Page 13 - MIN SOC 4 AUG 2015
P. 13

                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 4 August 2015

One more week to go:

 Ateliers 89 Invites You to Explore Caribbean Linked III

ORANJESTAD - Caribbean          Caribbean Linked is a cru-
Linked III, the greatest in-    cial blueprint for building
ternational art event on        awareness across diverse
Aruba for 2015, starts at       and often uncommunica-
Ateliers ‘89 on Wednesday       tive creative communities
August 12. But not without      in the Caribbean and its
your participation as art-      diaspora by finding ways
ist, art student, art lover or  to connect young and
else. Here is how!              emerging artists with each
Ateliers 89 invites members     other. Each year selected
of the public to a series of    participants engage in a
artistic presentations giv-     two week residency which
en by the guest speakers        includes open discussions
of Caribbean Linked be-         and critiques, and the vis-
tween the 13th and 24th         iting of established local
August.                         artists’ studios to better un-
Caribbean Linked is a resi-     derstand the creative envi-
dency program and art ex-       ronment of Aruba.
hibition organized by Ate-      This years’ public program-
liers ’89 Foundation in col-    ming consists of presenta-
laboration with ARC Inc.        tions given by the artists,
and The Fresh Milk Art Plat-
form Inc. Our main spon-
sor is Stichting DOEN with
additional support from
the Mondriaan Foundation
and the Prince Claus Fund.

                                                                critics and coordinators     Croes (Aruba) and Jodi
                                                                in residence. Held week-     Minnis (The Bahamas).
                                                                nights from 8-9:30pm in the  -14th August - Ronald Cy-
                                                                Black Box at Ateliers 89,    rille (Martinique) and Aiko
                                                                speakers will include:       Roudette (St.Vincent & The
                                                                -13th August - Natusha       Grenadines).
                                                                                             -17th August - Holly Bynoe
                                                                                             of ARC Magazine and Di-
                                                                                             ego Espinosa (Mexico).
                                                                                             -18th August - Leasho John-
                                                                                             son (Jamaica) and Marvi
                                                                                             Johanna Franco Zapata
                                                                                             -19th August - Alex Kelly
                                                                                             (Trinidad & Tobago) and
                                                                                             Manuel Mathieu (Haiti).
                                                                                             -20th August - Simone Asia
                                                                                             (Barbados) and Leo Agu-
                                                                                             irre (Aruba).

                                                                                                Continued on Page 16
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