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                                                                                                  business Saturday 29 January 2022
             Liz Weston: The mental health risks of retiring

            By LIZ WESTON                                                                          more or use drugs more of-   your days and what might
            of NerdWallet                                                                          ten, and  aging brains  are  offer "a  sense  of connec-
            The late Pamela Hixon of                                                               much more sensitive to the  tion, engagement, pur-
            Leipsic, Ohio, was eager to                                                            adverse effects of these  pose and meaning," says
            retire from her job running                                                            substances, he adds.         Mintzer, co-author of  "The
            a hospice agency. Soon                                                                 People also have time to  Couple's Retirement Puzzle:
            after she quit, however, Hix-                                                          think about bigger ques-     10  Must-Have Conversa-
            on spiraled into depression                                                            tions of purpose and mean-   tions for Creating an Amaz-
            and anxiety. She sought                                                                ing, Hixon says.             ing New Life Together." That
            help  from counselors and                                                              "The  age-old question of  might include hobbies, vol-
            her pastor, but  it  wasn't                                                            'why am I here?'  can get  unteering or time with fam-
            enough. Six  months after                                                              crowded out by  being  ily, for example. Figure out
            retiring,  she took her own                                                            busy," Hixon  says. "Upon  what gives you joy as well
            life.                                                                                  retirement,  you do have  as what new things  you'd
            "She lost purpose, she lost                                                            time, and  that question  like to do or learn next.
            significance, she lost a                                                               can sometimes plague a  "What are some of the
            sense of meaning in her life,"                                                         person."                     things you had to  put on
            says her son Tony Hixon , a                                                            HOW TO EASE  THE  TRANSI-    the back burner when you
            Findlay, Ohio-based wealth   This undated file photo provided by NerdWallet shows Liz Weston,   TION                were younger?" Mintzer
            manager who wrote about      a columnist for personal finance website    People may be so des-      asks.
            the experience and  how                                               Associated Press   perate to get away from  Part-time work is  another
            it transformed  his finan-                                                             workplace stressors — a  option, she says.  Reduc-
            cial planning practice in a  losses — of identity, pur-   Often, people are too busy  bad  boss, a too-heavy  ing the hours you work
            book, "Retirement Stepping  pose, structure  and social  working and raising fami-     workload, a rigid schedule  can help alleviate burnout
            Stones:  Find Meaning, Live  contacts — that can trig-    lies to develop interests  — that they don't fully con-   while allowing you more
            with Purpose, and Leave a  ger depression and other  that might offer structure  sider the benefits they get  free time. Talking with a
            Legacy."                     psychiatric illnesses, says  and purpose in retirement,  from working. Or they may  therapist, coach or sympa-
            Overall, retirees are a con-  Forester,  who also heads  Forester says.  Their social  be accustomed to view-       thetic friend may ease the
            tented bunch and  many  the geriatric psychiatry divi-    networks  can disappear if  ing retirement as  the finish  transition as well.
            report being happier in re-  sion at McLean Hospital in  they primarily made friends  line and don't think deeply  "Get  support from people.
            tirement  than they were  Belmont, Massachusetts.         through work, or they move  about what their day-to-      Don't  be afraid to  ask for
            at the end of their careers.  "Getting depressed is not  to a new community after  day lives might look like  help," Mintzer says.
            Older adults are less likely  a normal part of aging,"  retirement. (Social isolation  without work.                WHEN AND WHERE TO FIND
            than younger  people to  Forester says.  "But  one of  is another big risk factor for  "Retirement  is a transition,  HELP
            experience major  depres-    the risk factors (for depres-  depression and many other  not a destination," says psy-  Of course,  many people
            sion, says  Brent Forester,  sion) is loss, and the loss of  health problems.)         chologist and  retirement  are pushed into retirement
            president of the American  one's professional identity,  Substance     abuse    can    coach Dorian  Mintzer of  earlier than they planned
            Association for Geriatric  the loss of one's job, is a big  cause problems for retir-  Boston. "It's very helpful to  because of job loss, poor
            Psychiatry.                  one."                        ees, as  well,  Forester says.  think about 'what are you  health  or   unexpected
            Nonetheless,     retirement  RETIRING CAN POSE CHAL-      Some people may use their  retiring to?'"                 events such as the current
            often involves  significant  LENGES                       unstructured time to drink  Consider how you'll spend  pandemic. q

            FAA clears Verizon and AT&T to turn on more 5G cell towers

            By DAVID KOENIG              group CTIA, called  it  a  as they began offering the
            Federal safety regulators  "positive development that  service in many U.S. cities
            say they have cleared the  highlights the considerable  on Jan. 19.
            way  for Verizon and  AT&T  progress the wireless indus-  Since the dispute came
            to power up  more towers  try, aviation industry, FAA  to a head, the FAA  has
            for new 5G service without  and FCC are making to en-     cleared most types of air-
            causing radio interference  sure robust 5G service and  line planes to  operate
            with airplanes.              safe flights."               around  5G signals, saying
            The  Federal Aviation Ad-    Aviation groups  and the  that their height-measuring
            ministration  said   Friday  FAA  had warned that the  devices, called radio altim-
            that it  took the steps  after  companies' 5G service,  eters, are safe  from radio
            receiving details  from the  which uses part of the radio  interference.
            telecommunications com-      spectrum called  C-Band,  Dire predictions of thou-
            panies about the  location  was too close to the spec-    sands  of canceled flights
            of wireless transmitters.    trum range used  by  instru-  did not come true, but doz-
            The FAA said the data  ments that measure the  ens of flights were ground-
            helped it to better map ar-  height of planes above the  ed by 5G concerns, includ-    A passenger uses a laptop aboard a commercial airline flight
            eas around airports where  ground —  crucial  informa-    ing   U.S.-bound   interna-  from Boston to Atlanta on July 1, 2017.
            new new high-speed 5G  tion for landing in low vis-       tional flights last week and                                         Associated Press
            service won't hinder the  ibility.                        some domestic flights this
            ability  of planes to land  Verizon and AT&T  dis-        week at Paine Field  near  tory," Faye Malarkey Black,  companies that operate
            during poor weather.         puted the FAA's warning,  Seattle. Some small  airline  president of the  Regional  flights under contract  with
            Verizon and AT&T declined  but they  twice agreed to  planes, notably a group of  Airline      Association,  said   large airlines — faced limi-
            to comment.  Nick Ludlum,  delay launching new 5G  Embraer regional jets, have  earlier this week. "This is not  tations on a  large chunk
            a spokesman for the tele-    and temporarily delayed it  not been cleared.             fixed. We're not fixed."     of their fleets during poor
            communications       trade   around many airports even  "It's too early to declare vic-  Regional airlines  — smaller  weather, Black said.q
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