Page 24 - ATODAY
P. 24


BUSINESSFriday 4 March 2016

US stocks climb as energy companies keep rising                                                                                                                   Disney Cruises
                                                                                                                                                                   plans to build
MARLEY JAY                     16,943.90. The Standard &        has risen more than 30 per-                                      crash in Oklahoma City.           two new ships 
AP Markets Writer              Poor’s 500 index edged up        cent in three weeks, and                                         The stock jumped 23 per-
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks         6.95 points, or 0.4 percent,     Brent crude has erased its                                       cent Wednesday and              The Associated Press
made modest gains on           to 1,993.40. Tech stocks         losses for the year.                                             added another 87 cents, or      CHICAGO (AP) Disney
Thursday as the market         lagged, and the Nasdaq           ConocoPhillips rose $2.07,                                       25.6 percent, to $4.27. The     Cruise Line announced
once again turned high-        composite index added            or 5.7 percent, to $38.56                                        stock tumbled 74 percent        Thursday that it is building
er late in the day. Energy     4 points, or 0.1 percent, to     and Southwestern Energy                                          in 2015.                        two new ships.
                                                                                                                                 J.J. Kinahan, chief mar-        The new vessels are sched-
John Bishop, foreground, works with fellow traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.                                  ket strategist for TD Ameri-    uled to be completed in
Stocks made modest gains on Thursday as the market once again turned higher late in the day.                                     trade, said that after Tues-    2021 and 2023. They will
                                                                                                                                 day’s surge, investors are      be built at the Meyer Werft
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  being patient and looking       shipyard in Germany.
                                                                                                                                 for good news about the         The new ships will each
stocks led the way as inves-   4,707.42.                        jumped $1.13, or 18.2 per-                                       state of the economy. That      have about 1,250 state-
tors continued to hope that    Stocks have eked out small       cent, to $7.34.                                                  could come Friday morn-         rooms, and will be slightly
oil prices have stabilized     gains over the last two          Chesapeake Energy con-                                           ing, when the government        larger than Disney’s newest
after almost two years of      days, aided by steady oil        tinued to skyrocket after                                        reports its latest employ-      ships, Disney Dream and
steep declines.                prices and reports showing       the company said it does                                         ment figures.                   Disney Fantasy. The com-
For the second day in a        the U.S. economy is on solid     not expect to be pros-                                           Kinahan said investors          pany has two other ships
row, stocks opened with        footing. After a big jump on     ecuted or fined as part of                                       will be looking for signs of    as well, Disney Magic, and
small losses and gradually     Tuesday, and the market is       a federal investigation into                                     growth in better-paying         its first ship, Disney Wonder,
rose during the afternoon.     on target for its third con-     founder and former com-                                          jobs, possibly in the manu-     which launched in 1998.
Energy companies surged        secutive weekly gain.            pany head Aubrey Mc-                                             facturing or health care in-    Design plans, ship names
and are now slightly higher    The price of U.S. crude wa-      Clendon, who left the com-                                       dustries, as opposed to res-    and itineraries for the new
for the year. Industrial com-  vered between small gains        pany in 2013.                                                    taurants and hotels.            vessels are still in devel-
panies like Caterpillar and    and losses, finally closing      Early Wednesday, McClen-                                         “We know we’re not go-          opment. The announce-
Deere also rose. Drugmak-      down 9 cents at $34.57 a         don was indicted by a fed-                                       ing to be a manufacturing       ment was made Thursday
ers led a decline in health    barrel in New York. Brent        eral grand jury on charges                                       economy again,” he said,        by Walt Disney CEO Bob
care stocks.                   crude, the benchmark for         of rigging gas-lease bids.                                       but investors hope to see       Iger in Chicago at the an-
The Dow Jones industrial       international oils, added 14     Later in the day officials an-                                   some growth in manufac-         nual meeting of company
average gained 44.58           cents to $37.07 a barrel in      nounced that McClendon                                           turing jobs instead of losses.  shareholders. The new
points, or 0.3 percent, to     London. The price of U.S. oil    had died in a single-car                                         The Commerce Depart-            vessels will be Disney’s first
                                                                                                                                 ment said orders to U.S.        ships since Disney Fantasy
                                                                                                                                 factories grew 1.6 percent      launched in 2012.
                                                                                                                                 in January, the biggest         Disney ships are loaded
                                                                                                                                 gain in seven months. A         with company branding,
                                                                                                                                 category that measures          including activities, shows,
                                                                                                                                 business investment rose        decor and venues all
                                                                                                                                 by the largest amount in 19     themed on Disney char-
                                                                                                                                 months.                         acters and story lines. But
                                                                                                                                 Mining equipment maker          they’re also known for inno-
                                                                                                                                 Joy Global climbed $2.77,       vation, like virtual portholes
                                                                                                                                 or 20.8 percent, to $16.09      in windowless staterooms
                                                                                                                                 after its first-quarter sales   that provide real-time
                                                                                                                                 were stronger than ex-          views of the sea using vid-
                                                                                                                                 pected. 3D printer maker        eo technology. That con-
                                                                                                                                 Stratasys rose $3.64, or 17.4   cept has since been cop-
                                                                                                                                 percent, to $24.53. The         ied elsewhere in the cruise
                                                                                                                                 company’s fourth-quarter        industry. In the most recent
                                                                                                                                 results were better than        batch of annual awards
                                                                                                                                 expected and it gave a          from, Dis-
                                                                                                                                 strong forecast for 2016.       ney Cruise Line won 11
                                                                                                                                                                 first-place awards, includ-
Herbalife overstated growth, cites data errors                                                                                                                   ing, for Disney Dream, wins
                                                                                                                                                                 in the categories of best
NEW YORK (AP) — Herb-          The Los Angeles-based            scheme, which involves                                           similar to Avon, Amway          overall large ship, best for
alife, the seller of supple-   company cited a data-            making money by recruit-                                         and Mary Kay.                   families, best cabins and
ments and weight-loss          base error as the cause,         ing more salespeople in-                                         In February, the company        best public rooms.
products currently under       saying “it had limited vis-      stead of through selling                                         disclosed that it is in talks   “Disney is consistently rat-
federal investigation as a     ibility into the likely rate of  products. Such models are                                        to with the Federal Trade       ed one of the top cruise
potential pyramid scheme,      change” in the metric plan,      illegal because they even-                                       Commission to potential-        lines on Cruise Critic by
overstated its worldwide       which it began using last        tually collapse once there                                       ly resolve the investiga-       our members, and it’s a
growth in 2015.                year.                            are no more people to re-                                        tion surrounding its  busi-     line known for moving
The company said active        The company has been             cruit.                                                           ness practices.                 the needle with new and
new members worldwide          under pressure from activ-       Herbalife has defended                                           Shares of Herbalife fell        state-of-the-art features, so
grew 3.4 percent instead of    ist investor Bill Ackman and     its  business  practices, say-                                   $4.28, or 7.6 percent, to       we expect the same high
8.3 percent in 2015. Revised   his Pershing Square Capi-        ing it is confident in the                                       $52.10 in morning trading.      quality touches and focus
figures for the fourth-quar-   tal Management LP for            fundamentals of its  busi-                                       Its shares are up more than     on innovation will be incor-
ter cut worldwide growth       its  business  practices. He     ness  model, which it has                                        66 percent over the past        porated on the new ships
to 3.2 percent from 16.7       has claimed that the com-        said operates like a multi-                                      year.                           as well,” said Colleen Mc-
percent.                       pany is running a pyramid        level marketing company                                                                          Daniel, managing editor of
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