P. 25

BUSINESS                 Monday 13 noveMber 2017

            Chinese spend billions shopping online on ‘Singles Day’

            By SAM McNEIL                                                                                                       trillion  by  2020,  compared
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with  6  percent  growth  for
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Chinese                                                                                           off-line retail.
            consumers  have  spent  bil-                                                                                        Singles Day was begun by
            lions  of  dollars  shopping                                                                                        Chinese  college  students
            online  for  anything  from                                                                                         in the 1990s as a version of
            diapers  to  diamonds  on                                                                                           Valentine’s Day for people
            “Singles Day,” a day of pro-                                                                                        without romantic partners.
            motions that has grown into                                                                                         Zhang  Jingjing,  a  30-year-
            the world’s biggest e-com-                                                                                          old  clerk  for  an  engineer-
            merce event.                                                                                                        ing  company,  prepared
            China’s   largest   e-com-                                                                                          for Singles Day by building
            merce     giant,   Alibaba                                                                                          a shopping list on Alibaba’s
            Group,  said  Sunday  sales                                                                                         retail  platform  Tmall  and
            by  the  thousands  of  retail-                                                                                     watching  for  when  prices
            ers  on  its  platforms  for  the                                                                                   dip.  She  then  clicks  and
            24-hour period on Saturday                                                                                          snags  a  long-sought  item
            amounted  to  168.3  billion                                                                                        at a discount.
            yuan  ($25.3  billion),  setting                                                                                    “I  have  often  emptied  my
            a new record for the com-                                                                                           ‘shopping  cart’  on  Singles
            pany.  It  was  39  percent                                                                                         Day,”  Zheng  said.  “I  have
            more  than  sales  clocked                                                                                          been    watching     those
            last year on Alibaba’s plat-                                                                                        goods for a long time and
            forms of 120.7 billion yuan.  Young  children  visit  the  headquarters  for  Chinese  e-commerce  giant  during  “Singles   know very well their original
            By  comparison,  American    Day” in Beijing, China, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017.                      Associated Press  prices.”
            shoppers  last  year  spent                                                                                         The spending gives a boost
            more  than  $5  billion  shop-  Adobe said.               ($19 billion).               China is already the world’s  to  the  ruling  Communist
            ping online on Thanksgiving  In China, Alibaba’s main ri-  Starting at midnight Friday,  largest  e-commerce  mar-  Party’s  efforts  to  nurture
            Day  and  Black  Friday,  ac-  val, online retailer,  diamonds,  Chilean  frozen  ket and the share of online  consumer-based  econom-
            cording  to  Adobe,  which  did not provide a sales fig-  salmon, tires, diapers, beer,  shopping that makes up all  ic  growth  and  reduce  reli-
            tracks such data. Shoppers  ure  only  for  Saturday  but  shoes,  handbags,  and  ap-  consumer  spending  grows  ance on trade and invest-
            also  spent  $3.39  billion  on  said  cumulative  sales  over  pliances were shipped out  every  year.  Boston  Con-  ment. China has 731 million
            Cyber  Monday  last  year,  the  11-day  period  starting  from’s  distribution  sulting Group forecasts on-  internet users, up 6 percent
            the  largest  single  online  on Nov. 1 through Saturday  centers on trucks bound for  line spending will rise by 20  from  2016,  according  to
            shopping  day  in  the  U.S.,  totaled  127  billion  yuan  deliveries across China.   percent a year, hitting $1.6  government statistics.q

            Uber seals multibillion-dollar investment from Softbank

            By TOM KRISHER               cent stake in the company.  sion at home and abroad,  way for the SoftBank invest-     turmoil and legal threats at
            AP Auto Writer               Uber  currently  is  valued  at  while  strengthening  our  ment, the person said.     Uber.
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Japanese  $68.5 billion, but stock offers  corporate   governance,”  Kalanick,   who    controls  The deal allows early inves-
            technology     conglomer-    will  be  based  on  a  lower  the statement said.        three  of  11  seats  on  the  tors  such  as  Benchmark  to
            ate  SoftBank  has  reached  valuation,  so  it’s  unknown  The  move  also  clears  the  Uber  board,  agreed  to  al-  sell  at  least  some  of  their
            a  deal  with  Uber  to  invest  just  how  much  the  total  way  for  Uber,  among  the  low  a  majority  of  board  shares  at  a  handsome
            billions in the ride-hailing gi-  deal multibillion-dollar deal  most valuable tech firms in  members  to  vote  on  any  profit. But there will likely be
            ant.                         will be worth, said the per-  the  world,  to  sell  stock  to  future  appointments  he  some  wrangling  over  how
            Uber Technologies Inc. con-  son,  who  spoke  on  condi-  the public. Under the deal,  makes,  according  to  the  much  shares  are  worth  in
            firmed  the  investment  in  a  tion of anonymity because  the initial public offering will  person. Benchmark agreed  the coming weeks.q
            statement  Sunday  without  details were not released.    take place before the end  to suspend a lawsuit against
            giving details.              Uber’s  statement  said  it  of 2019.                     Kalanick  and  drop  it  once
            But a person briefed on the  reached  an  agreement  The long-awaited deal was  Softbank  gets  through  a
            deal  told  The  Associated  with  a  consortium  led  by  made  public  in  October  one-month tender offer pe-
            Press  that  SoftBank  Group  SoftBank  and  Dragoneer  but was delayed by a cor-      riod  that  will  start  in  about
            will  buy  about  $1  billion  Investment Group. The deal  porate governance and le-   two  weeks.  Benchmark,  a
            worth  of  new  Uber  stock,  is  a  vote  of  confidence  in  gal dispute between inves-  major  Silicon  Valley  ven-
            then  will  offer  to  purchase  the  company’s  potential  tor Benchmark Capital and  ture  capital  firm  that  was
            shares  from  investors  and  and  “will  help  fuel  our  in-  ousted CEO Travis Kalanick.  among  Uber’s  early  back-
            Uber  employees  with  the  vestments  in  technology  Both sides ended their feud  ers,  alleged  in  the  lawsuit
            goal of reaching a 14 per-   and our continued expan-     on  Sunday,  clearing  the  that  Kalanick  covered  up
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