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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 29 January 2022
            Federal judge throws out oil lease sale in Gulf of Mexico

            By MATTHEW DALY                                                                                                     "Especially in the face of the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    climate  crisis, we need to
            WASHINGTON (AP) — A                                                                                                 take the time to make sig-
            federal court has  rejected                                                                                         nificant and long overdue
            a plan to lease millions of                                                                                         programmatic      reforms,''
            acres in the Gulf of Mexico                                                                                         Schwartz said. "Our public
            for offshore  oil drilling, say-                                                                                    lands and waters must be
            ing the Biden  administra-                                                                                          protected for  generations
            tion  did not adequately                                                                                            to come."
            take into account the lease                                                                                         Energy companies includ-
            sale's  effect on planet-                                                                                           ing Shell, BP, Chevron and
            warming greenhouse gas                                                                                              ExxonMobil offered a com-
            emissions, violating a bed-                                                                                         bined $192 million for  drill-
            rock environmental law.                                                                                             ing rights on federal oil and
            The decision by U.S. District                                                                                       gas reserves in the Gulf of
            Judge Rudolph  Contreras                                                                                            Mexico in November.
            in Washington on Thursday                                                                                           The Interior Department
            sends  the proposed lease                                                                                           auction came after attor-
            sale back to the Interior De-                                                                                       neys general from Republi-
            partment to decide next                                                                                             can states led by Louisiana
            steps. The judge said it was                                                                                        successfully challenged a
            up to Interior to decide                                                                                            suspension on sales that
            whether to go forward with                                                                                          Biden  imposed when he
            the sale after a revised re-  A man wears a face mark as he fishes near docked oil drilling platforms, on May 8, 2020, in Port   took office.
            view, scrap it or take other   Aransas, Texas.                                                                      Companies bid on 308
            steps.                                                                                             Associated Press  tracts totaling nearly 2,700
            Environmental       groups                                                                                          square miles (6,950  square
            hailed the  decision and  court invalidated Interior's  cannot continue to make  ana, spokeswoman Melissa  kilometers). It marked the
            said the ruling gave Presi-  illegal  lease   sale," said  investments in the  fossil  Schwartz said.               largest acreage  and sec-
            dent Joe Biden a  chance  Brettny Hardy, a  senior at-    fuel industry to the peril of  Interior has  "documented  ond-highest bid total since
            to follow through on a  torney        for   Earthjustice,  our communities and    in-  serious deficiencies in the  Gulf-wide bidding resumed
            campaign promise to stop  one of the environmental  creasingly warming plan-           federal oil and gas pro-     in 2017.
            offshore  leasing in federal  groups that challenged the  et.''                        gram,'' Schwartz said,  and  The auction was  conduct-
            waters. The decision was  sale.                           A spokeswoman for Inte-      Haaland has recommend-       ed even as Biden has tried
            released on the one-year  "This administration must  rior Secretary Deb Haaland  ed an overhaul of the na-          to cajole other world lead-
            anniversary of a federal  meet this critical moment  said  the agency was  re-         tion's oil  and gas  leasing  ers into strengthening  ef-
            leasing  moratorium Biden  and honor the campaign  viewing the decision.               program to limit  areas  forts  against global warm-
            ordered as  part of his  ef-  promises President Biden  The     administration   was   available for energy devel-  ing, including at United Na-
            forts to combat climate  made by stopping offshore  "compelled to proceed  opment and raise costs for  tions climate talks in Scot-
            change.                      leasing once and for all,''  with Lease Sale 257" follow-  energy companies  to drill  land in early November.
            "We are pleased that the  Hardy added. "We simply  ing a court  ruling in Louisi-      on public land and water.    q

             In blow to telecoms, California's net neutrality law upheld

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY           neutrality rules  designed  for federal  net neutrality
            A federal appeals  court  to prevent AT&T, Comcast,  laws.
            has upheld California's net  Verizon and other  major  "This win is significant be-
            neutrality law, rejecting an  internet providers from ex-  cause it offers protec-
            attempt by telecommuni-      ploiting their dominance  tions to people in our most
            cations industry groups  to  to favor certain services or  populous state  and drives
            prevent the state from en-   apps over others.            the   national   conversa-
            forcing it.                  In response, seven states  tion forward," said  Matt
            The 9th Circuit Court of Ap-  and Puerto  Rico enacted  Wood,  vice president of
            peals upheld a previous rul-  their own net neutrality  policy  and general coun-
            ing, which means the status  policies. The  most expan-   sel of consumer advocacy
            quo stays  and the state  sive  effort of this  sort was  group Free Press, in a state-
            can  continue to enforce  in California, which started  ment. "Yet tremendous as
            the law. This means Califor-  enforcing the law last year,  it is, we still need the Biden
            nia can continue its ban on  with potentially  significant  FCC to reclaim its author-  In this June 19, 2018, file photo, a router and internet switch are
            internet providers  slowing  consequences for the rest  ity not just for  nationwide   displayed.
            down or blocking access to  of the U.S.                   open-internet rules, but for                                          Associated Press
            websites  and applications  The Trump administration  policies  promoting afford-
            that don't pay for premium  sued to block California's  able, resilient, just and rea-  court. They say the regula-  by-state one, but the indus-
            service.                     2018 law, preventing it from  sonable internet connec-    tions can undermine invest-  try has fought prior federal
            California's net neutrality  taking effect for years, but  tions for everyone."        ment in broadband and in-    net neutrality rules. But with
            law was signed  by former  the Biden administration  Big telecom companies  troduce uncertainty about  a Senate divided 50-50 be-
            Gov. Jerry  Brown in 2018.  has dropped that lawsuit.     oppose the stricter regula-  what  were acceptable  tween the parties,  legisla-
            That came after regulators  On Friday, proponents  of  tion  that comes with the  business practices.               tion in Congress may not
            during the Trump admin-      net neutrality  cheered the  net neutrality rules and  They say they prefer a na-      draw enough  support to
            istration killed federal net  court's decision, but called  have fought  it fiercely in  tional approach to a state-  pass.q
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