P. 5
U.S. NEWS Saturday 4 November 2017
NYPD says it is building rape case against Harvey Weinstein
By COLLEEN LONG month after The New York
Associated Press Times published an expose
NEW YORK (AP) — New of sexual harassment al-
York City police said Friday legations against Wein-
that an actress’ rape al- stein, leading to his firing
legations against Harvey from the company he co-
Weinstein are credible, founded and his expulsion
and if the movie mogul from the organization that
were in the state and the bestows the Academy
accusation more recent, Awards. Since then, doz-
they would move to arrest ens of women have come
him immediately. forward to tell similar tales
Chief of Detectives Robert of harassment or assault.
Boyce said investigators Investigators in London
have interviewed actress and California were also
Paz de la Huerta. She has looking into allegations
publicly accused Wein- made by women, but no
stein of raping her twice in other department has sug-
her apartment in 2010 and gested allegations could
called police about it on result in criminal charges.
Oct. 26. New York doesn’t have
Boyce said detectives a statute of limitations on
found the “Boardwalk Em- rape. In this Feb. 9, 2015 photo, Harvey Weinstein speaks at the 2015 Berlinale Film Festival in Berlin. New
pire” actress’ story believ- De la Huerta told CBS York City police said Friday, Nov. 3, 2017, that an actress’ rape allegations against Weinstein are
credible, and if the movie mogul was in the state and the accusation more recent, they would
able and that two people News that the first rape move to arrest him immediately.
corroborated portions of occurred in October 2010 (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)
her account. They have after Weinstein gave her lice wish to speak with him. man it said was Weinstein in nut Fine Foods & Provi-
subpoenaed people in a ride home from a party, Weinstein’s representa- disguise eating at a Phoe- sions restaurant in Phoenix
the case.“If this person insisted on having a drink tives have not responded nix restaurant. said Weinstein dined there
was still in New York, and it in her apartment and to media inquiries about A person who answered Thursday night. The per-
was recent, we’d go right forced himself on her. She where he is, but TMZ on Fri- the phone and said he was son declined to give their
away and make the ar- said the second rape oc- day posted a photo of a a manager at the Chest- name.q
rest. No doubt,” Boyce said curred in December 2010
after Weinstein showed up Sheriff:
of Weinstein. “But we’re
talking about a 7-year- at her apartment. She had Vegas shooter had lost money, been depressed
old case. And we have to been drinking and was not
move forward gathering in a condition to give con- By MICHAEL BALSAMO wealth” since September termining effect on why he
evidence first.” sent, CBS reported the ac- Associated Press 2015, which led to “bouts of did what he did.”
The factors that made her tress said. The man who killed 58 peo- depression,” Clark County Investigators still have not
story credible included: Police said she didn’t come ple at a country music festi- Sheriff Joe Lombardo said determined exactly what
“The ability to articulate forward earlier because val in Las Vegas last month in an interview this week led Paddock to unleash a
each and every minute of she was afraid of damag- had been depressed after with Las Vegas news sta- barrage of gunfire at con-
the crime, where she was, ing her career and wasn’t losing a significant amount tion KLAS-TV. certgoers from his high-rise
where they met, where this sure anyone would believe of money in the past two “This individual was status- suite at the Mandalay Bay
happened and what he the allegations against years and that may have driven, based on how he hotel and casino on Oct. 1.
did,” he said. such a powerful Hollywood been a “determining fac- liked to be recognized in Paddock killed himself af-
An email message sent player. tor” in the worst mass shoot- the casino environment ter the massacre that also
to Weinstein representa- Weinstein has an apart- ing in modern U.S. history, and how he liked to be rec- wounded more than 500
tive Sallie Hofmeister was ment and had an office the city’s sheriff said. ognized by his friends and people. Las Vegas police
not immediately returned. for his production com- Gunman Stephen Pad- family,” Lombardo said. and the FBI have exam-
Weinstein, 65, has previous- pany in New York City, but dock, a 64-year-old high- “So, obviously, that was ined his politics, any pos-
ly denied all allegations of his exact whereabouts Fri- stakes gambler and real starting to decline in the sible radicalization and his
non-consensual sex. day were unknown. Boyce estate investor, had lost short period of time, and social behavior but turned
The investigation comes a said Weinstein knows po- a “significant amount of that may have had a de- up little. q