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A6   U.S. NEWS
              Saturday 4 November 2017
            Man found guilty in death of gender-fluid Iowa teenager

            KEOKUK,  Iowa  (AP)  —  A  rie  Johnson  of  Burlington,  in an apparent attempt to  relatives.  The  teen  alter-  eral  hate  crimes  charges
            man  was  found  guilty  Fri-  the Des Moines Register re-  destroy DNA evidence.      nately used his birth name  is  pending,  but  the  pros-
            day  of  first-degree  murder  ported .                   The killing stunned the east-  and  the  female  persona  ecutor assigned by Sessions
            in  the  fatal  shooting  of  a  Johnson’s body was found  ern Iowa city of 25,000 and  “Kandicee.”                 indicated  in  court  docu-
            gender-fluid  Iowa  teenag-  March  2,  2016,  in  an  alley  raised fears that the popu-  U.S.  Attorney  General  Jeff  ments  that  Johnson’s  gen-
            er  that  drew  the  attention  behind a Burlington home,  lar  Burlington  High  School  Sessions  brought  nation-  der  identity  played  a  role,
            of  the  U.S.  Justice  Depart-  a  plastic  garbage  bag  student  was  the  victim  of  al  attention  to  the  case  with  the  cousins  attacking
            ment.                        wrapped around the teen’s  a hate crime because the  when  he  sent  a  federal  the  teen  after  discovering
            A  jury  convicted  Jorge  head.      Investigators   say  teen   was   gender-fluid,  hate  crimes  prosecutor  to  during  a  sexual  encounter
            Sanders-Galvez,  23,  in  the  bleach  had  been  poured  identifying  both  as  male  assist  state  and  local  au-  that  Johnson  was  gender
            death of 16-year-old Keda-   on  the  bullet-riddled  body  and  female,  according  to  thorities. A decision on fed-  nonconforming.q
             Walmart shooting suspect could face multiple charges

                                                                                                   Ostrem is accused of walk-   jumpsuit  until  he  or  she  is
                                                                                                   ing  into  the  Walmart  in  placed  in  an  appropriate
                                                                                                   Thornton, a large blue-col-  housing unit at the jail, Kai-
                                                                                                   lar  suburb  about  10  miles  ser said.
                                                                                                   (16  kilometers)  north  of  The  courtroom  with  a
                                                                                                   Denver,  and  fatally  shoot-  90-person  capacity  was
                                                                                                   ing  two  men  and  a  wom-  full.
                                                                                                   an. He was arrested Thurs-   At least three people iden-
                                                                                                   day after a brief car chase  tified  themselves  as  family
                                                                                                   near  his  apartment,  which  members  of  shooting  vic-
                                                                                                   is located about 5 miles (8  tims to court staff. They de-
                                                                                                   kilometers) from the store.  clined to speak with report-
                                                                                                   Authorities  have  not  said  ers after the hearing.
                                                                                                   what  kind  of  gun  or  guns  Young  said  he  met  with
                                                                                                   Ostrum fired and have de-    some of those family mem-
                                                                                                   clined comment on wheth-     bers  and  described  them
                                                                                                   er  they  recovered  any  as “shattered.”
                                                                                                   weapons in their investiga-  “They’re  a  mess,”  he  said.
                                                                                                   tion.                        “They  probably  listened  to
                                                                                                   At Friday’s hearing, Ostrem  about half the things I told
                                                                                                   wore  a  light  blue  paper  them  because  they’re  still
                                                                                                   jumpsuit,  zipped  up  the  in shock.”
            Scott Ostrem, 47, center, leaves a hearing in Adams County, Colo., court Friday, Nov. 3, 2017, in   front,  and  plastic  orange  Killed   were   Pamela
            Brighton, Colo. Ostrem is being held for investigation of first-degree murder as the suspect in the   slides on his feet.  Marques, 52, a mother and
            killing of three shoppers inside a Thornton, Colo., Walmart store Wednesday.           His  hands  were  chained  grandmother from Denver;
                                                                       (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)  together  at  his  waist,  with  Carlos Moreno, 66, a grand-
            By P. SOLOMON BANDA          ence  of  dozens  of  people  without  bond  on  suspicion   a  thick  chain  wrapped  father  and  maintenance
            KATHLEEN FOODY               inside the suburban Denver  of  first-degree  murder,  a   around  his  back.  He  ap-  worker from Thornton; and
            Associated Press             store  when  Scott  Ostrem  charge  that  can  lead  to   peared  to  listen  closely  to  Victor Vasquez, 26, of Den-
            BRIGHTON,  Colo.  (AP)  —  allegedly  walked  in  and  life  without  parole  or  a    the  judge,  leaning  slightly  ver,  who  had  two  young
            A  Colorado  sheet  metal  opened fire Wednesday.         death  sentence.  Young      forward in his chair placed  daughters and a third child
            worker  could  face  mul-    “There’s  going  to  be  sev-  declined to say whether he   between  two  public  de-  on the way, according to a
            tiple  charges,  including  eral  counts  of  attempted  will seek the death penalty   fenders  and  responding  GoFundMe page set up to
            attempted  murder,  in  ad-  murder  and  we’re  talking  in the case. Prosecutors are   “yes” in a clear voice when  collect donations.
            dition  to  first-degree  mur-  about  many,  many  peo-  expected  to  formally  file   asked if he understood his  Adams    County    District
            der charges related to the  ple,”  Young  said  after  Os-  charges on Monday.         rights.                      Judge Ted C. Tow III denied
            shooting  deaths  of  three  trem  made  his  first  court  Young  also  declined  to   Deputy  Mike  Kaiser,  a  a  request  by  public  de-
            people inside a Walmart, a  appearance      since   the  comment  when  asked  by      spokesman  for  the  Adams  fender  Emily  Fleischmann
            prosecutor said Friday.      shootings.                   reporters  about  a  motive   County  sheriff,  said  the  to  have  police  reassert
            Adams  County  District  At-  “We’re  not  talking  3  or  4  for the shooting and wheth-  paper  jumpsuits  are  part  control  of  the  Walmart
            torney  Dave  Young  said  people. And we’ve got to  er  authorities  were  consid-    of  the  jail’s  mental  health  store’s  interior  so  that  Os-
            the   additional   possible  identify  those  individuals.  ering  hate  crime  charges.   policies to prevent suicide.  trem’s defense team could
            charges are being consid-    They’re victims of a crime.”  The  three  victims  were  La-  Any inmate who faces ho-  conduct  its  own  investiga-
            ered because of the pres-    Ostrem,  47,  is  being  held  tino. Ostrem is white.     micide  charges  wears  the  tion of the crime scene. q
             Ill inmate suggests firing squad as execution alternative

            By ANDREW HUGGINS            Ohio    lawmakers    could  to his veins, which is impor-  ily implemented and avail-  ing  Campbell  didn’t  offer
            Associated Press             quickly approve legislation  tant  given  that  last  month  able  alternative  execution  evidence in support of the
            COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)          allowing the firing squad to  a prison nurse failed to find  method  and  procedure”  method  during  a  recent
            —  A  condemned  inmate  be  used  as  an  alternative  veins  suitable  for  inserting  that  substantially  reduc-  weeklong hearing.
            scheduled to die this month  execution  method  for  the  an IV on either of his arms.  es  the  risk  that  Campbell  He also questioned wheth-
            for the slaying of a teenage  first time in the state, attor-  Campbell  also  indicated  would  suffer  serious  harm  er lawmakers would pass a
            boy said officials should ex-  neys for death row inmate  an  allergy  to  the  first  drug  by  injection,  his  lawyers  law allowing it.
            ecute  him  by  firing  squad  Alva  Campbell  said  in  a  used  in  the  state’s  three-  said.
            because     his   breathing  court filing late last month.  drug  injection  process,  his  Federal  Judge  Michael  In  2015,  Republican  Gov.
            problems  and  poor  veins  Campbell’s  attorneys  ar-    attorneys said.              Merz  rejected  the  argu-   John  Kasich  ruled  out  the
            make him too ill to be killed  gued  that  the  method  Death  by  firing  squad  is  ment for a firing squad ex-   firing squad as an option in
            by lethal injection.         would  not  require  access  a  “known,  feasible,  read-  ecution  on  Tuesday,  not-  Ohio.q
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