Page 25 - ATODAY
P. 25

                                                                                                                                       Friday 4 March 2016

Target Corp. ramps up spending on supply network 

A. D’INNOCENZIO                 The Minneapolis-based dis-       penditures.                      ucts like diapers on the                                       this year’s projected rise of
AP Retail Writer                counter told analysts this       The spending comes as Tar-       shelves.                                                       1.5 percent to 2.5 percent.
NEW YORK (AP) — Target          week at its annual meeting       get,                             Target also sees a key rev-                                    In its last fiscal year, it post-
Corp. is stepping up spend-     it plans to spend $1.8 billion                                    enue measure increasing                                        ed a 2.1 percent increase.
ing on capital expendi-         for the current year and          like other retailers, grap-     at a faster clip next year.                                    Target is also forecasting
tures, primarily in its supply  ramp that up next year to        ples with an infrastructure      The retailer believes that                                     10 percent growth in earn-
network and technology,         up to $2.5 billion. In the last  that has been stretched          revenue at stores opened                                       ings per share for next year.
as the retailer aims to be      fiscal year ended in Janu-       with shoppers buying in dif-     at least a                                                     That’s on top of the $5.20 to
more nimble in an era of        ary, the company spent           ferent ways.                     year will be up at least 3                                     $5.40 per share it expects
online shopping.                $1.4 billion in capital ex-      That has left Target strug-      percent, compared with                                         for the current fiscal year.q
                                                                 gling to keep basic prod-

Sports Authority stumbled as shoppers moved online 

MARCY GORDON                    A woman leaves a Sports Authority store, in New York, Wednesday, March 2, 2016. Sports Authority                                 J.C. Penney Co. is using
AP Business Writer              is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The Englewood, Colo., company has 463 stores in                                  store-label offerings to fight
Fans coveting their favorite    41 states and Puerto Rico.                                                                                                       against pricing pressures
team’s jersey with the per-                                                                                                                                      from online rivals and re-
sonal touch of their name                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  cently launched a new
on the back are flocking                                                                                                                                         campaign called “Get
online, likely not to the       al stuff. And even heavy         Dick’s Sporting Goods.           Overall, the retail indus-                                     Your Penney’s Worth,”
sports store at their local                                      They’re all under pressure       try has struggled with the                                     which offers certain store-
mall. Consumer habits are       exercise equipment is find-      from the Internet, says Ga-      consumer move to online                                        label items for pennies.
evolving.                                                        nis, but regional chains like    shopping, trying to find                                       Sports Authority, which is
That looks to be one of the     ing an online audience.          Modell’s, as opposed to          ways to lure customers to                                      privately held and based
developments behind the                                          national companies, have         brick-and-mortar stores.                                       in Englewood, Colorado,
financial travails of retail    “There’s     tremendous          a better time of it. They can    Macy’s Inc. has opened                                         said it intends to close or
chains like The Sports Au-                                       more easily put on promo-        Macy’s Backstage in order                                      sell about 140 stores and
thority Inc., which filed for   movement to online sales,”       tions of home-team gear,         to go head-to-head with                                        two distribution centers, in
Chapter 11 bankruptcy                                            for example.                     discount retailer T.J. Maxx.                                   Denver and Chicago. The
protection this week and        Ganis said. “It has really im-                                                                                                   company has 463 stores in
plans to close or sell about                                                                                                                                     41 states and Puerto Rico.
a third of its 463 stores.      pacted the big-box sports                                                                                                        The store closings are ex-
The seemingly bottomless                                                                                                                                         pected to take up to three
inventory online of team-       retailers.”                                                                                                                      months. Sports Author-
branded apparel and                                                                                                                                              ity stores will remain open
equipment — contrasted          Other companies in that                                                                                                          and run on normal sched-
with a limited supply in                                                                                                                                         ules during the Chapter 11
stores that have to be re-      category are Modell’s and                                                                                                        process. The company’s
stocked — adds to the                                                                                                                                            website will continue to
cheaper price advantage                                                                                                                                          function, and the chain
of the Internet, notes Marc                                                                                                                                      plans to honor warranties
Ganis, president of Chica-                                                                                                                                       on items purchased at its
go-based consulting firm                                                                                                                                         stores or online. “We are
SportsCorp. And it can be                                                                                                                                        taking this action so that
easier to get team clothing                                                                                                                                      we can continue to adapt
personalized online.                                                                                                                                             our  business  to meet the
Millennials, especially, are                                                                                                                                     changing dynamics in the
attuned to the point-and-                                                                                                                                        retail industry,” CEO Mi-
click of Internet purchasing                                                                                                                                     chael Foss said in a written
and also like to get person-                                                                                                                                     statement. q

Canadian Pacific approached CSX on deal while pursuing NS 

JOSH FUNK                       Canadian Pacific CEO             declined to comment.             proached Norfolk Southern                                      deal, which calls for setting
AP Business Writer              Hunter Harrison said his rail-   The reported contact with        last fall about the possibility                                up a voting trust to oversee
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Ca-          road remains committed to        CSX reinforces how inter-        of combining the two rail-                                     both railroads and installing
nadian Pacific reportedly       its roughly $30 billion bid for  ested Canadian Pacific of-       roads. The offer has been                                      Harrison as CEO of Norfolk
approached the CSX rail-        Norfolk Southern, which is       ficials are in joining with one  revised and rejected sev-                                      Southern while regulators
road about a possible           based in Norfolk, Virginia.      of the Eastern railroads, but    eral times. Norfolk Southern                                   review the deal.
merger earlier this year        “We’ve said all along that if    it doesn’t necessarily make      has said it believes Cana-                                     Norfolk Southern believes
while it continued to pursue    we looked at the synergies       a deal likely to succeed,        dian Pacific’s offer is grossly                                that would violate a pro-
its proposed takeover of ri-    between the two Eastern          said Citi analyst Christian      inadequate, and it ques-                                       hibition against an acquir-
val Norfolk Southern.           carriers, right now both of      Wetherbee. A deal faces          tions whether federal regu-                                    ing railroad taking control
The latest overture to Jack-    them would work for us,”         significant regulatory hur-      lators would approve such                                      of its target before a deal
sonville, Florida-based CSX     Harrison said to The Wall        dles because no major rail-      a merger or impose costly                                      is approved. Canadian Pa-
was first reported by The       Street Journal. Canadian         road mergers have been           conditions on the deal.                                        cific also plans to ask Nor-
Wall Street Journal. Cana-      Pacific spokesman Martin         approved since the fed-          Canadian Pacific officials                                     folk Southern shareholders
dian Pacific first contacted    Cej said that quote is ac-       eral Surface Transportation      said earlier this week they                                    at their annual meeting to
CSX in the fall of 2014 about   curate.                          Board adopted tough rules        have asked the board to                                        vote on whether they want
a potential deal and was        Officials with CSX and Nor-      for them in 2001.                review the proposed struc-                                     the two railroads to discuss
rejected.                       folk Southern railroads both     Canadian Pacific first ap-       ture of the Norfolk Southern                                   a possible merger.q
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