Page 14 - MIN SOC 4 AUG 2015
P. 14


   LOCALTuesday 4 August 2015

Second Quarter Awards presented at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

EAGLE BEACH - Martha Nu-
boer and Franklyn Palmer
of the Food & Beverage
department, joined Ains-
ley “Wayne” Murray of the
Engineering Department
as they accepted the
Employee of the Month
awards respectively for
April, May & June, during
an informal gathering over
lunch, at the conference
room, La Cabana Beach
Resort & Casino.
The three diligent resort
employees had outshined
all other associates during
the second quarter of the

year, and were singled out    anniversary at the resort,
for special recognitions for  Stephanie Maduro, Food
the hard work and dedica-     & Beverage and Rosanne
tion they demonstrated.       Roy, Human Resources.
                              Miguel Rasmijn of the Food
 Also nominated for April,    & Beverage department
Elsa Benjamin, Account-       celebrated his 10th an-
ing and Antonio Fawcett,      niversary. Pictured here
Recreation; Nixon Castillo,   some snapshots from the
was nominated for May,        nicely attended award
while Diahaira Vrolijk, Own-  ceremony. q
ers’ Services, and Vicente
Guerrero, Food & Bever-
age, were the runner-ups
for the month of June.
As Supervisor of the Sec-
ond Quarter, Desiree Hen-
riquez, Owners’ Services
landed top honors, with
the entire accounting
crew announced as Team
of the Second Quarter,
lauded for excellent, con-
sistent performance.
During the gathering two
valuable members of the
team celebrated their 5th
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