P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
               Monday 13 noveMber 2017

             Lawsuit seeks new recourse on for-profit college fraud

            By MARIA DANILOVA                                                                                                   vestigation by New York At-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   torney General found that
            WASHINGTON (AP) —                                                                                                   the school routinely misrep-
            Two  women  who  claim                                                                                              resented its job placement
            they  were  defrauded  by                                                                                           results to students.
            a  for-profit  college  have                                                                                         It has since then shut down
            sued  the  Education  De-                                                                                           all  of  its  brick-and-mortar
            partment  and  a  private                                                                                           campuses,  but  still  oper-
            loan  servicer  in  a  case                                                                                         ates online.
            their  attorneys  say  could                                                                                        Career   Education    Col-
            provide  a  new  legal  rem-                                                                                        leges  and  Universities,  the
            edy  for  tens  of  thousands                                                                                       for-profit  industry  lobbying
            of  students  frustrated  with                                                                                      group, also did not return a
            the  department’s  inaction                                                                                         request for comment.
            on claims seeking loan for-                                                                                         Work on student loan relief
            giveness.                                                                                                           has  largely  stalled  since
            The lawsuit, filed Sunday in                                                                                        DeVos assumed office. She
            federal court in New York,                                                                                          has  halted  two  Obama-
            comes as the department                                                                                             era  initiatives  that  called
            begins  work  this  week  re-                                                                                       for  more  protections  for
            writing  Obama  adminis-                                                                                            students and has accumu-
            tration  rules  designed  to                                                                                        lated  a  backlog  of  some
            boost  protections  for  stu-                                                                                       87,000  loan  cancellation
            dents  defrauded  by  their                                                                                         claims, according to a re-
            schools.                      In this June 6, 2017, file photo, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos testifies on Capitol Hill in Wash-  port published this week.
            Tina  Carr  and  Yvette  Co-  ington.                                                                               The  Associated  Press  re-
            lon had attended Sanford-    its to other schools, as had  Predatory Student Lending,  process.”                    ported  last  month  that
            Brown  Institute,  a  for-profit   been promised, according  which  represents  defraud-  The Department of Educa-  DeVos     is   considering
            college  in  New  York,  and   to the suit.               ed students.                 tion  did  not  respond  to  a   abandoning  the  Obama
            are  seeking  to  have  their   Colon is asking for the can-  “Yvette  and  Tina  deserve  request for comment.     administration  practice  of
            student loans erased.        cellation of her four federal  to be able to move on with  Navient,  the  loan  servicer   fully  erasing  student  loans
            Their  lawsuit  cites  federal   and two private loans total-  their lives, and because it’s  named  in  the  suit,  said  it   and  granting  defrauded
            and state law that prohib-   ing $21,000.                 clear that the department  doesn’t have the authority     students only partial relief.
            its fraud as well as the con-  Carr trained to be a medi-  doesn’t  have  any  inten-  to  decide  the  fate  of  stu-  Critics  say  the  Trump  ad-
            tract they signed with their   cal  assistant.  She  says  the  tion  for  doing  anything  for  dent loans.        ministration  is  looking  out
            school.                      school lied to her about job  cheated students, it’s nec-  “As  mandated  by  federal   for its friends in the for-profit
            Previous  lawsuits  invoked   placement assistance and  essary to bypass them and  requirements,  all  applica-     industry  and  putting  their
            the department’s own reg-    the ability to transfer cred-  go straight to the court for  tions for defense to repay-  interests  ahead  of  stu-
            ulations  in  their  search  for   its.                   their fair hearing,” she add-  ment are submitted to the   dents’.
            loan relief.                 Carr  has  defaulted  on  her  ed.                        U.S. Department of Educa-    DeVos  has  hired  Robert
            Attorneys  for  the  two  stu-  $14,500  federal  loans  and  Abby Shafroth, an attorney  tion  for  processing,  and,   Eitel, who served as a top
            dents  say  the  new  ap-    wants the loan forgiven.     at  the  National  Consumer  upon  government  direc-     lawyer  for  Career  Educa-
            proach  is  necessary  be-   “People’s rights not to pay  Law  Center,  said  borrow-  tion,  servicers  suspend  re-  tion  Corporation,  an  um-
            cause Education Secretary    for  defective  products  is  ers are turning to the courts  payment while the Depart-  brella  organization  for  SBI,
            Betsy  DeVos  has  stalled   well  established  in  law,  because  nothing  else  is  ment  of  Education  makes    as  her  senior  counselor.
            consideration  of  tens  of   so  whatever  the  Depart-  working.                     a  discharge  eligibility  de-  She  also  appointed  a  for-
            thousands of similar claims   ment  of  Education  is  or  is  “They’ve  come  to  this  ap-  termination,” the company   mer  dean  at  DeVry  Uni-
            from borrowers.              not  doing,  the  legal  rights  proach  because  all  other  said.                    versity to serve as head of
            Colon    completed     the   of  borrowers  continue  to  avenues    have    failed,”  Career   Education    Cor-   the department’s enforce-
            school’s  certificate  pro-  exist  and  are  enforceable  Shafroth said.              poration,  which  operates   ment unit.
            gram  to  work  as  a  car-  against  the  government    “At  a  certain  point  there  Sanford-Brown Institute, did   Meanwhile, earlier this year,
            diac  sonographer,  only  to   just  as  they  are  against  has  to  be  another  way,  not  respond  to  a  request   President  Donald  Trump
            learn  that  her  credentials   private  parties,”  said  Toby  the  department  cannot  for  comment.  In  2013,  the   paid  $25  million  to  settle
            were  invalid  and  that  she   Merill,  a  litigator  at  Har-  say  ‘You  have  to  use  our  school  reached  a  $10  mil-  charges  his  Trump  Univer-
            couldn’t transfer her cred-  vard University’s Project on  process and not provide a  lion settlement after an in-  sity misled customers.q
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