda Ras
              Minolva Doran & Family in   Close friends: Dr. Francis       Jaqueline Ras                     Na nomber di su:
              The Netherlands        de Windt, Sheldon Top-
              Bernice Lake & Family  penberg, Myrna, Ramphis                                                 Yiunan:
              Charles Lake & Family in   and Myrlene Tromp, Steven   Nieta(o)nan:                            Imelda Maduro-Evertsz y esposo Carmelo
              The Netherlands        Valois Smith, Anselmo   Guiseppe, Guisayda, Rayline, Rayseline,
              Rafael Bryson & Bernice   Mathew, Yubi Toppenberg,   Aaliyahra                                 Maduro
              Dennis                 Family Toppenberg, Syl-                                                           Rosalinda Evertsz
              Errol Bryson & Indra Busby  vester Paul & Family, Peter   Bisanieto y su preto di wowo:                        †Narciso Evertsz
              Ruben Bryson           Simmons, Family Martijn,                                                          Carlos Evertsz
              Cousins:               Harold Jackson and Spouse,    Guiseliyahno Phelipa
              Marjorie  Hamlet Bryson &   Dr. Sykes, Erwin Tujee-                                            Rumannan: †Everona v/d Linden
              Family in the USA      hut, Basil Schmidt, Aldrick   Tur bisanietonan:
              Cynthia Martinez Bryson &   Arends & Ilse de Cuba,    Raysel, Guiliano, Rayderick Rayon, Guiyion             †Seferina Conner
              Family in the USA      Roderick & Yvonne Lee,                                                                †Filomena Kock
              Belinda Bryson & Family in   Dr. Rajnherc and Spouse,   Subrino stima: Vale Richardson                       †Olga Everon
              the Netherlands        Dr. Petronilia, Dr. Reuben                                                            Nildo Everon
              Olivia Bryson & Family in   Tjon-Sie-Fat & Spouse,                                                           †Mildred Stolz
              the Netherlands        Family Murray, Family   Subrino y subrinanan na Aruba y Hulanda:                      Loesje Stolz
              Mabel  Maduro Bryson &   Kelly, Rupert Richards, Mr.   Diana, Raoul, Kelvin, Jaqueline, Ronald, Edgar,
              Family                 Henson, Marlene George-  Nathalie, Vale, Jessica y tur otro subrino(a)nan             Sito Acosta
              Edgard Bryson & Family  Gumbs & Family, Ralph   cu mi por a lubida di menshona.
              Roberto C. Bryson & Fam-  Yarzagaray, Evelyn Brown.                                            7 nieto y nietanan, 16 bisanieto y bisanietanan y
              ily                                            Tur su bisiñanan y ex colleganan di Valero.     1 tataranieta
              Felicita Bryson & Family  Special thanks to: his God-
              Patricia Paul Bryson &   child Jurima Bryson, Dr.                                              Demas famianan: Kock, Evertsz, Maduro,
              Family                 van Trigt, Dr. Romeo Kock,   Demas famianan: Ras, Krozendijk, Dania,    Loopstok, Bardouille, Everon, Solognier,
              James Bryson & Family in   Dr. Choudhry, Dr. Fingal,   Briezen, Richardson, Franken, Maduro, Robles,
              the Netherlands        Dr. Lacle, Dr. Ponson,   Phelipa, Hertz, van Langeveld, de Cuba, Giel,   Geerman, Martijn, Martis, Oceana, Barrow,
              Rose-Marie Nedd Bryson   Dr. Wills, Dr. Garcia, Dr.   Does, Curiel, Casuela, Caraballo, Schwengle y   Ras, Tromp, Conner, van der Linden, Acosta,
              & Family               Cheng, Nurses of the 2nd   Wever                                        Nicolaas, Henriquez, Restrepo-Giraldo,
              Gloria Passape Bryson &   Floor, Nurses of the 4th                                             Stolz, Anthony, Provence, Roman, de Windt,
              Family in Guadaloupe   Floor, Nurses of the CCU,                                               Kaersenhout, Odor y Douber
              Roland Bryson          Nurses of the Kinderafdel-  Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida
              †Francisco Bryson in St.   ing & Verloskamer, Rona   algún persona of famia, nos ta pidi nos mas
              Maarten                Coster, Bishop Brooks and   sincero disculpa.                           Ex flor di Brazil, Seaport y demas famia y
              Roberto A. Bryson & Family   members of the Holy Cross                                         conocirnan.
              in St. Maarten         Anglican Church, members   Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar dialuna 08
              Grace Bryson in St. Maarten  of the Rotary Club of Aruba                                       Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida
              Antonio Bryson & Family  and members of the Rota-  december 2018 pa 3or di atardi na Misa Cristo   algún persona of famia, nos ta pidi nos mas
              Mercedes Brooks and Fam-  ract Club of Aruba.  Rey na Brazil y despues saliendo pa Santana     sincero disculpa.
              ily in Curacao                                 Central na Sabana Basora.
              Charlise Vialle  Bryson &   There is opportunity for
              Family in The Netherlands  condolences and viewing on   Nos defunto stima lo ta reposa for di 1or di   Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar dialuna 08 januari
              Laurencia Duzant Bryson &   Tuesday January 9th 2018   atardi na Misa.                         2018 pa 4or di atardi na Ad Patres Funeral
              Family in the USA      from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at                                              Home  y despues saliendo pa Santana Catolico
              Oleana Bryson & Family in   Aurora Funeral Home.                                               na San Nicolas.
              the USA                                        Adres pa condolencia:
              Thaddeus Bryson & Family   The funeral will take place    Ad Patres Funeral Home
              in the USA             on wednesday january 10th     diadumingo 07 januari 2018 for di 7:00 pm pa   Nos defunto stima lo ta reposa for di 2or di
              Hyacynth Richardson    from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm   9:00 pm                                       atardi na Ad Patres
              Bryson & Family in the   followed by a memorial
              USA                    service at Aurora Funeral                                               Despues di entiero no ta ricibi bishita di
              Ruth Bryson in the USA  Home. The burial will pro-                                             condolencia na cas.
              Inez Bryson in the USA  ceed at Cemetery in Sabana   Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta
              Gloria Bryson & Famila  Basora.                extende nos mas sincero condolencia na famia
              Antonio Bryson & Family                        di e fayecido.
              Olivia Bryson & Family  Please accept our apologies,                                           Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta
              Gerardo Bryson & Family  if in this time of sorrow we   Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:  extende nos mas sincero condolencia na famia
              Norma Jacobs & Family  have omitted some one.                                                  di e fayecida.
              Theresita Bryson & Family            
              Maria van Valderen &   Instead of flowers there will                                           Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:
              Spouse                 be a donation box for the                                     
              Irma Bryson & Family   restoration of the rectory
                                     of the Holy Cross Anglican
              Related Families:      Church.
              Arrindell, Barry, Blijden,
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