P. 24

Monday 13 noveMber 2017 BUSINESS

            Zuckerberg nears end of U.S. tour, wants to boost small biz

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY           Zuckerberg  said.  “But  be-
             AP Technology Writer        cause  we  are  kicking  off
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  What’s  this  whole  program  that  I
            Mark  Zuckerberg’s  biggest  think is going to be critical
            takeaway  as  he  wraps  up  to the whole mission focus-
            a year of travel to dozens of  ing on building community,
            U.S. states? The importance  I  thought  it  was  an  impor-
            of local communities.        tant thing to do.”
            “Most of the discussion we  Facebook  wouldn’t  say
            have  nationally  is  about  how  many  of  its  own  em-
            what    the    government  ployees  will  be  participat-
            should  do,  or  to  some  de-  ing in the Community Boost
            gree  what  families  should  program,  which  will  “visit”
            do,”  the  Facebook  CEO  30 U.S. cities next year and
            said  in  an  interview.  “Peo-  offer  people  free  training
            ple don’t spend that much  on  a  range  of  digital  skills.
            time talking about commu-    Those  will  include  cod-
            nity,  and  I  think  probably  ing,  building  websites  and
            that’s  the  most  important  —  naturally  —  using  Face-
            part  of  people’s  support  book for their business.
            structure.”                  The      company       has
            To  this  end,  Zuckerberg  is  launched  a  smaller  ver-
            announcing  a  program  to  sion of the program in De-
            boost small businesses and  troit,  where  it  is  paying  to   Facebook  CEO  Mark  Zuckerberg  takes  a  selfie  with  a  group  of  entrepreneurs  and  innovators
            bolster individual technical  train 3,000 people in digital   after taking part in a roundtable discussion at Cortex Innovation Community technology hub,
            skills both on and off Face-  skills through a local group   Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017, in St. Louis.
            book. The move shows how  called Grand Circus.                                                                                 Associated Press
            intertwined  Facebook  has  Zuckerberg  said  he  thinks  along with executives from  book  a  force  for  good  in  Thursday  to  announce  the
            become not just in our so-   these  are  some  “specific  Google and Twitter on Rus-   the world.                   program,  which  will  also
            cial  lives,  but  in  entrepre-  things”  Facebook  can  do  sia’s  use  of  online  services  The  33-year-old  CEO  has  touch  down  in  Houston,
            neurs’  economic  survival  to help boost the economy  to  meddle  with  the  2016  spent the past year visiting  Greenville,  South  Carolina
            and growth.                  and small businesses, “both  U.S. elections. Between that  states he hadn’t been to yet  and  other  cities.  While  the
            Facebook  says  more  than  because  it’s  going  to  be  and  concerns  that  Face-   to learn more from regular  tour has sometimes borne a
            70  million  small  businesses  good for our products and  book has encouraged po-     people and local commu-      resemblance  to  a  political
            use its service. Only 6 million  business  and  because  it’s  litical  polarization  and  the  nities — stopping by an opi-  campaign  —  Zuckerberg
            of them advertise.           going  to  be  good  for  this  spread  of  fake  news,  it’s  oid treatment center, an oil  has made a point of meet-
            “If  this  were  purely  about  mission  of  building  a  com-  been a tough year for the  rig and a seafood process-  ing  with  a  cross-section  of
            our  ad  business  or  some-  munity  even  beyond  our  company.                      ing  plant  along  the  way.  Americans and listening to
            thing  like  that,  I  probably  own interests.”          Amid  the  turmoil,  Zucker-  He has two more states left,  their  concerns  —  he’s  de-
            wouldn’t  be  the  primary  Last week, Facebook’s top  berg has renewed his pub-       Kansas  and  Missouri.  Zuck-  flected  any  suggestions  of
            person  talking  about  it,”  lawyer testified in Congress  lic  focus  on  making  Face-  erberg  was  in  St.  Louis  on  a presidential run.q

            Kindle with your kale? Amazon

             to open shops in Whole Foods

            By JOSEPH PISANI             The  move  gives  Amazon,  brick-and-mortar       book-
             AP Retail Writer            which bought Whole Foods  stores.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  You  this summer, another place  The Seattle-based compa-
            may  see  more  of  Amazon  where shoppers can touch  ny  says  that  Whole  Foods
            inside  Whole  Foods  soon:  or try out its gadgets during  stores  in  Chicago;  Denver;
            The  online  retailer,  which  the  holiday  shopping  sea-  Rochester  Hills,  Michigan;
            has already been selling its  son. Amazon has been ex-    Davie,  Florida;  and  Pasa-
            voice-activated  Echos  at  panding  its  brick-and-mor-  dena,  California,  will  open
            Whole  Foods,  will  start  to  tar  presence:  It  recently  Amazon   pop-up   stores
            sell Kindles, Fire tablets and  opened shops inside some  next week. About 100 other
            other  Amazon  devices  at  Kohl’s  department  stores  stores will also have the de-  In this Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, file photo, Amazon’s Echo and
                                                                                                   Echo Dot appear on sale at a Whole Foods Market in New York.
            its grocery stores.          and it has opened a dozen  vices available for sale.q                                             Associated Press
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