Page 32 - ATODAY
P. 32


          FEATUREFriday 4 March 2016

Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner swap hair color at Balmain Paris 

THOMAS ADAMSON                                                                                                                                                         from the 18th century.

AP Fashion Writer                                                                                                                                                      But Chloe— the house that

PARIS  (AP) — Models-of-                                                                                                                                               was credited with inventing

the-minute Gigi Hadid and                                                                                                                                              women’s ready-to-wear in

Kendall Jenner provoked                                                                                                                                                the first place — is for girls

double takes from the front                                                                                                                                            at heart.

row crowd at  Paris  Fash-                                                                                                                                             Thus the Gaucho styles

ion  Week on Thursday, ap-                                                                                                                                             were translated for a femi-

pearing to have swapped                                                                                                                                                nine palette — with pon-

hair color at Balmain. The                                                                                                                                             cho, or cape-style silhou-

playful hair confusion was                                                                                                                                             ettes — coming as a ruffled

cheered by front row at-                                                                                                                                               dress in blue, or elsewhere

tendees Kanye West and                                                                                                                                                 a pale peach silk top.

mother-in-law Kris Jenner.                                                                                                                                             ___

Here are the other high-                                                                                                                                               RICK OWENS COCOONS

lights of the fall-winter 2016                                                                                                                                         Paris’ enfant terrible Rick

shows.                                                                                                                                                                 Owens presented a typi-

___ cally strong show Thursday

HAIR SWAP                                                                                                                                                              evening — replete with

Jenner, 20, opened Bal-                                                                                                                                                abstract creative flourishes

main’s show in a dramatic                                                                                                                                              that saw models becoming

pale blue layered cape sil-                                                                                                                                            organically cocooned in

houette.                                                                                                                                                               material. In one of the U.S.-

But the flurry of photogra-     A model wears a creation for Rick Owens’ Fall-Winter 2016 - 2017 ready to wear collection pre-                                         born designer’s most color-
phers’ flashes directed at      sented Thursday, March 3, 2016, in Paris.                                                                                              ful shows in recent memo-
the bold fall-winter outfit                                                                                                                                            ry, yards of purple, umber,
                                                                                                                                                     Associated Press

was likely intensified by the   opulent venue contrasted                       there was little subtlety and      didn’t quite work since it                           jade, gray and off-white
former brunette’s transfor-     with stripes on heavily orna-                  sense to many of the looks.        slouched down the model.                             fabric was conjured up in
mation into an icy blond.       mented silhouettes.                            ___                                ___                                                  divergent shapes —some-
It was a tongue-in-cheek        Heavy fringing, netting,                       LANVIN PRESENTS WITHOUT            CHLOE’S FEMININE GAU-                                times ruffled and draped
move on the part of Bal-        thick layering, hips sculpted                  A DESIGNER                         CHO                                                  and gathered down the
main designer Olivier Rous-     roundly in corset-like ribbed                  Lanvin is, alongside Chris-        Designer Clare Waight                                body, or exploding horizon-
teing.                          skirts and stone-studded                       tian Dior, one of two major        Keller took the famed                                tally across the bust.
Adding to the hairstyle dra-    chokers created the sense                      Parisian houses steaming           Chloe girl on a Seventies-                           Nylon candy floss-style wigs
ma, Hadid, who’s also 20,       of weighty opulence                            through the fashionseasons         infused tour of the world of                         signaled the obligatory turn
strutted out straight after     alongside decorative fab-                      without a creative director.       the gaucho in Thursday’s                             to the abstract for the laud-
Jenner, and in the place                                                       Israeli designer Alber Elbaz

                                                                               parted ways in October of

                                                                               last year after 15 years of

                                                                               his creative tenure under

                                                                               which storied Lanvin saw its

                                                                               reputation restored as one

                                                                               of France’s most creative


                                                                               Thursday saw the label

                                                                               present its first collection

                                                                               without him.

                                                                               Celebrity guests Kelly Row-

                                                                               land and Ciara ensured

                                                                               that the media interest was

                                                                               maintained in the fall-win-

                                                                               ter collection — but in the        A model wears a creation for Carven’s fall-winter 2016/2017

A model wears a creation for Manish Arora’s Fall-Winter 2016-                  clothes themselves there           ready to wear fashion collection presented Thursday, March 3,
2017 ready to wear collection, Thursday, March 3, 2016 in Paris.               was the slight feeling that
                                                                               something was missing.             2016 in Paris.                                                  Associated Press
                                                            Associated Press	

of her enviable blond locks     ric embroideries and ba-                       A beautiful gathered and           fall-winter ready-to-wear                            ed 53-year-old designer —
she sported dark hair with a    roque swirls.                                  ruffled one shoulder cock-         morning show.                                        as they completely envel-
chic center parting.            The feel was the late 19th                     tail dress in cream hit a          Models strode past guests                            oped the models’ heads,
The hair swap couple            century — and at certain                       high, as did a Katharine           at  Paris’ Grand Palais in                           with the silken feeling of a
posed backstage for a           points it evoked the noble                     Hepburn-style 1940s strong-        leather boots in black, tan,                         spider’s web or a sticky but-
photo that appeared on          dames of the  Paris  Opera                     shouldered black coat with         brown and cobalt blue —                              terfly cocoon.
Balmain’s Twitter account.      under the Second Empire.                       fox fur slug chicly over the       in often billowing and ruffle-                       Despite this description,
___                             But this was still very 21st                   shoulder.                          laced silhouettes and 70s-                           many of these creative
BALMAIN’S THEATER               century Balmain.                               But in many of the 46 looks        style center partings.                               looks were also highly sale-
Designer Olivier Rousteing’s    Waists were aggressively                       there was something off            Neckties and ponchos                                 able, and for once Owens’
famed sense of drama            cinched, often with the                        kilter in the fit of the silhou-   conjured up the spirit of the                        paid attention to the fe-
reached new heights — for       help of big bands, some-                       ette.                              famed Argentine or Uru-                              male form — highlighting
good and for bad — at his       times leading up to a cor-                     The blue-gray metallic tux-        guay-style cowboys —who                              shoulder, and presenting
fall-winter show for Balmain    set bustier.                                   edo that opened the show           became greatly admired                               some billowing pant de-
as the black and mirrored       Metallic sheen leggings                        made an attempt to play            and renowned in legends,                             signs that enviably elongat-
lozenge stone floor of the      shimmered past sexily and                      on eveningwear-as-office-          folklore and in literature                           ed the leg.
                                                                               wear with its ruffled frills, but
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