P. 13

                                                                                                                           Saturday 4 November 2017

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            ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  To-                                                                                           Please  do  note:  By  sub-
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            The  cover  picture  of  the                                                                                        Newspaper,     Caribbean
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            We  love  culture  and  sup-                                                                                        as names, likeness, etc. for
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            Do you know a local pho-     We would also like to know  it  and  with  the  fulfilling  of  you are from) to: rachelle.  strive to make you a happy
            tographer  that  would  be  you!                          the sentence: Aruba to me               reader every day.q

                                                                      Shopping at Renaissance Mall

                                                                      just got a whole lot comfortable:

                                                                      Explore the island with Crocs

                                                                      In  2002,  the  world  was  or  tradition.    Accessible,  one’s  comfortable  in  their
                                                                      presented  with  a  unique  affordable  and  comfort-     own  shoes”.  The  flagship
                                                                      brand: it was different and  able  for  everyone.    Crocs  store  at  the  Renaissance
                                                                      it raised some eyebrows.     has  evolved  from  a  brand  Mall carries all the main key
                                                                      Now,  hundreds  of  millions  of  comfort  shoes  to  others  collections such as Swiftwa-
            ORANJESTAD      -   Renais-  island.  Recently,  the  only  of  shoes  later,  they  are  statements,  as  its  current  ter, Isabella and the iconic
            sance  Mall  houses  a  vari-  Crocs flagship store on the  making  the  whole  world  line is trendy and up to date  Classic   and   Crocband
            ety of high end stores and  island  opened  its  doors  at  comfortable!  Crocs comes  with   worldwide   fashion  clogs.    The  store  is  open
            is  known  to  be  one  of  the  the Renaissance Mall.    from  a  happy  place  of  trends  while  still  maintain-  from  Monday  to  Saturday,
            most  visited  malls  on  the                             comfort. Unbound by trend  ing their core value, “Every-  from 10AM to 7PM. q
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