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world News Diamars 29 september 2020
EU-UK spat over Brexit deal clouds key trade talks this week
(AP) — Britain entered place the Norther Ireland
a crucial week of post- peace agreement at risk. On
Brexit talks with the Eu- a visit to Dublin, he said that
ropean Union on Monday was “something we’re very
by rejecting the EU’s de- interested in seeing not hap-
mand that it drop plans to pen.”
breach the legally binding “We’re here to protect, de-
agreement it signed on its fend that Good Friday Agree-
departure from the bloc. ment that was so hard fought
The EU told British Prime and won,” he said after meet-
Minister Boris Johnson to ing with senior Irish politi-
brace for a legal fight. cians.
Against that background,
The EU insisted that abid- trade negotiations led by the
ing by every last detail of the EU's Michel Barnier and
international treaty that regu- the U.K.'s David Frost will
lated the U.K.'s departure on resume Tuesday, hoping to
Jan. 31 was key to maintain- bridge gaps on EU boats' ac-
ing trust and hopes of salvag- cess to U.K. fishing waters
ing a rudimentary trade deal and the amount of support
in the next few weeks. After that governments are allowed
a short meeting between the to give to businesses.
two sides in Brussels, U.K. The EU has accused Britain
Brexit planning minister of trying to retain the privi-
Michael Gove said Britain leges it had as a member of
wouldn't withdraw its In- Martin said Monday that his the treaty to put the North- lence between Irish national- the bloc without following
ternal Market Bill, which government “is preparing its ern Irish part of the U. K. in ists and British unionists. the EU's rules. The U.K. says
includes clauses to override budget in three weeks’ time an economic chokehold. The Sefcovic warned Monday that the bloc is making demands
parts of the Brexit withdraw- on the basis that there will be EU denies this and insists the Britain shouldn't try to use that it hasn't placed on other
al treaty. “Those clauses will a no-deal Brexit.” Martin said full withdrawal agreement the withdrawal agreement countries it has trade deals
remain in that bill” as a safety Johnson’s attempt to pass a must be respected for fear and its Northern Ireland pro- with, such as Canada.
net in case the U.K. and the law that violates the legally that it otherwise might reig- visions as “a bargaining chip”
EU don't reach a trade agree- binding EU-U.K. divorce nite tensions on the island of in trade negotiations. Still, London maintained
ment, Gove said. agreement had “eroded trust” Ireland. Johnson’s law-breaching bill there was some hope that a
and undermined confidence. has also brought a warning deal could be reached before
The EU renewed its threat Britain and the EU jointly from senior American poli- or at an EU summit in mid-
to take legal action if the If it becomes law, Johnson's promised in the Brexit di- ticians — including House October, which Johnson has
U.K. doesn't drop the bill, Internal Market Bill will give vorce agreement to ensure of Representatives Speaker called the deadline for a deal.
which is currently passing the U.K. the power to disre- there are no customs posts Nancy Pelosi and Democrat- “We expect discussions to
through Parliament. “We are gard part of the Brexit with- or other obstacles on the ic presidential candidate Joe continue in the run-up to the
considering all legal options drawal treaty dealing with Northern Ireland-Ireland Biden — who said passing it European Council” on Oct.
available to us," European trade to and from Northern border, no matter what the would scupper chances of a 15-16, U.K. government
Commission Vice President Ireland, which shares a 300- final terms of Brexit. The U.K.-U.S. trade deal. spokesman James Slack said.
Maros Sefcovic said. The rift mile (500-kilometer) border open border is key to the sta- On Monday, the U.S. Special “Although the last few weeks
means that talks between the with EU member Ireland. bility that underpins the 1998 Envoy to Northern Ireland, of informal talks have been
two sides' trade negotiators Johnson has said he wouldn't Good Friday peace accord Mick Mulvaney, said there positive, there remains much
will begin Tuesday under an put it past the EU to abuse that ended decades of vio- was a chance the bill could to be done.''
ominous cloud. Britain and
the 27-nation bloc have just
weeks to strike a deal before a
post-Brexit transition period
runs out on Dec. 31.
Both sides stand to lose hun-
dreds of thousands of jobs
and a big chunk of their in-
come if they fail to find a
compromise agreement. Yet
Brussels and London have
been digging in their heels,
both vowing not to compro-
mise on key issues.
European Commission Pres-
ident Ursula von der Leyen
warned that the economies
of EU countries and the
U.K are being “severely hit”
by the coronavirus pandem-
ic and that failure to strike
a Brexit deal would make
things worse. “We want an
agreement,” she told report-
ers in Lisbon at the start of
an official visit to Portugal.
“We’re working hard and
negotiating. I’m still con-
vinced a deal is possible.”
Irish Prime Minister Micheal