Page 15 - CMB
P. 15
Thursday 7 June 2018
‘E-ARUBA SEMINAR’:embraced by the public
this particular market. ing automation. The well-
nown Andrea Vahl pres-
The doors of the Conven- ents the topics: Facebook
tion Center will open at 8 and Instagram Advertising
AM to give the opportunity Tactics for Small and Local
to all to take their seats. Businesses.
Breakfast can be bought
and at 9 AM the event will Tickets are available at Su-
start with a show that never perfood, Office Systems
has been performed be- and online via www.e-aru-
fore in Aruba. The event will
close at 2 PM.
E-Aruba is presented by
Miri Rodriguez from Micro- Digicel, VCC International
soft will do a presentation with Payroll Pro, Aruba Air-
called: The good, the bad port Authority, Kooyman
and the ugly: Dos and BV, Aruba Renaissance Re-
Don’ts on Digital Market- sort, CATC, Bold Bizz, Cold-
ing. From UBER came all the well Banker, Hertz Lease,
way from San Fransisco Sr. Click Print and Elite Pro-
Mario Vinasco. He will talk ductions. The production is
about “How to Use Artifi- handled by Infinity Media
cial Intelligence for market- Aruba and The Lab.q
ORANJESTAD — The third the topic os social media,
‘E-Aruba Business Seminar’ digital markets, ‘storytell-
is knocking on the door as ing’, internet, artificial intel-
this Saturday this popular leigence and much more.
event will take place at the
Renaissance Convention Many companies partici-
Center.The commercial pate with groups and re-
sector on the island takes served a table to provide
high interest in participat- their employees with an
ing whick makes the hap- upgrade in knowledge
pening already a success. as well as creating a cer-
tia team spirit. Besides the
International speakers from companies a lot of individ-
Microsoft, Uber and others uals purchased tickets as
find their way to the E-Aru- well, for example starters or
ba Seminar to elaborate on those who have interest in