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Street Car Tour

                                                                                        November 13, 2017
                                                                                        T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

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                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            ‘Me Too’ Hollywood March Takes A Stand Against Sexual Abuse

            Participants march against sexual assault and harassment at the #MeToo March in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles on Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
            Chairman: House won’t agree to nix property tax deduction

            By KEVIN FREKING             complicate the effort.                                                                 worked  with  lawmakers  in
             Associated Press            Among  the  biggest  differ-                                                           those  states  to  ensure  the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  ences  in  the  two  bills  that                                                          House  bill  “delivers  this  re-
            chairman  of  the  House’s  have  emerged:  the  House                                                              lief” and that he was com-
            tax-writing  committee  said  bill  allows  homeowners  to                                                          mitted to ensuring it stays in
            Sunday  that  he’s  confi-   deduct  up  to  $10,000  in                                                            the final package.
            dent  that  chamber  won’t  property  taxes  while  the                                                             Both the House and Senate
            go along with the Senate’s  Senate  proposal  unveiled                                                              bill would eliminate deduc-
            proposal  to  eliminate  the  by  GOP  leaders  last  week                                                          tions for state and local in-
            deduction    for   property  eliminates  the  entire  de-                                                           come taxes and sales taxes
            taxes,  setting  up  a  major  duction.                                                                             paid. Sen. Chuck Schumer,
            flashpoint  as  Republicans  The  deduction  is  particu-                                                           D-N.Y.,  said  in  response  to
            aim to put a tax cut bill on  larly  important  to  residents                                                       Brady’s  pledge  that  Re-
            President  Donald  Trump’s  in states with high property                                                            publicans  should  fully  re-
            desk before Christmas.       values or tax rates, such as   House  Ways  and  Means  Committee  Chairman  Kevin  Brady,   store what is referred to as
            The GOP is moving urgently  New  Jersey,  Illinois,  Cali-  R-Texas, left, joined by Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., the ranking   the SALT deduction, or mil-
            to push forward on the first  fornia  and  New  York.  Rep.   member, and Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., offers his manager’s   lions  of  middle-class  fami-
            rewrite of the U.S. tax code  Kevin  Brady,  chairman  of   amendment as the GOP tax bill debate enters the final stage, on   lies  would  end  up  paying
            in  three  decades,  but  key  the House Ways and Means   Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017.       higher federal income tax-
            differences   promise    to  Committee,  said  that  he                                            Associated Press   es, not less.q
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