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u.s. news Diamars 29 september 2020
Man gets 30 years in 2nd sentencing for beheading plot
(AP) — A man convict- tional boundaries and oth- cers in a Boston parking lot An email seeking comment case, Nicholas Rovinski, of
ed of leading a plot to er crimes. Wright, who’s and was fatally shot after was sent to an attorney for Warwick, Rhode Island, was
behead blogger Pamela from Everett, just north of he pulled out a knife and Wright after the hearing. released from prison last
Geller on behalf of the Boston, has already served moved toward them, of- Wright took the stand at his month after a judge reduced
Islamic State group will about five years for conspir- ficials say. Prosecutors had trial and insisted he never his sentence to time served
serve even longer behind ing to kill Geller, who orga- once again urged the judge really wanted to hurt any- due to the pandemic.
bars after he was sen- nized a 2015 Prophet Mu- to send Wright away for life, one. He told jurors that he Rovinski, who testified
tenced for a second time hammad cartoon contest calling him in court docu- didn’t actually support the against Wright at his trial,
Monday and ordered to that year in Garland, Texas, ments “extremely danger- terror group and said his was previously supposed
30 years in prison. that ended in gunfire, with ous” and “a serious threat conversations about vio- to be released in 2028, but
two Muslim gunmen shot to the United States.” lence were just “trash talk” his lawyers argued that the
David Daoud Wright was to death by police. The be- Wright's lawyers had asked fueled by a desperate desire 29-year-old's medical con-
originally sentenced to 28 heading plot against Geller for a sentence of 14 years. for attention. ditions, including cerebral
years in prison in 2017 was never carried out. They argued in their brief palsy and hypertension,
but was ordered to be sen- to the judge that, among The 1st U.S. Circuit Court made him particularly vul-
tenced again by a differ- Days later, Wright’s un- other things, the coronavi- of Appeals last year tossed nerable to serious illness
ent Boston federal court cle, Ussamah Rahim, told rus pandemic puts his life at his conviction of the charge from the virus.
judge after an appeals court Wright in a phone call that risk behind bars. They said of conspiracy to provide Rovinski was ordered to
last year overturned one he couldn’t wait to attack Wright “continues to re- material support to a desig- spent the next 10 years in
of his convictions. Wright Geller and decided instead nounce ISIS and radicalism" nated foreign terrorist orga- home confinement with
remains convicted of con- to go after “those boys in and “seeks to educate others nization. electronic monitoring, with
spiracy to commit acts of blue.” Hours later, Rahim about the destructiveness of the first six months in “strict
terrorism transcending na- was approached by offi- radicalism.” Another man charged in the home confinement.”
Wall Street claws back some of its losses from September
(AP) -Wall Street rallied to push stocks higher, said
Monday as the stock mar- Nela Richardson, investment
ket clawed back some of strategist at Edward Jones.
its sharp losses from Sep-
tember. The S&P 500 rose “There’s real concern about
1.6%, following up on a second wave of infections,
its first four-week losing concern that we’re just riding
streak in more than a year. the coattails of growth that
It’s still down 4.2% for the happened after the economy
month. Several companies opened up in May,” Richard-
announced big mergers son said. "Anything that looks
and acquisitions, which like new lifeblood for the
helped to push markets economy is read as a positive
higher. Big Tech stocks, stimulus.”
which have been getting The Dow Jones Industrial
the most criticism for get- Average was up 473 points,
ting too expensive follow- or 1.7%, at 27,637, as of 3:03
ing their strong pandemic p.m. Eastern time, and the
run, did most of the heavi- Nasdaq composite was 1.7%
est lifting. Energy stocks higher. Traders also bid up it won an appeal that will al- the election.” Investors are room,” he said.
made broad gains after smaller company stocks, low it to keep operating in still waiting for Congress to Countering those uncertain-
Devon Energy and WPX sending the Russell 2000 London. deliver another round of sup- ties, though, is the tremen-
Energy agreed to com- small-cap index 2.6% higher. port for the economy after dous support that the Federal
bine. Big Tech stocks powered extra unemployment benefits Reserve is continuing to pro-
One of the big worries hurt- much of the S&P 500's gains. for workers and other stimu- vide markets and the econ-
This is a breaking news ing stocks this month has Amazon climbed 2.4%, Ap- lus expired. Tensions are still omy. So are investors’ rising
update: been fears that the market ple rose 1.9% and Microsoft rising between the United hopes that a vaccine for CO-
AP’s earlier story appears climbed too high and got too gained 0.8%. These compa- States and China. And the VID-19 could become avail-
below. .S. stocks are rally- expensive through its 60% nies are massive, which gives upcoming U.S. presidential able as soon as early 2021.
ing Monday, as Wall Street rally from late March into their stock movements much election still means plenty
claws back some of its sharp early September. But sev- more sway over the S&P 500 of uncertainty for investors, European stock markets ral-
and sudden September loss- eral companies announced and broad-market indexes from what it could do to cor- lied broadly. The Germany
es. The S&P 500 was 1.8% big mergers and acquisi- than other stocks. porate tax rates to how long DAX returned 3.2% and the
higher in afternoon trad- tions, which show that at Monday's rebound for stocks markets will need to wait un- French CAC 40 rose 2.4%.
ing, following up on its first least some CEOs see value trims September’s loss for til after Election Day to dis- The FTSE 100 in London
four-week losing streak in at current prices. Energy the S&P 500 to 4.1%. Several cover the winner. gained 1.5%.
more than a year. The mar- stocks made broad gains after factors have been behind the In Asia, Japan’s Nikkei 225
ket’s gains were widespread, Devon Energy and WPX En- abrupt drop, which halted a The latest monthly employ- rose 1.3%, as did South Ko-
with more than 90% of the ergy agreed to combine in an remarkable return to record ment report from the gov- rea’s Kospi. The Hang Seng
stocks in the S&P 500 higher. all-stock deal. Devon Energy heights for Wall Street even ernment on Friday could in Hong rose 1%, and stocks
Big Tech stocks, which have rose 13.4%, and WPX Energy as the pandemic continued help shed some more light in Shanghai slipped 0.1% af-
been getting the most criti- gained 18.2%. Cleveland- to rage. Many of those factors on the economic recovery, ter China’s statistical bureau
cism for getting too expen- Cliffs jumped 11.2% after it are still in place, which means but it could also mean more reported that industrial prof-
sive following their strong said it will buy the U.S. busi- analysts along Wall Street say volatility for the markets, said its rose 19% in August from
pandemic run, were doing ness of steelmaking and min- the tumultuous trading may Brad McMillan, chief invest- a year earlier, as the economy
the heaviest lifting. Opti- ing giant ArcelorMittal for not be over. ment officer for Common- recovered from the pandemic
mism that Democrats and $1.4 billion. ArcelorMittal's “We’re not out of the woods wealth Financial Network.. downturn.
Republicans in Congress will U.S.-listed stock rose 10.5%. yet," Richardson said. "Inves- "This week’s going to be The yield on the 10-year
reach a deal on another coro- Another strong gainer was tors should expect volatility, all about the jobs numbers, Treasury rose to 0.67% from
navirus relief bill was helping Uber, which rose 3.7% after especially as we get closer to that’s the elephant in the 0.66%.