P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 13 noveMber 2017

            A home winner at last as Branden Grace triumphs at Sun City

            By GERALD IMRAY                                                                                                     was  sublime  tee  to  green
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   in  the  final  round,  hitting
            Branden  Grace’s  record-                                                                                           all  18  greens  in  regulation.
            breaking round of 62 at the                                                                                         He  went  bogey-free  and
            British Open has been over-                                                                                         made six birdies, but there
            taken  for  his  best  memory                                                                                       could  have  been  more  if
            of 2017.                                                                                                            not  for  the  putter  letting
            South  Africa’s  Grace  won                                                                                         him  down.  That  was  until
            the  Nedbank  Golf  Chal-                                                                                           No. 16.
            lenge by one shot after fin-                                                                                        “I  just  knew  I  had  to  stay
            ishing 11-under par on Sun-                                                                                         patient  and  had  to  take
            day, making a 30-foot bird-                                                                                         my  chances  when  they
            ie putt on No. 16 to edge in                                                                                        came,”  he  said.  “I  missed
            front and become the first                                                                                          a couple of short ones but
            home winner at Sun City in                                                                                          the big key was 16.”
            a decade.                                                                                                           Grace,  Jamieson  and  Du-
            Grace’s  long  putt  at  the                                                                                        buisson  arrived  at  the  tee
            par  3  put  him  one  ahead                                                                                        on  No.  15  all  tied  for  the
            of  playing  partner  Scott                                                                                         lead at 10 under and ready
            Jamieson and two clear of                                                                                           to  take  their  battle  down
            Victor Dubuisson, who was                                                                                           the  final  stretch  at  Gary
            also part of the final group.                                                                                       Player  Country  Club.  Du-
            Grace  made  pars  on  the                                                                                          buisson dropped back with
            last two, tapping in on No.   South Africa’s Brandon Grace, right, is sprayed with champagne as he celebrates after winning   a bogey there.
            18  for  a  66  and  his  eighth   the Nedbank Golf Challenge at Sun City, South Africa, Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017.     Jamieson  then  sliced  his
            European Tour title, and first                                                                     Associated Press  tee shot at No. 16 way right
            since January 2016.          “I  think  this  was  probably  in  third.  There  were  reper-  ship  next  weekend,  when   and  the  ball  disappeared
            The  Nedbank  Challenge      the  loudest  applause  I’ve  cussions  for  the  European  Fleetwood  tries  to  hold  on   among the hospitality tents
            holds  major-like  prestige   ever  received  coming  up  Tour’s  Race  to  Dubai  title  from Justin Rose and Sergio   only  to  bounce  back  into
            for South Africans, and Sun   the  18th  hole,”  said  the  following  the  penultimate  Garcia.                    view  and  settle  behind  a
            City  hadn’t  seen  a  local   29-year-old  Grace,  who  tournament of the season.     Despite  becoming  the  first   bunker.  His  chip  over  the
            player win since Trevor Im-  grew  up  a  couple  hours’  Race to Dubai leader Tom-    man to shoot a 62 at a ma-   trap lipped out of the cup,
            melman in 2007.              drive away in Pretoria. “It’s  my  Fleetwood  carded  a  jor  when  he  went  8  under   nearly  giving  him  a  spec-
            On clinching victory, Grace   awesome.  This  is  really  the  1-under 71 to finish 3 under  at  Royal  Birkdale  in  July,   tacular birdie.
            raised  his  arms,  closed  his   one I wanted to win. I grew  and in a tie for 10th at Sun  Grace said 2017 had been   Grace  drilled  his  long  putt
            eyes, and leaned back as     up watching it.”             City,  where  a  win  would  “a tough year.”              into the middle of the hole,
            he was sprayed with cham-    Scotland’s  Jamieson,  the  have  sealed  the  season  He  had  a  tough  day  on      though,  and  reacted  with
            pagne  by  fellow  South  Af-  overnight  leader,  finished  title  for  the  Englishman.  It  Friday, too, carding 75. He   a low fist pump and a shout
            rican players Louis Oosthui-  second at 10 under after a  means  the  Race  to  Dubai  was back in the frame with   of  joy.  He  said  he  and  his
            zen and Darren Fichardt.     final-round 70. France’s Du-  will be a three-player race  a  third-round  68,  but  still   pregnant wife found out on
            There  was  also  a  big  hug   buisson also finished with a  in Dubai at the season-end-  started Sunday three shots   Wednesday that they were
            from Gary Player.            70 and a shot further back  ing  World  Tour  Champion-   behind  Jamieson.  Grace     expecting a boy.q
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