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a14 people & arts
Saturday 29 January 2022
Major guilds announce film nominees, clarifying Oscar field
By JAKE COYLE Kenneth Branagh ("Bel-
AP Film Writer fast"), Jane Campion ("The
NEW YORK (AP) — Hopes Power of the Dog"), Steven
that a few of last year's big- Spielberg ("West Side Sto-
gest box-office hits, "Spider- ry") and Denis Villeneuve
Man: No Way Home" and ("Dune").
"No Time to Die," might Those nominees not only
join the best-picture Oscar give a snapshot of the most
race were dealt a blow on likely Oscar nominees for
Thursday when several of directing, but also suggest
Hollywood's top guilds an- those five films are favorites
nounced their film nomina- for a best picture nomina-
tions. tion. In the last decade,
The Producers Guild nomi- every DGA nominated
nations are considered one film has scored a best-pic-
of the strongest predictors ture nod at the Academy
for what films are most like- Awards.
ly to make the Academy Campion, a DGA nomi-
Awards best-picture field. nee for 1993's "The Piano,"
Both the PGA Awards and is only the second woman
the film academy use a to be nominated twice for
preferential voting ballot the guild's top award. It's
and choose 10 nominees, Spielberg's 12th nomination
and their picks often closely from the Directors Guild,
overlap. This image released by 20th Century Studios shows, from left, Ilda Mason as Luz, Ariana DeBose as not including the lifetime
The 10 films up for the pro- Anita, and Ana Isabelle as Rosalia in "West Side Story." achievement award he
ducers' top prize, the Dar- Associated Press was given in 2000. He's won
ryl F. Zanuck Award, are: three times before.
"Being the Ricardos," "Bel- missing out with the PGA. chances are slim at the ple backed "CODA," and Four women were among
fast," "CODA," "Don't Look The producers, who have Academy Awards. Amazon Prime Video put the guild's nominees for
Up," "Dune," "King Richard," nominated films like "The While the producers nomi- out "Being the Ricardos." best first feature for direct-
"Licorice Pizza," "The Power Dark Knight," "Deadpool" nated a number of star- Warner Bros.' "Dune" and ing. The nominees are:
of the Dog," "tick, tick ... and "Skyfall," are also more ry, bigger-budget films "King Richard" were also Maggie Gyllenhaal ("The
BOOM!" and "West Side likely to nominate big- in "Dune" (which sold the released simultaneously on Lost Daughter"), Rebecca
Story." budget successes than most tickets of the bunch) HBO Max. Hall ("Passing"), Tatiana
Not every PGA nominee al- the academy. So that the and "West Side Story," five Later Thursday, the Direc- Huezo ("Prayers for the Sto-
ways makes it to a best pic- PGA overlooked "No Time of the nominees came tors Guild followed up with len"), Lin-Manuel Miranda
ture nomination, but in the To Die" and "Spider-Man: from streamers. Netflix re- their nominations. The nom- ("Tick, Tick … BOOM!"), Mi-
past three years only one No Way Home" — both of leased "The Power of the inees for the DGA Awards' chael Sarnoski ("Pig") and
film ("The Father," last year) which harbor outside Os- Dog," "tick, tick ... BOOM!" top honor are: Paul Thomas Emma Seligman ("Shiva
joined the Oscar field after car hopes — suggests their and "Don't Look Up." Ap- Anderson ("Licorice Pizza"), Baby"). q
Spotify says it will grant Young's request to remove music
"I realized I could not con- suggested that millions of Spotify would not com-
tinue to support Spotify's people have been hyp- ment on Rogan's podcast.
life-threatening misinfor- notized into believing that Young said that many of
mation to the music loving the vaccines work to pre- Spotify's listeners are hear-
people," Young said in a vent serious disease. ing misleading informa-
statement. Spotify said in a statement tion about COVID. They're
Young had asked his man- on Thursday that "we have young, "impressionable
agement and record com- detailed content policies and easy to swing to the
pany publicly on Monday in place and we've re- wrong side of the truth," he
to remove his music from moved over 20,000 pod- said.
the popular streaming ser- cast episodes related to "These young people be-
vice, where he had more COVID-19 since the start of lieve Spotify would never
than six million monthly the pandemic." present grossly unfactual
listeners, according to his The company says it has information," he said. "They
Neil Young poses for a portrait in Santa Monica, Calif. on Sept. Spotify home page. a team of experts that re- unfortunately are wrong. I
9, 2019. Spotify airs the popular views content, and it's re- knew I had to try to point
Associated Press podcast, "The Joe Rogan moved if the information that out."
Experience," where last presented can cause harm He said he appreciated his
NEW YORK (AP) — Neil misinformation. month the comedian inter- or pose a direct threat to record company, Warner
Young's music will be re- Spotify, in a statement on viewed Dr. Robert Malone, public health. False sug- Brothers, standing behind
moved from Spotify at Wednesday, said that it re- an infectious disease spe- gestions that injecting him, since Spotify is respon-
his request, following the gretted Young's decision, cialist who has become a bleach could fight the vi- sible for 60 percent of his
veteran rock star's protest "but hope to welcome him hero in the anti-vaccine rus, that COVID-19 wasn't music being streamed all
over the streaming service back soon." community. Malone has real or that vaccines could over the world. He said
airing a popular podcast It wasn't immediately clear been banned from Twitter be deadly were among it was "a huge loss for
that featured a figure criti- when his music will actually for spreading COVID mis- those removed from the my record company to
cized for spreading COVID be taken down. information and has falsely platform. absorb."q