Page 12 - Minister Mike De Meza
P. 12

2 AWEMainta Diahuebs, 20 Augustus 2015

                                       Sin a duna mucho publicidad

   Aruba ta na mesa cu Hulanda pa
       discuti FUTURO di refineria

DEN HAAG – Ayera mainta e delegacion di           keen interest in its Texas plant, four sources      runs cheap oil from Canada’s tar sands fields
                                                  familiar with efforts to sell the assets said.      in Alberta, and not heavy Venezuelan crude as
Gobierno di Aruba a reuni cu e delegacion di      It is unclear if Citgo’s owner, Venezuelan          do the other two refineries.
Gobierno Hulandes na Den Haag, unda e.o. lo       national oil company PDVSA, will go ahead
discuti riba e refineria na San Nicolas.          with a sale of its U.S. refining and marketing      Sources told Reuters that teams from the
Prome minister Mike Eman a lidera e               unit. Both Venezuela’s president and finance        following companies have carried out detailed
delegacion di Aruba y Minister di Relacion        minister have said in the past month that           inspections of the Illinois refinery: India’s
Exterior di Hulanda, Bert Koenders a lidera e     Citgo’s assets would not be sold.                   Reliance Industries (RELI.NS), independent
delegacion di Hulanda.                            But Lazard Ltd (LAZ.N), the investment bank         refiner PBF Energy (PBF.N), U.S. West Coast
                                                  hired by Citgo to carry out the sale, is still      refiner Tesoro Corp (TSO.N), Marathon
T’asina cu e compania Citgo Petroleum             marketing the refinery, three people told           Petroleum Corp (MPC.N), Valero Energy Corp
Corporation di Houston lo a mustra interes den    Reuters this week. Visits to the Illinois refinery  (VLO.N) and Phillips 66 (PSX.N).
un posibel compra di e refineria na San Nicolas,  have been made as recently as this week, the        Representatives from Phillips 66 visited the
pero Aruba kier haya asistencia di Hulanda den    sources familiar with the sale efforts said.        Lemont refinery this week, sources said.
esaki, pa por sali for di un dilmena cu a surgi.  A Citgo spokesman did not respond when              “I don’t care what they are saying in Venezuela,
Segun informacion di Gabinete di Minister         asked about visits to the refineries made by        potential buyers are still coming in,” said one
Plenipotenciario Arubano na Hulanda, Aruba        potential buyers.                                   of the sources.
ta wordo asisti pa Ministerio di Relacion                                                             Marathon’s president and chief executive,
Exterior di Hulanda, usando e Embahadanan         Cash-strapped PDVSA put Citgo up for sale in        Gary Heminger, in an interview with Reuters,
di Reino den e respectivo paisnan interesa.       september after months of rumors about the          declined to discuss the Citgo sale, but said the
Prome Minister Eman a informa Minister            company’s future.                                   company would carefully weigh refineries on
Koenders cu Citgo tabata esun cu a mustra         PDVSA has indicated that Citgo’s U.S. assets        the auction block.
mas interes serio den e toma di produccion di     will fetch at least $10 billion, though some        “We will always study and do our homework
e refineria. Ministernan Mike de Meza y Benny     analysts have said they may bring only a third      and due diligence on assets that are available,”
Sevinger di Aruba tambe tabata presente n’e       of that amount.                                     Heminger said.
combersacionnan di ayera mainta.                  Citgo’s three plants include the 427,800            Marathon, Phillips 66, Tesoro and Valero
                                                  barrels per day (bpd) refinery in Lake Charles,     representatives declined to discuss their
MIENTRASTANTO                                     Louisiana; the 172,045 bpd Lemont, Illinois,        companies’ possible interest in Citgo’s assets.
Mientrastanto nos a haya un relato masha          refinery; and the 163,000 bpd Corpus Christi,       PBF and Reliance did not reply to requests for
intersante riba e website di Citgo, cu ta         Texas, refinery.                                    comment.
papiando completamente un otro idioma.            The sources did not say if potential buyers had     Some refiners take the opportunity of a site
Pesey awe nos di AWEMainta ta reproduce           visited the Lake Charles refinery.                  visit while a refinery is being offered for sale
esaki, p’esnan concerni mes saca nan              Of the three, the Lemont plant is considered        to gain intelligence on how a competitor
conclusion.                                       the most attractive as it
                                                  enjoys consistent                                             operates.
Potential buyers from at least six leading oil    profits because it
companies have visited Citgo Petroleum Corp’s
refinery in Illinois and three firms have shown
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