P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Friday 25 august 2017

            Charleston hostage situation ends as gunman shot                                                                    Man hit by police
                                                                                                                                pleads not guilty
            By RUSS BYNUM                                                                                                       to resisting arrest
            Associated Press
            CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A                                                                                           By DAKE KANG
            fired  dishwasher  shot  and                                                                                        Associated Press
            killed  a  chef  and  held  a                                                                                       EUCLID,  Ohio  (AP)  —  A
            person  hostage  for  about                                                                                         black  man  seen  in  a
            three hours before he was                                                                                           cellphone   video   being
            shot by police at a crowd-                                                                                          punched more than a doz-
            ed  restaurant  in  a  tourist-                                                                                     en times by a white police
            heavy  area  of  downtown                                                                                           officer  after  a  traffic  stop
            Charleston  on  Thursday,                                                                                           outside  Cleveland  plead-
            authorities  and  one  of  the                                                                                      ed not guilty to resisting ar-
            restaurant’s owners said.                                                                                           rest Thursday.
            The  hostage  was  freed                                                                                            Richard  Hubbard  III,  25,
            with  no  injuries,  Mayor                                                                                          entered the plea in Euclid,
            John    Tecklenburg   said.                                                                                         where  he  was  stopped
            The  shooting  took  place                                                                                          Aug. 12 by Officer Michael
            at  Virginia’s  restaurant  on                                                                                      Amiott  for  a  suspended
            the  usually  crowded  King                                                                                         license.  He  was  wearing
            Street, a  line  of  shops  and                                                                                     a  gray  suit  and  blue-and-
            nice  dining  that  caters  to                                                                                      white  neck  brace  when
            both  tourists  and  residents                                                                                      he appeared in court with
            in  South  Carolina’s  largest                                                                                      friends and family.
            and most historic city.                                                                                             Hubbard’s  attorney  asked
            Tecklenburg  quickly  said                                                                                          a  Municipal  Court  judge
            the  shooting  was  “the  act   A Charleston, S.C, police officer escorts Kathleen Dayton, left, and her mother Maria Vereen, from   to dismiss the charges dur-
                                         James Island, S.C., down King Street away from the restaurant Virginia’s after a hostage situation
            of a disgruntled employee”   was over in front of the restaurant Virginia’s on King in Charleston, S.C., Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017.   ing the hearing. The judge
            and  not  a  terrorist  attack   A disgruntled employee shot a gun in the restaurant and a hostage situation happened after   did not immediately rule so
            or  a  hate  crime  in  a  city   the shooting. Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg says the hostage situation has ended with the   prosecutors  could  have  a
            where  nine  black  church   gunman being shot by police.                                                           chance to reply.
            members  were  killed  by  a                                                                   (AP Photo/Mic Smith)  In his first public comments
            white man two years ago.     Peter  Siegert,  73,  and  his  on  the  floor  and  move  to  man  who  was  shot  and  a   made after his arrest, Hub-
            “This  was  a  tragic  case  of  son  Peter  Siegert  IV,  45,  the  back  of  the  restau-  number of diners out safely,   bard said he did not resist
            a  disturbed  individual,  I  were  quoted  by  The  Post  rant. The Siegerts said they  interim  Charleston  Police   when  Amiott  ordered  him
            think, with a history of some  and  Courier  of  Charles-  escaped  out  a  back  door  Chief Jerome Taylor said.   to  “face  away,”  which  a
            mental health challenges,”  ton  as  saying  that  just  af-  and didn’t know how many  The site is a few blocks away   police dashcam video ap-
            Tecklenburg said at a news  ter  several  waitresses  and  people were left behind.    from Emanuel AME church,     pears  to  confirm.  The  vid-
            conference.                  kitchen workers walked out  One  of  the  restaurant’s  where nine black members       eo  shows  Amiott  wrestling
            Authorities  did  not  release  the  door  without  saying  a  owners,  John  Aquino,  told  of a church were killed by   Hubbard  to  the  ground
            the names of the gunman  word,  a  man  in  an  apron  WCSC-TV that a dishwasher  a white man during a June         within  seconds  of  order-
            or  the  employee  he  killed.  with  a  gun  came  out  of  who had been fired came  2015  Bible  study.  Dylann   ing  him  to  “face  away”
            They  initially  said  they  be-  the kitchen and locked the  back to the restaurant and  Roof  was  sentenced  to   after Hubbard steps out of
            lieved  there  were  “a  cou-  front door.                shot a chef to get revenge.  death in the case.           the  car.  “It  all  happened
            ple” or a “small number” of  “’I  am  the  new  king  of  The restaurant was packed  It is also just several blocks   so fast, it was a blur, but I
            hostages.                    Charleston,’”  the  Siegerts  with  a  lunchtime  crowd  from where more than 100      know  I  did  not  touch  the
            The shooting was reported  quoted the man as saying.      and  the  first  officers  to  ar-  cruise ships dock in Charles-  officer,” Hubbard said. “He
            shortly after noon Thursday.  The man told diners to get  rive  were  able  to  get  the  ton each year.q           had me pinned, I couldn’t
                                                                                                                                move. The only thing I did
            Detroit:                                                                                                            was  hold  my  hands  up  to
                                                                                                                                deflect the punches.”
            Man exonerated after 25 years seeks millions                                                                        The    cellphone     video
                                                                                                                                viewed  more  than  7  mil-
                                                                                                                                lion times on Facebook has
            By ED WHITE                  lets  taken  from  the  victim  day. “I can’t picture how a  Bennett,  outside  a  restau-  sparked  outrage  across
            Associated Press             and  still  in  police  storage  police officer who is sworn  rant, but he insisted he had   the country. It shows Amiott
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  A  Detroit  showed they didn’t match  to  uphold  the  law  and  be  no role.                     punching  Hubbard  more
            man who served 25 years in  a  gun  that  was  presented  objective could go to sleep  Police  arrested  him  a  few   than  a  dozen  times  and
            prison for murder based on  as  the  murder  weapon.  at night.”                       days later and seized a gun   hitting  his  head  on  pave-
            sham evidence has filed a  Prosecutors agreed to drop  The  lawsuit,  filed  Wednes-   that belonged to his moth-   ment  several  times.  Some
            lawsuit  seeking  more  than  the case.                   day  in  U.S.  District  Court,  er.                      of the punches came after
            $100  million,  saying  police  They  also  said  the  statute  names  the  city  of  Detroit  He  was  subsequently  con-  it appeared that Hubbard
            deliberately framed him by  of  limitations  barred  them  and  two  retired  officers  victed  of  second-degree   had  spread  his  arms  out
            switching  bullets  to  win  a  from  investigating  officers  as  defendants.  Ricks’  two  murder — and spent half of   while lying on his stomach.
            conviction.                  involved in Ricks’ arrest.   daughters are also plaintiffs  his life in prison.        Euclid  police  initially  said
            Desmond Ricks, 51, was re-   “Since  the  officers  cannot  in the case.               “It’s hell,” Ricks said. “It’s not   Hubbard refused to follow
            leased  from  prison  in  May  be  put  in  prison,  this  is  the  The Associated Press left a  a good place. It’s the most   orders and resisted.
            after  new  tests  supported  only way to begin to right a  phone message and email  abnormal        environment    Hubbard’s  girlfriend,  Yoli-
            his  remarkable  claim:  De-  horrific misconduct and the  Thursday seeking comment  ever created on Earth.”        mar  Tirado,  was  arrested
            troit  police  intentionally  harm to our criminal justice  about the lawsuit from the  The  case  was  reopened    with Hubbard and pled not
            pinned  him  with  a  homi-  system,”  Ricks’  attorney,  Detroit law department.      at the request of the Inno-  guilty  to  charges  of  disor-
            cide in 1992.                Wolfgang Mueller, said.      Ricks  witnessed  the  fatal  cence Clinic at University of   derly conduct and resisting
            An  analysis  of  two  bul-  “It’s  evil,”  he  added  Thurs-  shooting  of  a  friend,  Gerry  Michigan law school. q  arrest. q
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