P. 28
Monday 13 noveMber 2017
Study suggests women less likely to get CPR from bystanders
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE der advantage in a second
AP Chief Medical Writer study discussed on Sunday.
ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — It found the odds of suffer-
Women are less likely than ing cardiac arrest during
men to get CPR from a by- or soon after sex are very
stander and more likely to low, but higher for men
die, a new study suggests, than women. Previous stud-
and researchers think reluc- ies have looked at sex and
tance to touch a woman’s heart attacks, but those
chest might be one reason. are caused by a clot sud-
Only 39 percent of women denly restricting blood flow,
suffering cardiac arrest in and people usually have
a public place were given time to get to a hospital
CPR versus 45 percent of and be treated, said Dr. Su-
men, and men were 23 meet Chugh, a cardiologist
percent more likely to sur- at Cedars-Sinai Heart Insti-
vive, the study found. tute in Los Angeles. He and
It involved nearly 20,000 other researchers wanted
cases around the country to know how sex affected
and is the first to examine the odds of cardiac arrest,
gender differences in re- a different problem that’s
ceiving heart help from the In this Friday, Aug. 4, 2017 file photo, mannequins are arranged to train CPR to incoming medical more often fatal.
public versus professional students in Jackson, Miss. They studied records on
responders. Associated Press more than 4,500 cardiac
“It can be kind of daunt- middle of the chest. In the- death situation,” Abella are usually male torsos, arrests over 13 years in the
ing thinking about pushing ory, you’re touching in be- said. Blewer said. Portland area. Only 34
hard and fast on the cen- tween the breasts.” Researchers had no infor- “All of us are going to have were during or within an
ter of a woman’s chest” The study was discussed mation on rescuers or why to take a closer look at hour of having sex, and 32
and some people may fear Sunday at an American they may have been less this” gender issue, said the of those were in men. Most
they are hurting her, said Heart Association confer- likely to help women. But Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Roger already were on medicines
Audrey Blewer, a University ence in Anaheim. no gender difference was White, who co-directs the for heart conditions, so their
of Pennsylvania researcher Cardiac arrest occurs when seen in CPR rates for peo- paramedic program for risk was elevated to start
who led the study. the heart suddenly stops ple who were stricken at the city of Rochester, Min- with.
Rescuers also may worry pumping, usually because home, where a rescuer is nesota. He said he has long “It’s a very awkward situa-
about moving a woman’s of a rhythm problem. More more likely to know the per- worried that large breasts tion, and a very horrifying
clothing to get better ac- than 350,000 Americans son needing help. may impede proper place- situation to be one of the
cess, or touching breasts to each year suffer one in set- The findings suggest that ment of defibrillator pads if two people who survives,”
do CPR, but doing it prop- tings other than a hospital. CPR training may need to women need a shock to re- but more would survive
erly “shouldn’t entail that,” About 90 percent of them be improved. Even that store normal heart rhythm. if CPR rates were higher,
said another study leader, die, but CPR can double may be subtly biased to- The Heart Association and Chugh said.
U Penn’s Dr. Benjamin Abel- or triple survival odds.”This ward males — practice the National Institutes of Results were published in
la. “You put your hands on is not a time to be squea- mannequins (they’re not Health funded the study. the Journal of the American
the sternum, which is the mish because it’s a life and called “woman-nequins”) Men did not have a gen- College of Cardiology.q
Frozen treats, other supplies rocketing toward space station
By MARCIA DUNN tares rocket. The Cygnus Nespoli has been craving Crowds gathered at Wal-
AP Aerospace Writer capsule should reach the pizza for months. lops in freezing tempera-
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. orbiting lab Tuesday. It’s “Pizza and ice cream on tures and cheered as the
(AP) — A stash of frozen loaded with 7,400 pounds the way!” NASA astronaut rocket soared toward the
treats and other supplies of cargo, including sweet Joe Acaba tweeted follow- southeast. Sunrise made it
rocketed toward the Inter- treats for the six station as- ing liftoff. “Eagerly awaiting hard to see the launch far-
national Space Station on tronauts. There are frozen the arrival.” This marked Or- ther afield.
Sunday, this time from Vir- fruit bars, ice cream bars, bital ATK’s first launch from The field of visibility
ginia’s cold eastern shore. ice cream sandwiches and its home turf in more than a stretched from New Eng-
NASA’s commercial ship- cups of chocolate and va- year. The last time it made land to the Carolinas.
per, Orbital ATK, launched nilla ice cream — about 80 a space station delivery, it A launch attempt on Sat-
the cargo ship just after in all, according to NASA. used another company’s urday was nixed after a Orbital ATK’s Antares rocket
lifts off from Wallops Island,
sunrise from Wallops Island, The crew expects pizza as rocket flying from Cape plane strayed into the re- Va., Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017.
aboard an unmanned An- well. Italian astronaut Paolo Canaveral, Florida. stricted airspace. q Associated Press