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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 13 noveMber 2017
            Liz Smith, syndicated gossip columnist, dies at 94

            By CHRISTINA PACIOLLA        secret  became  known  to  discussing that of the stars.
            Liz  Smith,  the  syndicated  the world.                  A  subject  in  the  gay  press
            gossip  columnist  whose  Smith  held  a  lighthearted  for  many  years,  Smith  ac-
            mixture  of  banter,  barbs,  opinion of her own legacy.  knowledged  in  her  2000
            and  bon  mots  about  the  “We mustn’t take ourselves  book that she had relation-
            glitterati  helped  her  climb  too seriously in this world of  ships  with  both  men  and
            the  A-list  as  high  as  many  gossip,”  she  told  The  Asso-  women,  and  confirmed  a
            of  the  celebrities  she  cov-  ciated Press in 1987. “When  long-rumored,   long-term
            ered,  died  Sunday  at  the  you  look  at  it  realistically,  relationship  with  archae-
            age of 94.                   what I do is pretty insignifi-  ologist Iris Love.
            Joni  Evans,  Smith’s  literary  cant.                    Born  Mary  Elizabeth  Smith
            agent, told The Associated  “Still,  I’m  having  a  lot  of  in Fort Worth, Texas, in 1923,
            Press  she  died  of  natural  fun.”                      she  was  the  daughter  of
            causes.                      After graduating with a de-  devout Baptist mother and
            For  more  than  a  quarter-  gree in journalism from the  an  eccentric  father.  Smith
            century, Smith’s column —  University  of  Texas,  Smith  said  her  dad  received  his   In this Aug. 9, 2009, file photo, Liz Smith leaves the Celebration
            titled  simply  “Liz  Smith”  —  recalled buying a one-way  divine inspiration more from   of Life Memorial ceremony for Walter Cronkite at Avery Fisher
            was one of the most widely  ticket  to  New  York  in  1949  the race track than the pul-  Hall in New York.
            read in the world. The col-  with a dream of being the  pit.                                                                   Associated Press
            umn’s  success  was  due  in  next Walter Winchell.       As a young girl, Smith quick-  Cosmopolitan  that  led  to  into six figures. Her column
            part to Smith’s own celebri-  But unlike Winchell and his  ly fell in love with the silver  her  break.  While  establish-  was  syndicated  nation-
            ty status, giving her an insid-  imitators, Smith succeeded  screen,  since  movies  were  ing  herself  as  an  author-  wide,  drawing  millions  of
            er’s access rather than rely-  with kindness and an aver-  one  of  the  few  things  her  ity  on  Elizabeth  Taylor  and  readers.
            ing largely on tipsters, press  sion to cheap shots. Wheth-  mother  did  not  consider  a  Richard  Burton,  Smith  at-  She was married a second
            releases and publicists.     er reporting on entertainers,  sin.                       tracted the attention of the  time,  but  it  was  also  short-
            With  a  big  smile  and  her  politicians or power brokers,  After a brief marriage while  New York Daily News.    lived.
            sweet  southern  manner,  the  “Dame  of  Dish”  never  attending  Hardin-Simmons  She  started  her  own  col-     In  between  all  the  par-
            the Texas native endeared  bothered  with  unfounded  University,  Smith  earned  umn at the tabloid in 1976.  ties,  movie  premieres  and
            herself  to  many  celebrities  rumors,  sexual  preferences  her  journalism  degree  and  A gossip star was born.  late-night soirees at celeb-
            and  scored  major  tabloid  or     who’s-sleeping-with-  headed  off  for  New  York  In 1978, during a strike at the  rity  hangouts  like  Elaine’s,
            scoops: Donald and Ivana  whom.                           with two suitcases and $50.  News, Smith helped usher in  Smith  found  time  to  host
            Trump’s  divorce,  Woody  “When  she  escorts  us  into  For  nearly  30  years,  Smith  the era of celebrity journal-  an  ever-widening  array  of
            Allen and Mia Farrow’s im-   the private lives of popular  bounced  from  job  to  job:  ism on television by joining  charity fund-raisers.
            pending parenthood. One  culture’s  gods  and  mon-       publicist  for  singer  Kaye  WNBC-TV  for  three  nights  She   raised   money   for
            item  proved  embarrass-     sters, it’s with a spirit of won-  Ballard;  assistant  to  Mike  a  week  commentary.  Ten  groups  such  from  Literacy
            ingly  premature:  In  2012,  der, not meanness,” wrote  Wallace and Candid Cam-       years  later  she  jumped  to  Volunteers,  which  teaches
            she released a column on-    Jane  and  Michael  Stern  era  creator  Allen  Funt;  Fox, and she later did work  adults  to  read  and  write,
            line mourning the death of  in  reviewing  Smith’s  2000  ghostwriter for Igor Cassini’s  for the cable channel E! En-  to the Women’s Action Al-
            her friend Nora Ephron. But  autobiography,     “Natural  “Cholly     Knickerbocker”  tertainment Television.       liance, which promotes full
            Ephron,  who  was  indeed  Blonde,”  for  the  New  York  gossip column.               During that time, Smith mi-  equality for women.
            gravely ill, did not die until  Times Book Review.        Smith  ultimately  wrote  for  grated  from  the  News  to  She  is  survived  by  several
            a  few  hours  later  and  an  But  it  may  have  been  the  nine New York newspapers  the rival New York Post and  nieces and nephews. A me-
            impending  tragedy  that  question  of  her  own  sexu-   and  dozens  of  magazines,  finally  to  Newsday,  ulti-  morial  service  will  be  held
            Ephron  had  tried  to  keep  ality  which  kept  her  from  but it was a stint writing for  mately earning salaries well  to honor her this spring.q
            Lifetime to premiere movie on Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapping

            SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Kid-                                                             rich as Mitchell. Smart was  While  she  enjoyed  meet-
            napping  victim  Elizabeth                                                             on  the  set  for  part  of  the  ing  the  actors,  Smart  said
            Smart  is  pleased  with  how                                                          filming, narrated the movie  in an interview with Deseret
            a Lifetime movie and doc-                                                              and gave feedback to ex-    News that she felt uncom-
            umentary  she  helped  pro-                                                            ecutive  producers  Joseph  fortable  when  they  asked
            duce about her harrowing                                                               Freed and Allison Berkley.  her  to  take  a  photo  with
            ordeal  turned  out.  But  she                                                         She  especially  wanted  to  them. “It was just this weird
            said  her  visit  to  the  movie                                                       help  them  find  a  balance  experience because I was
            set  brought  back  terrible                                                           between  keeping  the  in-  sitting  there  like,  ‘They’re
            memories  when  she  saw                                                               tegrity  of  her  gruesome  lovely  people,  but  I  don’t
            actor  Skeet  Ulrich  looking                                                          experience and not being  know  if  I  should  smile  be-
            so  similar  to  the  man  who                                                         too graphic.                cause  they  don’t  look  like
            abducted her.                                                                          “Certainly  a  lot  of  very  lovely  people,’”  she  said.
            The  upcoming  film  titled  “I                                                        bad  things  happen,  and  I  “They  look  like  my  worst
            Am  Elizabeth  Smart”  fol-                                                            thought,  ‘How  could  you  nightmare.”  The  movie  will
            lows the nine months after   This image released by Lifetime shows Alana Boden, left, with   possibly  show  that  without  premiere  Saturday,  Nov.
            Smart,  then  14,  was  kid-  Elizabeth Smart on the set of “I Am Elizabeth Smart,” premiering   it either coming off as dark  18.  A  two-part  documen-
            napped  by  Brian  Mitchell   Saturday, Nov. 18 at 8pm ET/PT on Lifetime.              and  terrible  and  give  you  tary titled “Elizabeth Smart:
            from  her  bedroom  in  her                                           Associated Press  nightmares  at  night,’  or  Autobiography,”  in  which
            Salt Lake City home in 2002  recognized  Mitchell  from  features  newcomer  Alana  sugar-coating      everything  Smart  shares  more  details
            and was raped daily by her  media reports as a suspect  Boden  as  Smart,  Deirdre  and  making  it  seem  like,  about  the  horrific  situa-
            captor,  the  Deseret  News  in Smart’s kidnapping.       Lovejoy  —  who  portrays  ‘Oh, this terrible thing hap-  tion  she  survived,  her  res-
            reported.   Police   finally  Mitchell was convicted and  Mitchell’s  estranged  wife  pened  but  it  really  wasn’t  cue and what her life is like
            found her in Sandy with the  is  serving  a  life  sentence  Wanda Barzee, who aided  that bad, and then a mira-   now,  will  be  premiered  on
            help  of  two  couples  who  for  the  crime.  The  movie  in the kidnapping — and Ul-  cle happened?’ “ she said.  A&E Nov. 12-13.q
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