Page 6 - aruba-today-20220129
P. 6

                 Saturday 29 January 2022
            Syrian fighters set deadline for IS gunmen to surrender

            BEIRUT    (AP)   —     U.S.-                                                                                        The Hawar News Agency,
            backed Kurdish-led fight-                                                                                           ANHA, an online Kurdish
            ers searched Friday near                                                                                            news service, reported that
            a Syrian prison for Islamic                                                                                         several automatic rifles, a
            State group militants and                                                                                           rocket-propelled grenade
            gave an ultimatum to                                                                                                and  hand grenades were
            dozens of armed  extrem-                                                                                            confiscated from the IS
            ists holed up in a small                                                                                            gunmen who  surrendered
            part of the jail  to surren-                                                                                        Friday. It added that SDF
            der or face an all-out  at-                                                                                         fighters are conducting
            tack, a Kurdish official said.                                                                                      search operations in the
            About a half-dozen IS fight-                                                                                        prison  as well as several
            ers   surrendered    Friday                                                                                         Hassakeh neighborhoods
            morning, among scores  of                                                                                           in search for IS sleeper cells.
            militants hiding in a base-                                                                                         The SDF said  about 3,000
            ment in the northern section                                                                                        inmates have surrendered
            of the prison, according                                                                                            since its operation to retake
            to Siamand Ali, a spokes-                                                                                           the prison's northern  wing
            man for the U.S.-backed                                                                                             began three days ago.
            Syrian Democratic Forces.                                                                                           At least 300  foreign child
            He would not confirm or                                                                                             detainees  are believed
            deny a  report by  the Brit-                                                                                        to be held in the Gweiran
            ain-based  Syrian Obser-                                                                                            facility. Thousands more,
            vatory for Human Rights,                                                                                            mostly under the age of 12,
            an opposition war moni-                                                                                             are held with their mothers
            tor, that  SDF  fighters dis-                                                                                       in locked camps in other
            covered the bodies  of                                                                                              parts  of  northeastern Syria
            18  of their comrades in-    Syrian Democratic Forces soldier talks on a radio in Hassakeh, northeast Syria, Thursday, Jan. 27,   on suspicion of being fami-
            side  Gweiran prison, also   2022.                                                                                  lies of IS members. Most
            known as al-Sinaa  prison,                                                                         Associated Press  countries have  refused to
            in northeast Syria on Friday.                                                                                       repatriate them, with  only
            The Islamic State group's  into a conflict zone.  The  some to escape but also  and are trying to convince  25  out of 60  countries tak-
            Jan. 20 attack on the pris-  Kurdish-led administration  took    hostages,    includ-  them to surrender," he said.  ing back their children,
            on was the biggest military  declared a curfew and  ing child  detainees, and  "We gave  them a  dead-              some without their mothers.
            operation by  the extrem-    sealed  off the city, bar-   clashed with SDF fighters in  line and we are besieg-     The Britain-based Obser-
            ist group since the fall  of  ring movement in and out.   violence that killed dozens.  ing them," Ali said  by tele-  vatory put the death toll
            their self-declared caliph-  Thousands     of   people    The  SDF had said that be-   phone    from   Hassakeh.    from the struggle at over
            ate in 2019. It came as the  in Hassakeh were  dis-       tween 60 and 90 militants  He refused to say  when  260,  including over 180
            militants staged deadly at-  placed in recent  days  were hiding out in the north-     the    ultimatum      ends   militants and more than 73
            tacks in both Syria and Iraq  because of the fighting.    ern section of  the prison.  and    the   attack    be-   fighters from the Kurdish-
            that stoked fears that IS may  The SDF claimed  Wednes-   Ali said  the militants are in  gins, for security reasons.  led  force. At least  seven
            be staging  a comeback.      day it had regained full  the basement of a two-sto-      The    Observatory    said   civilians  were killed in the
            The weeklong assault  on  control  of the  prison — a  ry building and  that those     SDF fighters  are betting  fighting, the Observatory
            one of  the largest deten-   week after scores of mili-   who remain inside are refus-  that more time will  force  said.  The SDF said  prelimi-
            tion facilities  in Syria has  tants overran the facil-   ing to surrender. "Our units  IS militants to surrender  nary information  put the
            turned the city of Hassakeh  ity. The attackers allowed  are surrounding the building  as  their food dwindles.  force's  death toll at 35.q

            W. African regional bloc suspends Burkina Faso after coup

                                                                      ACCRA, Ghana  (AP)  —  neighboring Mali  after  a  do, the current ECOWAS
                                                                      West    African   neighbor   coup there in August 2020  chairman, called the re-
                                                                      states on Friday suspended  and  then took similar  ac-   cent spate of coups in West
                                                                      Burkina Faso in the  after-  tion  against Guinea after  Africa "a direct violation of
                                                                      math of this week's coup,  the  president was over-       our democratic tenets."
                                                                      making it the third nation  thrown last September.        "The rest of the world is look-
                                                                      in the regional  bloc to be  Mali is also under  punish-  ing up to  us to  be firm on
                                                                      punished for a military take-  ing economic sanctions,  this matter," he said.
                                                                      over in only 18 months, of-  including flight  bans and  ECOWAS has faced  criti-
                                                                      ficials said.                asset freezes, after its coup  cism for its handling of the
                                                                      The announcement from  leader failed to  organize  coups, particularly  in Mali
                                                                      the bloc known as ECOWAS  elections within 18  months  where mediators negoti-
                                                                      came days after more than  as promised.                   ated with the junta on the
                                                                      a  dozen mutinous soldiers  West African leaders met  18-month        deadline    for
                                                                      went on state television  in  virtually Friday to  discuss  holding democratic elec-
            People take to the streets of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Jan.   Burkina Faso to  announce  the Burkina Faso coup, and  tions. Mali's coup leader
            25, 2022 to rally in support of the new military junta that ousted   their military  takeover of  a delegation was expect-  has  said  that won't be
            democratically elected President Roch Marc Christian Kabore
            and seized control of the country.                        the country — that's under  ed to travel to Ouagadou-     met,  citing security condi-
                                                     Associated Press  siege from Islamic extremist  gou in the coming days.    tions, and has announced
                                                                      attacks.                     Ghanaian President Nana  a vote four years from now
            By FRANCIS  KOKUTSE and  SAM MEDNICK                      ECOWAS had suspended  Addo Dankwa  Akufo-Ad-              instead.q
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