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SCIENCEFriday 4 March 2016

Turtles are key as Kenya balances ecology and development

ILYA GRIDNEFF,                   In this Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 photo, local ocean marine scouts who are trained on sea conser-                                      man of the governmental
Associated Press                vation by Local Ocean Trust, carry a rehabilitated turtle from their Watamu centre on the Kenyan                                      Kenya Wildlife Service, said
WATAMU, Kenya (AP) — A          coast to release back into the Indian Ocean.                                                                                          that while tourism and hu-
turtle drags itself along a                                                                                                                                           mans have invariably af-
white sandy beach, splash-                                                                                                                          Associated Press  fected the environment,
es through the gentle                                                                                                                                                 locally run projects on Ke-
warm Indian Ocean and           Malindi resident David Kirk  Van de Geer said turtles        injured.                                                                 nya’s coast have sustained
then vanishes with a plop,      said the resort has been an  need quiet, sandy beach-        “A big adult turtle can                                                  endangered turtle popula-
becoming one of 13,750          “absolute environmental      es to lay eggs and large        fetch up to $500 on the                                                  tion over the past decade.
turtle success stories on a     disaster,” in which forests  tourist resorts or housing      black market,” Van de                                                    “The situation these days is
stretch of Kenyan coastline     full of nesting birds were   developments disturb that       Geer said. “Fisherman earn                                               much better,” Leakey said.
facing pressure from devel-     destroyed and soil erosion   process.                        about $100 a month, in a                                                 “We still have problems
opers.                          because of the seawall       “Light and noise scare          good month. So one turtle                                                with turtles getting stuck
Kenya is striving to strike a   had stopped turtles from     them off,” he said. “They       is almost half a year of work                                            in trawler nets but we’ve
balance between devel-          coming ashore to lay eggs.   lay their eggs above the        “Turtle conservation is                                                  seen very positive signs re-
oping its 330 miles (530 ki-    Resort general manager       high water mark. The nest       crucial because it also                                                  garding turtle numbers.”
lometers) of coastline for a    Stephanie Ravessoud said     has to be warm and above        protects the habitat for                                                 The Local Ocean Trust has
billion-dollar tourism indus-   the seawall was built fol-   the water, so erosion af-       thousands of other spe-                                                  rescued and sent back to
try that employs a half-mil-    lowing all government re-    fects that.”                    cies, including sharks, dol-                                             the ocean turtles 13,750
lion people and preserving      quirements and respects      Local Ocean Trust runs a        phins and whales,” Van                                                   times over the past 20 years
the environment that at-        the environment.             rehabilitation center in        de Geer said. “By protect-                                               of working in Watamu, ac-
tracts those visitors. As the   “Erosion has been there      Watamu that Van de Geer         ing turtles you are protect-                                             cording to Van de Geer. A
East African nation does        for decades. Everybody       manages where sick or           ing beaches, mangroves,                                                  turtle tagged in Watamu
so, some experts say that       knows that sand in our area  injured turtles are nursed      open ocean, reefs and sea                                                was later found in the
turtles are key, because        is being washed away long    back to health. The group       grass, which is virtually ev-                                            Chagos archipelago 2,300
they are so picky when it       before the building of our   also compensates local          ery ecosystem in the tropi-                                              miles (3,700 kilometers)
comes to laying eggs that       wall,” she said.             fishermen for turtles caught    cal ocean.”                                                              away, he said.
if the right environment is     Marine biologist Casper      in their nets or found sick or  Dr. Richard Leakey, chair-                                               “From Mozambique, to
maintained for them, then                                                                                                                                             Australia, to India and Thai-
things are going well.                                                                                                                                                land, we all have a stake in
Kenya’s record is mixed in                                                                                                                                            this,” he said. “The beach
protecting endangered                                                                                                                                                 here has an impact on the
turtles, but is going pretty                                                                                                                                          entire ocean, that’s the
well, a top wildlife official                                                                                                                                         weird and amazing thing
says.                                                                                                                                                                 about turtles.”
One of several sore spots                                                                                                                                             Of species found in Kenya,
for conservationists and lo-                                                                                                                                          the Hawksbill turtle is criti-
cals — and not least of all,                                                                                                                                          cally endangered and the
the turtles — is a hotel of                                                                                                                                           Green turtle is endangered
former Renault F1 tycoon                                                                                                                                              while the Leatherback, Ol-
Flavio Briatore, 25 kilome-                                                                                                                                           ive Ridley and Loggerhead
ters (16 miles) north of here.                                                                                                                                        turtles are vulnerable to be-
The dispute centers around                                                                                                                                            coming extinct, according
Briatore’s Billionaire Resort                                                                                                                                         to the International Union
on Malindi beach and its                                                                                                                                              for Conservation of Nature.
100-meter concrete sea-                                                                                                                                               “Despite our efforts, man
wall to protect the prop-                                                                                                                                             remains the turtle’s most
erty and guests from the                                                                                                                                              serious enemy,” Van de
elements.                                                                                                                                                             Geer said.q
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