P. 8

A8   U.S. NEWS
               Monday 13 noveMber 2017

            Turkey denies report of plan to kidnap cleric Gulen from U.S.

            BY ZEYNEP BILGINSOY          hind it.                                                                               in the government’s crack-
             Associated Press            The  Turkish  Embassy  in                                                              down after the failed coup.
            ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey has  Washington  reiterated  de-                                                             Also  behind  bars  in  Turkey
            dismissed  as  “utterly  false,  mands  late  Saturday  for                                                         for alleged links to Gulen is
            ludicrous  and  groundless”  the  United  States  to  extra-                                                        U.S. pastor Andrew Brunson,
            a  report  that  Turkish  offi-  dite Gulen so he can stand                                                         who has lived in Turkey for
            cials  may  have  discussed  trial.  The  embassy  in  a                                                            over 20 years. Erdogan said
            paying millions of dollars to  statement  rejected  “all  al-                                                       in  September  the  U.S.  was
            have  a  U.S.-based  Muslim  legations that Turkey would                                                            pressing  Turkey  to  return  a
            cleric kidnapped.            resort to means external to                                                            “cleric”  while  refusing  to
            The  Wall  Street  Journal  re-  the rule of law” to get Gu-                                                        hand over another “cleric.”
            ported  Friday  that  Special  len back on Turkish soil.                                                            The  Turkish  Embassy  said
            Counsel  Robert  Mueller  Flynn’s  lawyers  also  have                                                              the Turkish people find Gu-
            was  investigating  an  al-  disputed the Journal report                                                            len’s  continued  refuge  in
            leged plot involving former  saying Mueller was looking                                                             the  U.S.  “perplexing  and
            U.S.  National  Security  Ad-  into a meeting where Flynn                                                           deeply frustrating.”
            viser Michael Flynn and his  allegedly discussed a plan   People stand in the street after feeling aftershocks from   Complicating  relations  fur-
            son  to  hand  Fethullah  Gu-  that would pay him and his   an earthquake in Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017.    ther is the case of a Turkish-
            len  over  to  Ankara  for  as  son  “to  forcibly  remove”                                      Associated Press   Iranian businessman on trial
            much as $15 million.         Gulen.                       campaign, we have inten-     the allegations.             in the U.S. for evading U.S.
            Turkey  blames  the  cleric  Flynn,  a  retired  lieutenant   tionally  avoided  respond-  Gulen  has  been  living  in  sanctions on Iran. A former
            and his supporters for a July  general, did lobbying work   ing  to  every  rumor  or  alle-  the  U.S.  for  nearly  two  de-  Turkish   economy   minis-
            2016 military coup attempt  for Turkey last year.         gation,” the lawyers said in  cades.  He  is  a  former  ally  ter  and  an  executive  of  a
            that killed 250 people. Gu-  “Out of respect for the pro-  a statement.                of  Turkish  President  Recep  state-owned  Turkish  bank
            len, who lives in Pennsylva-  cess  of  the  various  investi-  “But  today’s  news  cycle  Tayyip  Erdogan  until  their  have also been indicted.
            nia,  has  denied  being  be-  gations regarding the 2016   has  brought  allegations  2013  public  falling-out  led  In  a  meeting  last  week,
                                                                      about General Flynn, rang-   the government to declare  Turkish  Prime  Minister  Binali
                                                                      ing  from  kidnapping  to  Gulen’s  network  a  terror  Yildirim and U.S. Vice Presi-
                                                                      bribery,  that  are  so  outra-  group.                   dent  Michael  Pence  dis-
                                                                      geous and prejudicial that  Nearly  50,000  people  are  cussed  the  cases  among
                                                                      we  are  making  an  excep-  behind  bars  in  Turkey  and  other  sources  of  strain,  in-
                                                                      tion  to  our  usual  rule:  they  more than 100,000 civil ser-  cluding  the  U.S.  backing
                                                                      are false,” they said. .     vants have been dismissed  of Syrian Kurdish militants in
                                                                      Michael Flynn Jr.’s attorney  from  their  jobs  for  alleged  the war against the Islamic
                                                                      declined  to  comment  on  links to the cleric’s network  State group.q

                                                                      Iranians report at least 61

                                                                      dead, 300 injured from quake

                                                                      TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — A pow-   The  Islamic  Republic  of  Koulivand earlier told a lo-
                                                                      erful  magnitude  7.2  earth-  Iran News Network quoted  cal  television  station  that
                                                                      quake hit the region along  the  head  of  the  country’s  the  earthquake  knocked
                                                                      the  border  between  Iran  emergency medical servic-     out electricity in Iran’s west-
                                                                      and Iraq on Sunday, killing  es, Pirhossein Koulivand, as  ern  cities  of  Mehran  and
                                                                      at  least  61  people  and  in-  saying  early  Monday  that  Ilam. He also said 35 rescue
                                                                      juring 300 in Iran, an Iranian  at least 61 had been killed  teams were providing assis-
                                                                      official said.               and  300  injured  on  Iran’s  tance.
                                                                      Iranian  state  TV  said  Iraqi  side of the border.      Iranian  President  Hassan
                                                                      officials  had  reported  six  Iranian  state  TV  also  said  Rouhani  in  a  phone  call
                                                                      deaths  and  200  injuries  in-  Iraqi  officials  reported  at  with the Interior Ministry em-
                                                                      side Iraq, though there was  least six people dead inside  phasized the need for max-
                                                                      no  official  comment  from  Iraq, along with more than  imum effort from officials.
                                                                      Iraq’s government.           50  people  injured  in  Su-  Iranian  social  media  was
                                                                      The U.S. Geological Survey  laymaniyah  province  and  abuzz  Sunday  night  with
                                                                      said  the  quake  was  cen-  about  150  in  Khanaquin  posts  of  people  evacuat-
                                                                      tered  19  miles  (31  kilome-  city.  No  reports  were  im-  ing their homes, particularly
                                                                      ters)  outside  the  eastern  mediately  available  from  in Kermanshah and Ghasr-
                                                                      Iraqi city of Halabja.       Iraq’s government.           e Shirin.q
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