Page 15 - MIN SOC 4 AUG 2015
P. 15
LOCALTuesday 4 August 2015
Ateliers 89
Continued from Page 13
-21st August – Razia Barsa-
tie (Suriname) Natalie Mc-
Guire (Barbados).
-24th August - Annalee Da-
vis of Fresh Milk Barbados.
In addition, guest cura-
tor David Bade from the
Instituto Buena Bista will ‘89 Exhibition Halls. updates.q
be closing the public pro- For more information on
gramming with a presenta- Caribbean Linked III and
tion on Thursday the 27th the participating resi-
August, from 8pm. dents, please visit our site
These talks are free, and http://caribbeanlinked.
attendance is open to all com/ and like our Face-
members of the public. book page https://www.
Opening end exhibition
August 30 at 7pm. Ateliers beanLinked for regular