P. 8

                   Friday 25 august 2017
            Brexodus:                                                                                                             Swiss police:

               UK immigration falls as EU citizens leave Britain                                                                 8 missing after

                                                                      decade.                      term trend,” she said.        mudslide near
                                                                      There  was  a  particularly  A  fall  in  the  value  of  the   Italian border
                                                                      sharp  rise  in  departures  pound since last year’s ref-
                                                                      from  citizens  of  the  “EU  8”  erendum and a slowdown   GENEVA  (AP)  —  Rescue
                                                                      —  the  eastern  European  in the British economy may     workers  used  a  helicop-
                                                                      nations that joined the bloc  also be making the country   ter  and  dogs  Thursday  to
                                                                      in 2004.                     less  attractive  to  migrants.   search  for  eight  people
                                                                      Hundreds    of   thousands  The  statistics  agency  con-  still missing in a Swiss Alpine
                                                                      of  Poles,  Lithuanians  and  firmed  Thursday  that  the   valley a day after a muddy
                                                                      other  eastern  Europeans  economy grew by a mod-         rockslide  barreled  through
                                                                      moved  to  Britain  to  work  est 0.3 percent in the sec-  a village on the Italian bor-
                                                                      after 2004.                  ond  quarter  of  2017  from   der.
                                                                      EU citizens have the right to  the previous three months,   Images  from  the  scene
                                                                      live and work in any mem-    slower  than  any  other     showed  a  trail  of  destruc-
                                                                      ber state, and more than 3  Group of Seven economy.       tion  left  by  a  river  of  mud
            Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May tours the bus manufacturer   million nationals of other EU  Pro-EU  opposition  politi-
            Alexander Dennis in Guildford, England, Wednesday Aug. 23,                                                          and  stone.  An  alarm  sys-
            2017. The Dennis company has announced 44 million pounds   countries reside in Britain.  cians and business leaders   tem went off in time to al-
            (48  million  euro)  backing  from  the  UK  government  to  secure   When Britain leaves the EU  said  the  decline  in  migra-  low  for  the  evacuation  of
            overseas orders, including an order for a fleet of buses bound   in  March  2019,  it  will  have  tion  was  an  early-warning   about  100  residents  in  the
            for Mexico.                                               the power to set restrictions  sign,  and  Britain  would   village  of  Bondo,  130  kilo-
                                             (Jack Taylor / Pool via AP)  on the movement of peo-  face a shortage of workers   meters  (80  miles)  north  of
            By JILL LAWLESS              and sparking a “Brexodus.”   ple  from  the  EU,  leaving  if it severely restricted immi-  Milan.
            Associated Press             The statistics office said net   many EU citizens uncertain  gration after Brexit.     The    slide   Wednesday
            LONDON (AP) — Net migra-     migration — the difference   about  their  future  rights  in  Matthew Percival, head of   morning  sent  about  4  mil-
            tion to Britain has fallen to  between  arrivals  and  de-  Britain.                   employment  at  the  Con-    lion cubic meters (140 mil-
            a three-year low as a grow-  partures  —  was  246,000  in   Nicola White, head of inter-  federation of British Industry   lion  cubic  feet)  of  rocks
            ing  number  of  European  the year to March 31, a fall   national  migration  figures  said  the  loss  of  “vital  skills”   and  mud  crashing  down
            Union  citizens  have  left  of 81,000 on a year earlier.   at  the  U.K.  statistics  office,  should  concern  everyone   the  mountain,  causing  an
            the  country  following  last  More than half the change   said  the  figures  “indicate  in Britain.               impact  equivalent  to  3.0
            year’s Brexit referendum.    was  due  to  a  decline  of   that  the  EU  referendum  But  Prime  Minister  The-   on  the  Richter  scale,  se-
            Data released Thursday by  51,000 people in net migra-    result  may  be  influencing  resa  May’s  Conservative   nior  police  official  Andrea
            the Office for National Sta-  tion from the EU.           people’s  decision  to  mi-  government,  which  has  a   Mittner said.
            tistics  provides  evidence  A  total  of  122,000  EU  citi-  grate  into  and  out  of  the  longstanding  and  unmet   Police  in  Graubuenden
            that  the  uncertainty  and  zens left Britain in the year   U.K.,  particularly  EU  and  pledge  to  cut  net  immi-  canton  (state)  said  Thurs-
            economic jitters caused by  to  March,  up  31,000  from   EU8 citizens.”              gration  below  100,000  a   day that they haven’t been
            Britain’s vote to quit the EU  the  year  before  and  the   “It  is  too  early  to  tell  if  this  year, said the figures were   able to reach eight people
            are  deterring  immigrants  highest outflow in nearly a   is  an  indication  of  a  long-  “encouraging.”q         who may have been in the
                                                                                                                                Bondasca  valley  at  the
                Macron optimistic on accord on ‘posted workers’                                                                 time of the slide — citizens
                                                                                                                                of  Germany,  Austria  and
                                                                                                                                Switzerland,  none  of  them
            ALISON MUTLER                                                                          of  the  most  common  ex-   children.
            Associated Press                                                                       amples of posted workers.    Mittner described the miss-
            BUCHAREST,  Romania  (AP)                                                              New  rules  must  be  drawn   ing people as “Alpinists and
            —  French  President  Em-                                                              up to better protect French   walkers.”  He  said  a  Swiss
            manuel Macron said Thurs-                                                              workers  from  unfair  com-  army  helicopter  searched
            day  he  is  “convinced”                                                               petition, he said.           the valley during the night,
            European  Union  member                                                                Posted  workers  account     but found nothing.
            states will reach an agree-                                                            for  about  1  percent  of   On  Thursday,  workers  be-
            ment  by  the  end  of  the                                                            the  EU’s  total  workforce,   gan  searching  with  dogs
            year  on  over  so-called                                                              but they are perceived as    but didn’t immediately find
            “posted workers” — cheap                                                               pricing  out  local  workers   anyone.
            labor  from  Eastern  Europe                                                           in Western Europe, putting   A   helicopter   equipped
            posted    temporarily   to                                                             downward  pressure  on       with a device that can lo-
            more prosperous European                                                               wages  and  exacerbating     cate  cellphones  also  was
            countries.                                                                             inequalities in wealth.      being sent up. Around 120
            Macron, who is in Romania    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and his wife Carmen wel-  Last  year,  the  European   people  were  involved  in
            for the second leg of his trip   come  French  President  Emmanuel  Macron,  second  left,  and   Commission proposed new   the  operation  —  police,
            to Central Europe, praised   wife Brigitte, left, in Bucharest, Romania, Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017.   rules  to  regulate  pay  for   firefighters, troops and oth-
            Romania’s will to “work to-  Macron is on a three-day tour of central and eastern Europe.   posted  and  local  workers,   ers.
            gether” with France on the                                    (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)  but the proposals were op-   “These  people  may  have
            issue after talks with Roma-  than  in  Western  countries   salaries  and  limit  postings   posed  by  member  states   been in the disaster area at
            nia’s president.             where  welfare  costs  are   abroad to up to one year.    in  central  and  eastern  Eu-  the time of the event,” he
            “Posted    workers”   from   higher.  The  majority  work   “It’s  not  about  banning   rope.  Romanian  President   told reporters in the nearby
            Eastern  European  nations   in  construction,  but  many   Romanian  road  transport   Klaus Iohannis said that EU   town of Stampa. “We hope
            including Romania and Po-    also work as welders, elec-  companies  from  working     rules  needed  to  be  clear-  this was not the case, but it
            land  continue  to  pay  into   tricians or carers for the el-  everywhere  in  Europe,”   er. “Nobody wants to cre-  is possible that they had an
            the  tax  and  social  secu-  derly.                      Macron  said,  referring  to   ate  favorable  conditions   accident.”
            rity  systems  of  their  home   Macron  wants  to  require   Romanian truck drivers of-  for some and unfavorable   “We don’t know where ex-
            countries,  allowing  em-    companies  to  pay  posted   ten hired by Western Euro-   conditions  for  others,”  he   actly they are missing,” he
            ployers to hire them for less   and local workers the same   pean  companies  —  one   said.q                       added.q
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