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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 4 November 2017
             Merkel still optimistic on forming new German coalition

            By GEIR MOULSON                                                                                                     telling  ARD  television  ear-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lier Friday that in four of 12
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Chancel-                                                                                           policy  areas  “we  haven’t
            lor  Angela  Merkel  said  Fri-                                                                                     managed  to  agree  what
            day  that  she’s  still  optimis-                                                                                   we don’t agree on.”
            tic  about  the  chances  of                                                                                        “We  understand  that  oth-
            disparate  parties  allying                                                                                         ers  need  their  priorities,
            to  form  Germany’s  next                                                                                           but we see that others ap-
            government after an initial                                                                                         parently  believe  they  can
            round  of  talks  produced                                                                                          do  this  with  the  motto,
            little visible progress.                                                                                            ‘we  won’t  give  anything
            Germany’s  Sept.  24  elec-                                                                                         away,’” he said.
            tion  left  Merkel  trying  to                                                                                      “And we won’t get it done
            form  an  untried  coalition                                                                                        that way.”
            of  her  conservative  Union                                                                                        Merkel  governed  for  the
            bloc, the pro-business Free                                                                                         last four years in a coalition
            Democrats  and  the  tradi-                                                                                         with  the  center-left  Social
            tionally left-leaning Greens.                                                                                       Democrats,     Germany’s
            Over the past 10 days, ne-                                                                                          second-biggest  party.  The
            gotiators  struggled  to  find                                                                                      Social Democrats are ada-
            common ground on issues                                                                                             mant that they will go into
            including  immigration  and                                                                                         opposition  after  a  disas-
            refugees,  climate  protec-  German  Chancellor  Angela  Merkel  arrives  for  exploratory  talks  on  a  government  coalition  in   trous  election  result,  leav-
            tion and agriculture. While   Berlin, Germany, Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017. Merkel said Friday that she’s still optimistic about the   ing  a  combination  with
            Merkel has kept a low pro-   chances of disparate parties allying to form Germany’s next government.                the  Free  Democrats  and
            file, prominent figures from                                                               (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)  Greens  as  the  only  politi-
            other parties have repeat-   effort,  and  in  a  way  that   er,  Christian  Lindner,  said  different parties can agree   cally feasible option.
            edly sniped at each other.   allows  every  partner  to   the  parties  have  now  set  on  what  is  good  for  our   Weeks  or  even  months  of
            Merkel  said  there  are     emphasize  its  identity  and   out  their  differing  positions  country,  but  it  is  also  diffi-  haggling  are  likely  to  be
            still  “difficult”  discussions   something  good  comes   “and in the second phase,  cult,” said Greens co-lead-   needed, along with ballots
            ahead — “but I still believe   out  of  it  for  the  whole   we  now  face  the  task  of  er Katrin Goering-Eckardt.  of  the  Greens’  and  Free
            that  we  can  tie  the  ends   country.”                 building bridges.”           Fellow  Green  Juergen  Trit-  Democrats’  members  on
            together  if  we  make  an   The Free Democrats’ lead-    “It is an opportunity if such  tin  was  less  diplomatic,   an eventual deal.q
            Russian opposition leader

            sues Putin for rally denials

            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russian  that he has no doubt that
            opposition  leader  Alexei  Putin personally has direct-
            Navalny  is  suing  President  ed  local  officials  to  deny
            Vladimir Putin over authori-  permission  for  the  rallies,
            ties’  repeated  refusals  to  adding that “he’s afraid of
            sanction  rallies  for  his  sup-  our campaign.”
            porters.                     There  was  no  immediate
            The  Tverskoy  court  in  Mos-  comment  from  the  Krem-
            cow  confirmed  receiving  lin,  but  the  Interior  Ministry
            Navalny’s  lawsuit  against  issued  a  statement  Friday
            Putin on Friday.             saying  that  Navalny’s  sup-
            Navalny  has  alleged  that  porters  in  several  cities
            Putin  ordered  local  offi-  across Russia had received
            cials to withhold permission  official  permission  to  hold
            for  the  rallies  because  the  rallies  but  then  failed  to
            Russian leader fears facing  show up for them.
            him as a challenger in next  Putin’s approval ratings top
            March’s  presidential  elec-  80  percent,  which  should
            tion.                        ensure  a  landslide  victory
            Putin  hasn’t  said  if  he  will  against  a  familiar  set  of
            seek another six-year term,  luckless  veterans  of  past
            but  he’s  widely  expected  presidential   campaigns.
            to  run.  Navalny  has  said  The  Russian  government,
            he intends to join the race  however, has been worried
            even  though  a  criminal  about increasing voter ap-
            conviction that he calls po-  athy.Last  month,  celebrity
            litically motivated prohibits  TV host Ksenia Sobchak de-
            his candidacy.               clared her intention to run
            To  pressure  the  Kremlin  for president.
            into  letting  him  run,  the  Observers  said  the  move
            anti-corruption   crusader  could  split  the  opposition
            has organized a grassroots  ranks and also play into the
            campaign  to  support  his  Kremlin’s hands by helping
            presidential bid and staged  raise  public  interest  in  the
            waves of protests this year.  March 18, 2018 presidential
            Navalny  said  on  YouTube  vote. q
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