P. 32

               Monday 13 noveMber 2017
            Water wizards: Dutch flood expertise is big export business

            By MIKE CORDER
             Associated Press
            SPAKENBURG,  Netherlands
            (AP)  —  On  a  calm,  clear
            morning,  historic  wooden
            fishing boats float tranquilly
            on the glassy waters of the
            Dutch  harbor  of  Spaken-
            burg. Yet just over a centu-
            ry ago, they were slamming
            through  the  houses  lining
            the  harbor  as  a  powerful
            storm  unleashed  flooding
            that devastated this pictur-
            esque fishing village.
            These  days,  an  innova-
            tive  new  self-raising  dike
            protects the village on the
            edge of Eemmeer Lake, 50
            kilometers (30 miles) south-
            east  of  Amsterdam.  The
            300-meter  (984-foot)  long
            barrier is concealed in the
            sidewalk  when  not  in  use,
            and  is  lifted  up  to  80  cen-
            timeters (31 inches) by the
            very  floodwaters  it  is  de-
            signed to keep out.
            It’s  just  the  latest  example
            of  Dutch  ingenuity  and
            planning  in  this  low-lying
            nation’s  constant  battle   In this Nov. 6, 2017, photo, a self-raising dike is seen in the Dutch fishing village of Spakenburg.
            with water — and increas-                                                                                                       Associated Press
            ingly,  technology  like  it  lands  that  will  be  formally  But while the costs are high,  are  becoming  increasing-  water   technology   and
            is  becoming  a  lucrative  launched  Tuesday  on  the  expertise  and  technology  ly  valuable  commodities.  expertise  have  doubled
            Dutch export.                sidelines  of  the  Bonn  con-  developed  by  the  Dutch  Annual  exports  of  Dutch  since  2000  to  just  under  8
            “We live here in a very vul-  ference.                                                                              billion  euros  ($9.3  billion)
            nerable  place,”  said  Ro-  The  center  aims  to  “sup-                                                           a  year.  “Water  is  an  asset
            eland Hillen, director of the  port those who struggle to                                                           and  a  threat,”  said  Ovink.
            Dutch Flood Protection Pro-  put  climate  adaptation                                                               Recent contracts involving
            gram. “We have to adapt  effectively  into  practice  in                                                            Dutch  companies  include
            to  survive.”  That  message  all  parts  of  the  world,”  the                                                     Netherlands-based Arcadis
            resonates with many other  government said.                                                                         being  selected  as  part  of
            flood-prone  countries  now  Housing the water expertise                                                            a consortium involved in a
            attending  climate  change  center  in  the  Netherlands                                                            10-year  “seawall  resiliency
            talks  in  Bonn,  where  del-  was a no-brainer. Some 26                                                            project”  to  strengthen  a
            egates from some 195  na-    percent of this nation of 17                                                           century-old  San  Francisco
            tions  have  gathered  to  million  people  lies  below                                                             harbor  wall  that  protects
            discuss rules for implement-  sea level and 29 percent is                                                           an area including the city’s
            ing  the  2015  Paris  climate  vulnerable to river flooding.                                                       beloved Fisherman’s Wharf.
            accord.  The  meeting  in  The Dutch struggle to keep                                                               Back  in  Spakenburg,  ex-
            the  former  German  capi-   the country dry has been a                                                             perts  say  the  self-raising
            tal,  which  runs  until  Friday,  constant fact of life for cen-                                                   dike is a good example not
            is  being  presided  over  by  turies.                                                                              only of new techniques for
            Fiji,  one  of  the  many  small  The center will have bases                                                        holding  back  rising  tides,
            island  nations  threatened  in the northern city of Gron-                                                          but  also  how  to  integrate
            by rising sea levels.        ingen and in a new floating                                                            such barriers in spatial plan-
            “We will feel the impact of  office in the port city of Rot-                                                        ning.  Sinking  the  wall  into
            climate  change  all  over  terdam.                                                                                 the sidewalk means that it
            the  world  most  profoundly  The Dutch government ear-                                                             does not spoil views of the
            through  water,”  said  Henk  marks 1 billion euros ($1.16                                                          picturesque harbor for tour-
            Ovink,  the  Netherlands’  billion)  per  year  to  keep                                                            ists  or  locals.  The  technol-
            Special  Envoy  for  Interna-  up  its  defenses  against                                                           ogy already is being put to
            tional Water Affairs, who is  high  water.  The  money  is                                                          use  in  projects  in  England,
            at the Bonn conference.      spent  on  maintaining  and                                                            Vietnam and China.
            The   Dutch    government  strengthening  dikes  and                                                                Ovink  stresses  that  it  is  just
            teamed up earlier this year  levees  and  on  other  wa-                                                            one  of  a  multitude  of  de-
            with  Japan  and  the  U.  N.  ter mitigation measures. By                                                          fenses the Dutch have de-
            Environment  Program  to  2050,  the  country  aims  to                                                             veloped  to  hold  water  at
            create  a  Global  Center  reinforce  some  1,900  kilo-                                                            bay.  “There  is  no  (single)
            of  Excellence  on  Climate  meters (1,180 miles) of dikes   In this Nov. 6, 2017 photo, boats are moored near the self-raising   fix,”  he  said.  “It’s  a  culture
            Adaptation  in  the  Nether-  and levees, Hillen said.    dike in the Dutch fishing village of Spakenburg, Netherlands.   of living with water.”q
                                                                                                               Associated Press
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