P. 5

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 13 noveMber 2017
            Bannon appeals to

            Jews to join war on

             GOP establishment

            By STEVE PEOPLES             “We’re  leading  an  insur-
             Associated Press            gency  movement  against
            NEW YORK (AP) —              the  Republican  establish-
            President  Donald  Trump’s  ment,”
            former  chief  strategist  on  Bannon  charged,  blaming
            Sunday  called  on  Ameri-   his adversaries in the estab-
            can Jews to join his war on  lishment for playing games.
            the  Republican  establish-  “That’s  how  you  get  the   In this Nov. 9, 2017, photo, Steve Bannon, the former chief strate-
            ment.                        Iran deal,”                  gist to President Donald Trump, speaks during an event in Man-
            Steve Bannon appealed to  he continued. “That’s how       chester, N.H.
            the  Zionist  Organization  of  we still allow the American                                        Associated Press
            America  to  “work  as  part-  government  to  finance    runs, Breitbart News, which  lican  senators  he  says  are
            ners” in his crusade against  people  that  have  blood   is  popular  among  some  blocking  Trump’s  agenda
            GOP leaders he blames for  on their hands of innocent     white  supremacists,  anti-  in Washington.
            blocking  Trump’s  agenda.  Jewish civilians.”            Semites  and  others  who  “President Trump needs our
            Bannon delivered the fiery  The  Zionist  Organization    identify  with  the  so-called  back,”
            address  at  the  organiza-  of  America  has  largely    alt-right movement.          he declared. “We’re a na-
            tion’s annual awards dinner  embraced  Bannon,  while     Bannon, who left the White  tion at war.
            in  New  York,  with  several  other  Jewish  leaders  have   House in August, is now try-  This war is only going to be
            current  and  former  Trump  raised concerns about him    ing  to  raise  money  to  de-  won  if  we  bind  together
            staffers in attendance.      and  the  news  outlet  he   feat  several  sitting  Repub-  and work as partners.”q
            Disneyland shuts

            cooling towers after

            Legionnaires’ cases

            In  this  Jan.  22,  2015,  file  photo,  visitors  walk  toward  Sleeping
            Beauty’s Castle in the background at Disneyland Resort in Ana-
            heim, Calif.
            ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Dis-  visited  the  park,  has  died,
            neyland has shut down two  the agency said.
            cooling  towers  after  peo-  There  haven’t  been  any
            ple  who  visited  the  South-  new  cases  linked  to  Ana-
            ern  California  theme  park  heim since September, the
            came  down  with  Legion-    agency said.
            naires’ disease.             “There is no known ongoing
            A dozen cases of the bac-    risk associated with this out-
            terial  lung  infection  were  break,” the agency said.
            discovered  about  three  Legionnaires’  disease  can
            weeks  ago,  the  Orange  be  spread  through  inhal-
            County Health Care Agen-     ing  droplets  from  con-
            cy announced Friday.         taminated  water  sources.
            The  patients,  ranging  in  While  many  people  have
            age  from  52  to  94,  lived  no symptoms, it can cause
            or  had  spent  time  in  Ana-  serious  pneumonia  and
            heim, and nine had visited  prove  dangerous  to  those
            Disneyland  in  September.  with lung or immune system
            One  patient,  who  hadn’t  problems. q
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