P. 13

                                                                                                                           Friday 25 august 2017

            At Paseo Herencia Mall:

                   An Ebullient Tribute to Aruba’s “Steel Pan Man” Edgar Connor

                                                                                                   Manager Vashni Wix were      Padu.
                                                                                                   delighted to welcome Aru-    Paseo  Herencia  Mall  has
                                                                                                   ba’s  “Father  of  Culture,”   long  been  dedicated  to
                                                                                                   Padu  Lampe,  composer       the  mission  of  introducing
                                                                                                   and  musician,  who  is  the   vacationers  and  visitors
                                                                                                   namesake  of  the  mall’s    to  the  shopping  center  to
                                                                                                   central  focus,  the  Plaza   island culture and the ac-
                                                                                                                                complishments  of  its  peo-

            PALM  BEACH  -  Manage-      dream  to  see  our  father’s                                                          ple  in  various  endeavors,
            ment  of  Paseo  Herencia  image      alongside   those                                                             athletic,  intellectual  and
            Shopping  Mall  was  very  of  Aruba’s  elder  states-                                                              social.  “We  have  always
            pleased  to  join  with  the  men,  which  are  depicted                                                            made it a policy of sharing
            Connor  brothers,  Lee  and  on  the  back  wall  of  the                                                           these great moments with
            Nico  recently,  in  an  ebul-  Edgar  Connor  Amphithe-                                                            visitors  from  other  coun-
            lient  tribute  to  their  father,  ater, named for our dad,”                                                       tries,”  confirmed  Mrs.  Piet-
            James  Edgar  Connor,  the  expressed  Lee.  “We  feel  it                                                          ersz-Camacho,  “we  have
            man who brought steel pan  was  very  appropriate  to                                                               observed they enjoy them
            music to Aruba.              make it part of their grand                                                            as much as we do. We try
                                         10th  anniversary  celebra-                                                            to  make  every  visit  to  the
            The  music  and  unique  in-  tion.”                                                                                mall an opportunity to be-
            strument  that  creates  it  The  artist  Maritza  Erasmus,                                                         come acquainted with our
            originated  from  Trinidad  who  carved  the  other  re-                                                            rich  history  and  accom-
            and  Tobago.  When  Edgar  liefs that adorn the stands,                                                             plishments.  It  is  with  great
            Connor migrated to Aruba,  was  commissioned  to  cre-                                                              pride that we unveil this im-
            he introduced the art to a  ate  Connor’s  portrait.  It                                                            age of Edgar Connor, who
            community that embraced  was  unveiled  on  Friday                                                                  has contributed so greatly
            it with fervor. He was a mu-  evening in the presence of                                                            to our island’s culture, right
            sician,  teacher,  artist  of  his  widow,  Gloria  Thomas-                                                         next  to  that  of  Bernadina
            creating  the  instruments,  Connor  and  his  sons,  Eu-                                                           Growell,  Aruba’s  “Mother
            and founder of “Aruba In-    gene  Jones,  Lee  &  Nico                                                             of  Culture.”  We  hope  visi-
            vaders”  a  revered  steel  Connor  as  well  as  many                                                              tors and locals will come to
            pan  orchestra.  His  enthusi-  very  respected  members                                                            see the art and learn about
            asm  for  the  musical  genre  of the musical and cultural                                                          these special people.”q
            and influence left a lasting  community, including Stan-  popular group. One of the
            impression  on  Aruba’s  cul-  ley  Dabian  of  the  Aruba   original members of Edgar
            ture.                        Department of Culture. As-   Connor’s band, Frankie Ar-
            Edgar  Connor  was  born  sisting  in  the  unveiling  was   rindel, was honored by Lee
            in  1939  and  passed  away  also  Wesley  Connor,  Lee’s   and Nico for the inspiration
            in  1996.  His  sons,  Lee  and  son,  who  also  continues   he provided, and his dedi-
            Nico,  continued  his  lega-  the family tradition of steel   cation to the art.
            cy,  becoming  noteworthy  pan artistry.                  NTG-NLG  Dance  Troupe
            steel  pan  musicians;  they  The  evening’s  program     also  performed  traditional
            produced  several  CD’s  featured  a  rich  array  of     and  carnival  choreogra-
            and  have  performed  in  performances,       including   phy  to  the  sweet  sounds
            endless concerts.            the new Invaders band, led   of  steel  pan.  Paseo  Her-
            “Ever  since  Paseo  Heren-  by  Lee  and  Nico,  as  well   encia  General  Manager
            cia opened their doors ten  as a several numbers from     Valerie  Pieterz-Camacho
            years ago, it has been our  Bito  &  the  Boys,  another
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