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PEOPLE & ARTSFriday 4 March 2016

Harris-Perry exit puts focus on MSNBC record 

DAVID BAUDER                       In this Feb. 18, 2012, file photo, provided by MSNBC, Melissa Harris-Perry appears on the set of her                                 white personalities like Ed
AP Television Writer              self-titled show in New York.                                                                                                         Schultz and Ronan Far-
NEW YORK (AP) — MSNBC’s                                                                                                                                                 row lost shows at MSNBC
facelift over the past two                                                                                                                            Associated Press  due to changes instituted
years has cut the airtime                                                                                                                                               under NBC News boss An-
of some of its most promi-        show that was eliminated,                           black journalists as analysts,  perspective on what issues                        drew Lack. During daylight
nent minority personalities       and Alex Wagner’s week-                             on-air experts and hosts.       matter and what should be                         hours, the network em-
— and it is starting to be        day show was also ended.                            Illinois congressman Luis       debated and discussed on                          phasizes breaking news —
noticed.                          Recently, Jose Diaz-Balart’s                        Gutierrez also made note        television.”                                      lately with a heavy political
The National Association of       weekday morning show                                of the issue this week in a     Richard Prince, who writes                        focus — and confines its
Black Journalists expressed       has been missing due to                             House speech.                   a blog about minority issues                      opinion-oriented programs
concerns about MSNBC’s            political coverage, al-                             “Forgive me or not notic-       in journalism, said MSNBC                         to prime-time hours.
record in the wake of the         though he was back on the                           ing just how much progress      has been rightly proud of                         “MSNBC is extremely proud
noisy exit of weekend host        air Thursday.                                       NBC was making on diver-        having a larger minority au-                      of the diverse range of tal-
Melissa Harris-Perry. The         The black journalists’ group                        sity when some of the most      dience over the past few                          ent, voices and perspec-
network said Thursday that        labeled Harris-Perry’s exit                         visible people of color at      years than other news-ori-                        tives on our air and we
it is proud of its diversity ef-  “truly unfortunate.” Doro-                          MSNBC — like Alex Wag-          ented networks. But “there                        would put that up against
fort and noted that people        thy Tucker, a Chicago tele-                         ner, Melissa Harris-Perry       is some retrenchment and I                        anybody in the business,”
of all ethnicities have seen      vision reporter and NABJ’s                          and Jose Diaz-Balart — are      think there is some concern                       Kornblau said.
their roles reduced or elimi-     vice president for broad-                           disappearing,” he said.         about that,” he said.                             Asked why a personality
nated as part of a transi-        cast, said she hoped MS-                            “Journalists of color bring a   Mark Kornblau, MSNBC                              like Diaz-Balart could not
tion to more breaking news        NBC had room for more                               different texture, a different  spokesman, said that                              anchor the political cover-
coverage.                                                                                                                                                               age, Kornblau said many
Harris-Perry, who is black,                                                                                                                                             of the anchors have been
had been proud of bring-                                                                                                                                                working from the road
ing new voices to tele-                                                                                                                                                 and it was difficult for Diaz-
vision on her weekend                                                                                                                                                   Balart, a Telemundo an-
MSNBC shows. The Wake                                                                                                                                                   chor, to do so. Craig Mel-
Forest University professor                                                                                                                                             vin, who is black, was an-
questioned her future at                                                                                                                                                choring political coverage
the network after her show                                                                                                                                              from Ohio early on Thurs-
had been pre-empted                                                                                                                                                     day afternoon. Tamron
for several weeks due to                                                                                                                                                Hall, who is black, has re-
weekend political cover-                                                                                                                                                tained her prominent role
age.                                                                                                                                                                    in MSNBC’s daytime lineup.
Civil rights activist Al Sharp-                                                                                                                                         Kornblau noted that MSN-
ton’s daily program was                                                                                                                                                 BC had to make changes
eliminated in the past year,                                                                                                                                            to its schedule due to low
and he now hosts a Sun-                                                                                                                                                 ratings. In the past year,
day show at MSNBC. Joy                                                                                                                                                  MSNBC’s viewership has
Reid lost a weekday show                                                                                                                                                increased by 95 percent
and is now an MSNBC con-                                                                                                                                                during daytime hours, ac-
tributor. Toure was part                                                                                                                                                cording to the Nielsen
of a weekday ensemble                                                                                                                                                   company.q

                                                                                      Hoffman on Oscars:

                                                                                      ‘It’s always been racism’ 

Dustin Hoffman attends the opening night of the Metrograph                            “I went to see the Knicks       way. It’s not anything new,                       Hoffman made the com-
movie theater on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, in New York.                               game and saw my friend          like Chris Rock, I heard said,                    ments while attending
                                                                                      Spike Lee there all dressed     ‘Why this year’,” respond-                        the opening of the Metro-
                                                                    Associated Press  up for the Oscars, but he       ed Hoffman.                                       graph, the first indepen-
                                                                                      was at the Knick game,”         During his opening mono-                          dently-owned movie the-
JOHN CARUCCI                      ner did not attend Sunday                           Hoffman told the Associ-        logue at the Oscars, Rock                         ater to open in Manhattan
Associated Press                  night’s ceremony, nor did                           ated Press on Wednesday         questioned the contro-                            in more than decade.
NEW YORK (AP) — Dustin            he watch the broadcast.                             night.                          versy, saying: “It’s the 88th                     “They call my era, the
Hoffman feels there’s a           But he was in the same                              Lee attended the game at        Academy Awards, which                             Golden Age of film, but I
systemic racial problem in        place as this year’s recipi-                        Madison Square Garden in        means this whole black, no                        think the Golden Age of
America that goes beyond          ent of an Honorary Acade-                           New York in a black tuxedo.     nominees thing has hap-                           film still exists, but it’s done
the Oscars.                       my Award who boycotted                              Comedian Tracy Morgan,          pened at least 71 other                           by the indies, and I think
The two-time Oscar win-           the show.                                           who was part of an Oscar’s      times.” Hoffman was blunt                         that is what this theater is
                                                                                      skit, also was at the game.     in his response for the rea-                      for,” Hoffman said.
                                                                                      For the second consecu-         son why it’s been that way                        As for his thoughts on what
                                                                                      tive year, there was a lack     for so long.                                      can bring more diversity to
                                                                                      of diversity among Oscar        “It’s always been racism.                         Hollywood: “We change
                                                                                      nominees with only white        It’s kind of a reflection of                      when the people that
                                                                                      actors getting the nod.         what the country is,” he                          are oppressed force it to
                                                                                      “Well, it’s always been that    said.                                             change,” Hoffman said.q
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