P. 11
WORLD NEWS Monday 13 noveMber 2017
A list of heartbreak: Newspaper
tallies 33,293 dead migrants
By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER “the asylum-seekers, refu- Mediterranean Sea while
Associated Press gees and migrants who trying to make their way to
BERLIN (AP) — A German died since 1993 as a con- Europe.
newspaper has published sequence of the restrictive The most recent listings
a list of 33,293 people it says policies of Europe on the were for two unidentified
died while trying to immi- continent’s outer borders people, one of them a
grate to Europe between or inside Europe.” child, and dated May 29,
1993 and May of this year. Some of the immigrants 2017. The entry says: “Two
The list, published by daily who succeeded in reach- bodies found, 28 miss- In this photo provided by Sea-Watch, migrants from a sinking
Der Tagesspiegel Thursday, ing Europe later died in vio- ing, drowned or stamped inflatable dinghy try to board a Libyan coast guard ship during
covered 46 pages and in- lent attacks or killed them- down in a panic when their a rescue operation at sea in international waters off the coast of
cluded names, ages and selves in custody while wait- boat sank off Libya.”q Libya on Monday, Nov. 6, 2017. Associated Press
countries of origin, when ing to be deported back to
available, as well as how their home countries.
the victims died and their A 17-year-old Somali boy
date of death. Often, died when neo-Nazis in the
though, they never were eastern German town of
identified. Schmoellnhe forced him to
One entry said Iraqi mi- jump off a tower on Oct 21,
grant Talat Abdulhamid, 2016. A 30-year-old man
36, froze to death on Jan. from Uganda committed
6 after walking for 48 hours suicide in an immigrant de-
through the mountains on tention center on the coast
the Turkish-Bulgarian bor- of southern England.
der. Another, citing the “We want to honor them”
United Nations refugee Der Tagesspiegel wrote.
agency, was for a 15-year- “And at the same time we
old boy who drowned on want to show that every
Nov. 15, 2016 when a rub- line tells a story...and that
ber dinghy he was on with the list keeps getting lon-
23 others sank while trying ger, day by day.”
to get from Libya to Europe. The vast majority of the
The newspaper said it people on the newspa-
wanted to document, per’s list drowned on the
New mass graves
found in Iraq could
contain up to 400 bodies
KIRKUK, Iraq (AP) — Iraqi thorities will start exhuming
security forces have found the bodies from the mass
mass graves in an area graves.
recently retaken from the Khalaf Luhaibi, a local
Islamic State group that shepherd who led troops
could contain up to 400 to the site, said IS used to
bodies, an Iraqi official said bring captives to the area
Sunday. and shoot them dead or
The bodies of civilians and pour oil over them and light
security forces were found them on fire. The area was
in an abandoned base strewn with torn clothing
near Hawija, a northern and what appeared to be
town retaken in early Octo- human bones and skulls.
ber, Kirkuk governor Rakan Iraqi forces have driven IS
Saed said. from nearly all the territory
He didn’t say when au- it once controlled.q