Page 4 - aruba-today-20220129
P. 4
Saturday 29 January 2022
Winter storm to bring blizzard conditions to US East Coast
By PHILIP MARCELO banks," he dryly reminded
BOSTON (AP) — Residents in a post on the city's web-
and officials across the site. "You may have to clear
Northeast and mid-Atlan- your driveway or parked
tic regions of the U.S. were vehicle more than once."
bracing for a powerful win- Airlines braced for the high-
ter storm expected to pro- est single-day total of can-
duce blizzard conditions cellations in three weeks.
Friday and Saturday. By midday Friday, airlines
Heavy snow and strong had canceled more than
winds were forecasted to 1,000 flights in the U.S., and
begin in parts of the Caro- they had already scrubbed
linas and Appalachia on about 2,500 scheduled for
Friday evening, according Saturday, according to
to the National Weather tracking service FlightA-
Service. ware. The hardest-hit air-
The system will then intensi- ports included those in Chi-
fy as a nor'easter and bring cago, the New York City
snowy conditions up the area and Boston.
East Coast to New England, In New England, where iso-
where forecasters warned lated snow bands could
of localized snowfall totals dump nearly 3 feet (1 me-
of up to 20 inches (51 cen- Kenneth Wolfe, of Pine Grove, walks along Clubhouse Road by Sweet Arrow Lake County Park in ter) in spots, the inevita-
timeters) and wind gusts of Pine Grove, Pa., on Friday, Jan. 28, 2022. ble, shelf-clearing rush for
50 to 60 mph (80 kph to 96 Associated Press bread, eggs, milk and other
kph). vittles at grocery stores was
Local officials Friday rushed way for hours, Gov. Glenn and wet snow and possibly suburban Long Island and well underway Friday.
to declare snow emergen- Youngkin declared a state tidal flooding. southeastern Connecticut Merrick McCormack, 51,
cies and impose parking of emergency and said of- "The key message for all potentially seeing heavier of Cranston, Rhode Island,
bans, warning that wind- ficials have already begun Virginians is to stay aware snowfall rates and stronger was among hundreds who
blown snow could make to position its resources in of the weather conditions winds. packed a Shaw's Super-
travel nearly impossible anticipation of downed and to stay off the roads In Ocean City, New Jersey, market in neighboring War-
and colder temperatures trees, electrical outages if possible," the governor Mayor Jay Gillian pre-emp- wick for last-minute items.
could mean dangerous and major impacts to trav- said. tively addressed an endur- With the entire state under
wind chills after the storm el. Similar snowfall projections ing peeve of snowbound a blizzard warning, state of-
passes Saturday night. The state's Eastern Shore were expected up the homeowners: plow trucks ficials mobilized more than
In Virginia, where a blizzard faced possible blizzard coast to the Philadelphia burying driveways that resi- 500 snow plows and Gov.
earlier this month stranded conditions that could bring and New York City areas, dents had just dug out of. Daniel McKee scrubbed a
hundreds of motorists along winds as high as 50 mph (80 with seaside communities "The plows cannot work planned trip to Washing-
a major interstate high- kph), up to a foot of heavy from the Jersey Shore to without creating snow ton, D.C.q
Gov tells Bette Midler to kiss dog's 'hiney' -- and shows it
Back Better Act. Delegates gallery included signature $2 trillion domes-
The 70-year-old Republi- lawmakers, state Supreme tic policy initiative that
can governor ended his Court justices, agency would have poured billions
televised State of the State heads and members of the of dollars into child care,
address Thursday night by high school girl's basketball health care and other ser-
lifting up his English bulldog team Justice coaches, who vices.
and flashing its rear end to were sitting in the gallery. "What #JoeManchin, who
the cameras and crowd. Not everyone was amused. represents a population
"Babydog tells Bette Midler In a tweet, West Virginia smaller than Brooklyn, has
and all those out there: Democratic Del. Shawn Flu- done to the rest of Amer-
Kiss her hiney," Justice said, harty called the move "em- ica, who wants to move
grinning as people ap- barrassing and beneath forward, not backward, like
plauded and some gave the office." his state, is horrible," Midler
him a standing ovation. "The @WVGovernor tweeted. "He sold us out.
Justice had spent more brought his Babydog and He wants us all to be just
than an hour touting the pony show to the State of like his state, West Virginia.
state's accomplishments, the State and pulled this Poor, illiterate and strung
West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice holds up his dog Babydog's rear including two recently an- stunt as some bold state- out."
end as a message to people who've doubted the state as he
comes to the end of his State of the State speech in the House nounced economic devel- ment. It was nothing short After receiving backlash,
chambers, Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022, in Charleston, W.Va. opment projects. of embarrassing and be- Midler apologized "to the
Associated Press "Absolutely too many peo- neath the office," he said. good people of WVA" for
ple doubted us," he said. "Jim Justice habitually low- her "outburst" in follow-up
By LEAH WILLINGHAM West Virginians "poor, illit- "They never believed in ers the bar of our state. tweet later that day.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — erate and strung out" in a West Virginia. ... They told They don't laugh with us, The Associated Press sent
Gov. Jim Justice has a mes- tweet after Sen. Joe Man- every bad joke in the world but at us." an email to Midler's pub-
sage for singer and actress chin refused to support about us." Manchin, a Democrat, ef- licist Friday requesting
Bette Midler, who called President Joe Biden's Build The crowd in the House of fectively tanked his party's comment.q