Page 31 - Bon dia 3 Sept 2020
P. 31
sports Diahuebs 3 september 2020
Pirates to wear No. 21 on Sept. 9 to honor Roberto Clemente
PITTSBURGH (AP) — doing things, there’s always
Roberto Clemente’s legacy a 21 around. I just think it’s
in Pittsburgh and his native an extremely important thing
Puerto Rico is secure. The not only to honor Roberto
club the Hall of Fame out- the player but Roberto the
fielder spent two decades humanitarian and the per-
playing for is trying to ensure son, and I think we never
that legacy — both on and off lose sight of how those things
the field — is acknowledged work together.”
regularly by the masses. The plan is limited to this
The team announced Tues- season for now, but the Pi-
day that all players and coach- rates and the Clementes hope
es will wear Clemente’s No. to make it a regular occur-
21 when the Pirates host the rence.
Chicago White Sox on Sept. “Our hopes as an organiza-
9. It’s a move Clemente’s tion are that this is something
family and the organization that we’ll do every year,”
hope is a step toward having Shelton said. “I would like to
Major League Baseball re- continue to do it. I don’t see
tire his number as it did with any reason why we shouldn’t
Jackie Robinson’s No. 47 be able to honor Roberto on
in 1997, a half-century after Roberto Clemente Day.”
Robinson broke MLB’s color Roberto Clemente Jr. said the
barrier. family has spoken to MLB
“I feel that this is just the be- about different ways to honor
ginning,” said Luis Clemente, Clemente, with celebrating
the second of Clemente’s his number annually just one
three sons. “That’s why it’s of them.
so important. It’s so exciting He pointed out a couple of
that it happened, that it was key years that are approach-
approved. It is a platform to ing: Next season is 2021, and
continue to grow on it. So 2022 marks the 50th anniver-
we’re very happy and thank- the White Sox. and that we all are. As a Puer- Nutting and president Travis sary of Clemente’s passing.
ful to MLB also for this.” The importance of slipping a to Rican, it’s a little bit more Williams about having a one- “It’s not just retiring (the
Clemente collected 3,000 No. 21 jersey over his shoul- special, obviously. day celebration, then con- number) for the sake of retir-
hits during his 18-year career ders isn’t lost on current Pi- To honor Roberto Clem- nected with the Clemente ing it,” Clemente Jr. said. “It
while helping the Pirates win rates third base coach Joey ente, not only the player but family in hopes of building is the right thing to do, but it
a pair of World Series titles. Cora, a Puerto Rico native the person, it’s a huge, huge momentum. should be done in such a way
He died in a plane crash on and former major leaguer. honor.” “I think that it says some- that it becomes more presti-
Dec. 31, 1972, at age 38 while “I’m getting goosebumps While the drumbeat for find- thing that the last time it was gious with that action.
attempting to bring humani- right now,” Cora said. “Wear- ing a way to honor Clemente worn was in 1972 and it’s still We have some ideas that we
tarian aid to earthquake vic- ing No. 21, as a Puerto Rican, annually has been growing probably the jersey that you will be sharing. In the mean-
tims in Nicaragua. as a Pirate, it means a lot. It’s for years, it received a loud see the most, it’s the number time, I think this program
The team retired Clemente’s a responsibility on that one, advocate when the Pirates that you see the most,” Shel- just got started. It’s mov-
number before the start of but hopefully I can wear it hired manager Derek Shel- ton said. ing in the right direction. At
the 1973 season. That streak and make him proud with ton last fall. “And you know, when people least the conversations are
will end next week against the fact that I’m wearing it He approached owner Bob are out walking their dogs or beginning.”q
Michael Jordan gets stake in DraftKings for advisory role
By MATT OTT cluding governors, are per- determine outcomes of vari-
AP Business Writer mitted to have involvement ous bets.
SILVER SPRING, Md. with sports betting and fan- That differs from the way
(AP) — DraftKings had a tasy sports businesses, sub- Golden Nugget casinos,
big bounce on Wall Street ject to safeguards required owned by Houston Rock-
Wednesday on news that under league rules to prevent ets owner Tilman Fertitta,
basketball legend Michael actual or perceived conflicts are permitted to handle
Jordan is taking an owner- of interest,” an NBA spokes- games involving his NBA
ship stake in the sports bet- person said Wednesday. club. Golden Nugget sports
ting site. Jordan’s interest in DraftK- books in Nevada, New Jer-
Jordan is getting stock in ings is not expected to affect sey and Mississippi can ac-
DraftKings in exchange for the Hornets’ presence on cept NBA wagers, but can-
providing “guidance and the site. The NBA agreed to not for games involving the
strategic advice” to the Bos- a multiyear deal about a year Rockets.
ton-based company’s board ago to make DraftKings an Jordan has made no secret
of directors, the company official sports-betting opera- of his affinity for gambling, In this Jan. 24, 2020 file photo, former basketball superstar
said. DraftKings did not re- tor. whether playing blackjack Michael Jordan speaks during a news conference ahead
lease details on the size of The NBA has several similar in casinos or making bets of NBA basketball game between Charlotte Hornets and
Jordan’s stake. arrangements, including one during a round of golf. As a
Shares of DraftKings Inc., with DraftKings’ longtime player for the Chicago Bulls, Milwaukee Bucks in Paris.
which went public in April, daily fantasy sports rival Fan- he famously went to Atlan- Associated Press
ended up 8% on Wednesday. Duel. The league also struck tic City in between games earlier this year by ESPN to the board of directors on
Jordan is the majority own- a first-of-its-kind deal with of the 1993 Eastern Confer- and Netflix. Jordan also said company strategy, product
er of the NBA’s Charlotte MGM Resorts International ence finals against the New he never bet on NBA games. development, inclusion, eq-
Hornets and the deal has the in 2018 to be compensated York Knicks, revealing de- DraftKings said Jordan uity and belonging, market-
league’s approval. for providing official data tails of the trip in “The Last would immediately “provide ing activities and other key
“NBA team investors, in- as a way for those casinos to Dance” docuseries released strategic and creative input initiatives.”q